From the nearby trees I watched, from my concealed position under the brush; witness along with the rest of my scout patrol to the last great stand of the Skjaldborg mercenary presence here on Trondheim. Our people may have an inherent dislike for mercenaries in the Free Rasalhague Republic, but I cannot help but feel both a great deal of respect and gratitude for this mercenary unit, their actions speak for them.
Valiantly, they marched toward the line of enemy ‘Mechs, perhaps 50 in all, waiting for them at the edge of the field. The Skjaldborg, from what I could see had merely 13 ‘Mechs, were hopelessly outgunned. Yet on they marched, not even slowing down, not wavering in their suicidal resolve. I imagined these warriors drinking in Valhalla tonight with their brothers, and their ancestors, and I wondered whether these mercenaries imagined the same fate.
They stopped about 250 meters from the Clan line, there was a pause during which I assumed they had issued a challenge to the Clan ‘Mechs that stood there, ominously. Though knowing these mercenaries it was probably thickly veined with insult and humour.
Suddenly one ‘Mech from the Skjaldborg line advanced, a Hunchback, and the Clans answered the challenge with a 'Ferris'. The battle was fierce, but over quickly - with a slightly damaged Hunchback surviving the encounter - as the entire Skjaldborg line had unloaded upon the unsuspecting 'Ferris'. The Clanners hesitated, seemingly taken aback by this action - but in all honesty, after all this time could they really expect no less? Were they expecting them to duel? I could not help but smile. In that short hesitation the Skjaldborg poured on the firepower and three more clanner ‘Mechs fell to concentrated fire; a 'Koshi', a 'Kodiak', and a 'Thor'. Though the Skjadborg seemed to unleash a rain of fire from a force ten times its size, the Bear's quickly regained their bearings and opened fire in unison on the ‘Borg ‘Mech’s. The 'Borg continued to pour on the fire, but hardly a few minutes passed before the last 'Borg Mech was left a smoking husk. To add insult to injury, the Bears reduced each Mech to nothing more then a pile of slag, entombing the soldiers who had given away their lives - perhaps vainly - for their home planet. Grim grave markers for an even grimmer event. I took solace in the fact that several of the Clan ‘Mechs looked severely damaged.
The Bears soon continued their hunt, our Militia the next targets of their brutality. This time they did not hesitate, killing every signal patrol and unit to the man. When the main force finally caught up to us, the battle was swift. Though we had numbers we were caught flat-footed, their main force hitting our rear while their lights - who killed our flank-scouts and took up firing positions on a low ridge - divided our attention, sealing our fate. My patrol was a part of the advanced scouting party, and before we could return to assist it was already all over.
Even now, we are hunted; the Ghost Bears relentless in their pursuit of every last militia unit. We managed to skirt back to Misby Flats, where we can hide - at least for a while - in the vast hidden underground networks in the city. I hope.
It is my wish that the report of the actions of these valiant warriors be transmitted to the rest of their mercenary company, and that these men be recognized as heroes by the Free Rasalhague Republic. And also, don't forget the militia; they fought just as hard, just as valiantly, though they knew they couldn't hope to survive in the end. They are truly an inspiration to us all.
Menig Finn Einarson
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 28 May 2013 - 07:56 PM.