Posted 11 May 2013 - 01:49 AM
As you cannot pick what map you are playing on you have a 75% chance that you will be picking something that will make you a prime target and a sitting duck to your enemy by making you stand out extremely bad against the background.
Effective camouflage requires adherence to 'The Five S' of Camouflage.' These are shape, shadow, shine, silhouette, spacing.
Shape and silhouette cannot be broken up as the camouflage prints available are poorly designed, in fact they tend to make your shape even more mech like and blocky. The distribution of lights and darks and mid tones are varied to break up that shape in real world application of camo, in the game the artists have applied the camouflage tones randomly in a manner that makes it 'look good' but not look correct and help hide your shape.
Shadow cannot be helped unless you pay attention, this is something that is more up to you, as is spacing.
Shine is out of your control and has been rigged against you by the developers. As you cannot run the client in full screen and the only view you have of the paint you are applying is completely incorrect compared to how your mech will look in game you have NO idea what you are spending your hard earned cash on! Your black may in fact be bright white when the light catches off it, or a deep blue clashing with all your other colors.
In fact the color implementation is so poorly thought out you are pretty much guaranteed buyers remorse no matter what color you buy unless it's the right most two of the camo grey, tan and brown (the darkest colors are horrible as they amplify your shape and silhouette, avoid dark colors at all costs especially black (there is NO black in nature really so it stands out hardcore)).
So before you waste your hard earned cash please, please, please be aware of these things as the developers have made no effort to be transparent with any of these elements. They won't fix it so you can view your mech third person in the testing grounds, or make your client full screen, or be able to zoom out when panning around in the hard point clicking mode where you equip your mech, or ANY other easy to make way we can use to view our mechs paint job.
They also refuse to use the decal system by which we could be making and sharing amazing custom paint jobs like in the Forza marketplace for car gamers. As a top hundred artist from that game franchise I would love to design amazing artwork and give it away and share it with you guys, but the developers have no interest in implementing anything unless they can cash in on it for real money. And let's face it, when they're charging $6 for a virtual camoflage pattern you know they'll charge a lot for decals and they will be heavily controlled decals not player made.
If you want these things to change, you're going to have to be proactive and start sharing your view and disdain about it on threads such as these. Warn your fellow gamers! You are the gaming community, if Tron taught us anything it's that users have supreme power and our kung-fu is strong. Don't whine like a ***** though (and no, that's not what I'm trying to do) but instead empower your fellow gamer and show the developers that we won't settle for them hijacking our beloved franchise and turning it into some half baked quick cash grab for their johnny come lately company. BattleTech has been around for decades and is a huge part of our lives as nerds, they're just our new slave masters, we'll be here when they go just as we were here when they came.
We HAVE to stand together and force their hand on this and MAKE them treat this franchise fairly, STOP them from being greedy gluttons cashing in on everything, and IMPLORE them to open up decals to players and artists such as myself so we can give you REALISTIC camouflage, GREAT designs, AMAZING decals and graphics, and even custom art jobs like bonnet art and the likes I've contributed to Forza that have actually won art prizes around the world and been enlarged (it's all vector art so it scales flawlessly) and printed on huge canvases in some locations (with my permission of course) I'm talking making amazing art with a resizable transparency adaptable circle and square and a bunch of color hues.
Mind you if they keep being tight about colors any art will be EXTREMELY limited. But email them, post in the forums, let them know that you want to see what you're buying, you want it to be fairly priced, and you want the artists who want to give you mad robots to be allowed to paint away and make you decals. Make sure they know that you will stand by your fellow consumer and not just take it in the arse like game developers expect us more vapid fans to do because we're blinded by the excitement of OMGROBOTS.
So, admins; I appreciate your sale, but if we can't see what we're buying and what we buy isn't applicable to other mechs (ie: I paid 1,200 MC instead of 120 for a camo expecting to be able to put it on my two mechs, NOPE! What point is there in buying the 1,200? None! There's NO BENEFIT, so I threw away $5 right in the bin, or rather I was robbed of it by conartists.) stop being unconscionable. I know you're in the US and you have no consumer protection laws over there but the simple way you sell colors and camo and mechs would be considered unconscionable business practices here in Australia under the trading practices act, in fact it very well still may be against the law as anyone dealing with Australian citizens by international trade treaty between our nations waives all jurisdiction to the side of the consumer (ie: Australia) and that law trumps any contract we agree to or sign, so you very well may be opening yourself up to class action law suits if you **** us around too hard.
I don't want it to come to that mind you, I'm just hoping the potential seriousness of being dodgy mofos like those guys at The War Z or the recent furphy with SimCity taught us to watch out for, and that you'll be fair.