Ui 2.0 - Social Discussion - Feedback
Posted 06 June 2013 - 12:04 AM
Grouping needs an overhaul, too. Those "informational" status windows that are blocking interactions to
all menues until accknowledged are more a burden than a help.
1) why do i have to create a group first?
2) why do i have to click a status window telling me that i did so?
3) Creating a group should be more simple and intuitive. right click on contakt, invite to group. ready.
For Contacts that are not on friendlist there should be a accessible field, too.
Overall creating a group needs to be much easier; status windows must not block the whole client until acc.
Posted 06 June 2013 - 09:52 AM

Posted 06 June 2013 - 09:57 AM
Posted 06 June 2013 - 10:32 AM
Khanahar, on 06 June 2013 - 09:57 AM, said:
I understand that you need to work for 4:3 resolutions, and don't want to design two seperate UI's, but would it really be so much work to have the friends list/social window permenantly open on the right or left side for widescreen resolutions, to use that otherwise unused space?
So, people with 4:3 do have to click to open the friends list, but for widescreen folks it's an always-open sidebar? The remainder of the UI would remain exactly the same (though of course aligned to a screen edge in widescreen mode, instead of centered). This allows you to utilize that screen space without having to maintain two totally separate UI's.
Those big black bars look pretty bad, given the amount of information being presented. Screen space is at such a premium, and so much is wasted.
Posted 06 June 2013 - 10:35 PM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:59 PM
1) Friends/group list always on screen (complete with available, in group, in game, afk, etc alert indicators). Make it easy for players to play with others.
2) notification sound when a friend sends you a message, much more noticeable visual indication of a message waiting to be read (think cell phone notification bubbles would be good for this). Make it easier for players to communicate with others.
3) ability to send messages to players who are in-game or offline, and ability for players in game to see and respond to these messages.
4) Messages should be logged in some form so that the messages persist through game/lobby/launcher/logins. So if you don't see them in game, you can see them in the lobby. If you miss them there as well, you can see them the next time you log in, etc.
5) a default "lobby" and "room" system for players to associate in, recruit, and meet new people.
6) ability to create custom, private rooms (permanent option for clans/guilds would be nice) (see irc)
7) broadcast ability (for CW system) to announce where your faction needs help.
8) Ability to view some information from friends profiles (stats, achievements, recent campaigns, etc) to create friendly competition.
9) clan/guild/faction group support commands (invite/remove/etc) - typing commands would be much faster than the current 4 click system we currently have. Cut down on the clicks and make it more convenient. An always on screen friends/group list would help cut this to 2 clicks. Entire interface should have the required clicks to complete any action reduced.
10) Players should be able to create profiles/Bios that include custom avatars, forum profile, game statistics, optional external website addresses, and promote external game connections (twitter, facebook, etc).
Posted 13 July 2013 - 10:28 PM

It has been said a couple times, but needs to be re-stated for emphasis.
Do not link the game in anyway to Crapbook, TWIT-ter, or any other 'social' media. Ever.
Posted 15 July 2013 - 12:19 PM
Posted 24 July 2013 - 09:30 AM
Eve-Online has a robust interstellar type communication system. Send message to anyone from anywhere, anytime. Mechs stationed in their Company HQ or deployed on a planet with a Dropship in orbit would have the same ability.
Chat tabs either blink when something is posted to them and make sounds, so you know it, or they are completely useless; Star Trek Online is so chat useless because you never know when someone posts something in a chat that is not in the forefront.
Being able to request a private chat with anyone from anywhere is also a must, like eve-online, a chat request pops up, you can answer or decline or ignore, or accept it and it gets integrated right into a new chat window.
Guild Functions? Screw that, this is MWO. Your Company HeadQuarters should be awesome! Mech bays and base perimeter you can walk around in your mech to 'defend the base' Have your team walk onto the drop ship to deploy on a contract, a combat training simulator we can use to train members; it should be home! Star Trek online gave us a Fleet Starbase - but no one goes there to do anything except get stuff from the fleet store, otherwise, the whole construct is completely useless filled with useless decorations.
MWO is going to be cool right? Some dirty merc co is going to attack our HQ and we get to defend it, right? We buy some artillery, we get to use it, buy some Aerotech fighters for air strikes, etc. Give us a map editor - we can design our own HQ and perimeter - AWESOME!!!
Horrible chats not to copy? SWTOR, WOT - all painfully useless.
And though this is not an MMO, do your best to get us involved in what is going on. Have a fight set at 8pm - ***** better be at the muster point for blast off, or you miss it. Not just some lame, get in group quick **** so we can click a button for the magic teleportation across the galaxy crap 8-)
Moving and deploying as a unit, in real time, has to become a part of the game, or this just becomes another WoT in robots.
Edited by Relaed, 24 July 2013 - 09:43 AM.
Posted 26 July 2013 - 04:37 AM
Khanahar, on 10 May 2013 - 10:23 AM, said:
This reminds me of the command console, and a use for it in mentoring, being able to assign a person ride with you in your mech. Not only excellent for tactical lead of a group, perfect for riding with newbies instructing them on their piloting over voice comms.
Similar to training RL fighter pilots... excellent tool.
Posted 26 July 2013 - 06:55 AM
Either from a Guildmaster PoV or better yet another player PoV.
A lot of games allow you to add notes to your friend lists about the friends in the list. A short note, nothing long - even 10 - 50 Characters would be nice. 255 would be great.
This could be stored locally on the client machine or passed back to the server.
But to be able to track things like:
- Kill on SIGHT (KOS) - yes all enemy are KOS, but people you really dislike you want to focus on. Maybe this guy got the best of you last time and rubbed it in - so you want revenge (bounty system would help here).
- times they play
- ability (good player/ bad shot)
- Loud mouth
Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:09 AM
Now my question is this appears to be for setting up your own group and then doing a drop. How will drop limits work when someone drops individually will the system just figure that out or will we drop into a pre-drop lobby that looks similiar to this so changes can be made? I'm hoping on the later because I fear if the system does it some folks piloting Atlases will be waiting awhile to get a drop just as in World of Warcraft the DPS classes could be waiting forever for random groups while a tank or healer would get in instantly.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 05:52 PM

Is there a faction channel added? Obviously the faction channel should be general channel. If there is one.
Not much to say here because everything looks great.
Will it be easy to get into a premade group as mentioned in the 1pv only premade 12 v 12 matches topic? Asking as a casual player that likes free drops.
Edited by Johnny Z, 28 August 2013 - 06:20 PM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:04 PM
Edited by Johnny Z, 28 August 2013 - 06:11 PM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:29 PM
Bryan Ekman, on 06 June 2013 - 09:52 AM, said:

Faction Dropship Hangar
This screen looks like a premade group screen, which wont be easy to make for 12 mech groups (likely near impossible).
A new topic for me but it seems like the left window should be able to scroll to allow the available groups needing mechs to be seen.
The idea is for a 'drop in match' set up where someone makes a group to drop on a certain map, and for a certain faction, allowing for anyone to join, friends could be contacted first to allow for them to join first and a lock on random players ability to join.
Also it would be nice if this screen had the factions that will be fighting and also a picture of the rotating planet, representing the map, with small description (the map itself would be a spoiler). This could go on the top right since that ui looks to large. And also this might need to change differently than others.
This way everything is set before the group is filled to make for a quick start of the match.
Mercs and lone wolves could visit the different faction dropship hangars to hire on. or have a hangar of their own but the available groups list might be to much.
I am sure the guys have all these things worked out, but thought I would add some idle commentary

Edited by Johnny Z, 29 August 2013 - 08:57 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:40 PM
Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:40 AM
Johnny Z, on 28 August 2013 - 06:29 PM, said:
This is a new topic for me but it seems like the left window should be able to scroll to allow the available groups needing mechs to be seen.
That's a mock-up I believe. Apparently they have it in testing now, so we may see it on the test servers soon.
Posted 29 August 2013 - 08:38 PM
Relaed, on 24 July 2013 - 09:30 AM, said:
Eve-Online has a robust interstellar type communication system. Send message to anyone from anywhere, anytime. Mechs stationed in their Company HQ or deployed on a planet with a Dropship in orbit would have the same ability.
Chat tabs either blink when something is posted to them and make sounds, so you know it, or they are completely useless; Star Trek Online is so chat useless because you never know when someone posts something in a chat that is not in the forefront.
Being able to request a private chat with anyone from anywhere is also a must, like eve-online, a chat request pops up, you can answer or decline or ignore, or accept it and it gets integrated right into a new chat window.
Guild Functions? Screw that, this is MWO. Your Company HeadQuarters should be awesome! Mech bays and base perimeter you can walk around in your mech to 'defend the base' Have your team walk onto the drop ship to deploy on a contract, a combat training simulator we can use to train members; it should be home! Star Trek online gave us a Fleet Starbase - but no one goes there to do anything except get stuff from the fleet store, otherwise, the whole construct is completely useless filled with useless decorations.
MWO is going to be cool right? Some dirty merc co is going to attack our HQ and we get to defend it, right? We buy some artillery, we get to use it, buy some Aerotech fighters for air strikes, etc. Give us a map editor - we can design our own HQ and perimeter - AWESOME!!!
Horrible chats not to copy? SWTOR, WOT - all painfully useless.
And though this is not an MMO, do your best to get us involved in what is going on. Have a fight set at 8pm - ***** better be at the muster point for blast off, or you miss it. Not just some lame, get in group quick **** so we can click a button for the magic teleportation across the galaxy {Scrap} 8-)
Moving and deploying as a unit, in real time, has to become a part of the game, or this just becomes another WoT in robots.
The guild starbases for star trek online completely fragmented the player base. The idea is a mistake.
Make faction bases defensible and cool.
Set times for matches also a mistake. Unless it was everyday in the evening or something.
Transporting as a group, also a mistake because everyone is on different schedules and may not have time to wait around or maybe just wants to chill in the downtime area (quarters,mechbay,nightclub on station, spectate on Solaris?) then head out to battle.
If the chat is like that on eve at the moment then it completely misses any realism or depth.
swtor has mail boxes to simulate some kind of excitement about getting or sending mail.
mw should have personal computers in the pilot's quarters for this and more. Pc's are a great idea, why no one has made them is beyond me. (there is a joke there.)
If star trek has difficult to see chat it is to minimize greifing. Something to think about.
Edited by Johnny Z, 30 August 2013 - 02:59 PM.
Posted 29 August 2013 - 08:47 PM
for example there are 1pv lovers and 3pv noobs and I want to discriminate on the 3pv kids.
Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:59 AM
1 vs 1
2 vs 2
4 vs 4
... etc ... create a pre drop room where we assign friends to team and set drop criteria.
Edited by ShadowSpirit, 03 September 2013 - 09:00 AM.
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