NinetyProof, on 15 May 2013 - 02:32 PM, said:
Why? cause you just blanket don't like them? You make no case for this statement at all. You have not shown a single reason why either is imbalanced. And you can't, cause it's not live yet. So you don't know.
If you would like me to take a wack at putting forth a solid argument for why the whole ECM/PPC/TAG/Sensor module/BAP interaction is idiotic I will.
First off ECM when it was implimented was over featured when compared to other equipment.
1: Prevents lock on weapons from functioning while effected by ECM.Just wow what a feature I'm already sold it's AMS 2.0 where AMS uses the same tonnage and cit slots the ECM just turns locking weapons off 100% nullification why bother with shooting down a fraction of the missiles just prevent them from working at all.Also ECM does not require ammo that may explode double plus!
2: But wait there's more...ECM will prevent your mech from being detected by enemy sensors.ECM will reduce the effective range of enemy sensors to only 25% normal levels! Wow this is great,Better than AMS AND stealth...Oh wait it's even better than that,EVERYONE on you team that is within 180m of the ECM ALSO GETS SNEAKY MODE! super win eh?
3: But wait we ain't even done yet.ECM will prevent the functioning of Active probes NARC beacons TAG and Artemis systems.This is nice little bonus stacked on top of giant robot ninja mode and AMS 2.0!
4. Did you think we were done yet? Hells no we got more ECM is so bloated with features it out performs anything in it's class (even if there was anything else in it's class it's just that awesome)
ECM will also prevent your enemy from gaining the benifits of shared targeting data! now with 1.5 tons and 2 crits you will win the information warfare portion of MWo.No longer any need for scouts or spotters ECM turns them off yippie.
But wait there's more! ECM will even prevent the enemy from seeing friendlies on thier minimap sewing confusion and breaking up formations with ease.
5: Act now an we will throw in a bonus feature! Enemy ECM got you in a twist? Well now ECM can 100% nullify enemy ECM by switching to counter mode!
All of that for 400k C-bills 2 critical slots and 1.5 tons that's a whole lotta cheese stacked on one tiny peice of equipment.
I have now illistrated why I feel ECM was over featured when launched.I have outlined it's capabilities (they are considerable) and outlined the downside to using ECM (if you missed it you didn't there is no down side)
So now we have this ECM monster unleashed upon mechwarrior online.The forums ignite with debate and outright arguing about ECM features.
Devs decide something needs to reduce ECM potency.But do they directly address ECM? do they remove one or more of the bloated features off the pile of OPness ECM is?
No they don't.
The Devs add more features to other items to attempt to hammer the square peg of ECM into MWo's round little hole.
Even before we got to see ECM in beta play the Devs through internal testing determined ECM was too potent to allow every chassis access. So the Devs altered mechlab to suit ECM.Only specific chassis may make use of ECM.This pretty sounded the deathknell for several mech varients that lacked ECM access.
Now we see a bunch of features added to things that are distinctly not ECM...
TAG altered to mitigate the stealth abilities of ECM all the while ECM retains it's hard counter to TAG functionality.
TAG altered again to extend range to reduce the exposure to ECM that still hard counters TAG while TAG only mitigates one feature of ECM's many potent abilities.
Next we see the module system co-opted to try to tone down the ECM beast.Sensor range modules served to slightly reduce ECM's sensor jamming abilities.In the end this was a lot of Dev talk to get us what was it? 20% more of our 25% sensor range? or to be more clear 20 meters of anti giant robot ninja mode!
The overlooked portion of this ploy was it gated casual players who either lacked time/GXP or MC to purchase modules.This ECM mitigation was limited to players who either spent a lot of time or some cash.
Still ECM is an issue and yet still ECM has yet to see one single adjustment to any of it's own features.
Next we have PPC and ER-PPC alterations to attempt to bring ECM in line.We now see tons of PPCs yet let's be honest shooting at and hitting a target with ECM to nullify the ECM for a brief moment is a crap solution particularly since the ECM needs no line of sight to function so need not present a target at all to apply it's effects.Further more Stacking more ECM mitigates this countermeasure so it's really a trash solution.
All this development time spent addressing TAG,PPCs modules and the pages upon pages of forum postings on ECM how much time does ONE single item deserve? Why was ECM not directly addressed why were no features removed from ECM instead EVEN MORE features were coded into what seemed like everything but ECM to make ECM work.
And now we have even more features being applied to things that are distinctly not ECM in order to "fix" the ECM issue.
Think of it like this...
You are building a house and you have these really cool rubber nails.These nails won't ever rust they are totally the bomb.
Then you try to hammer one in...Boing! Boing! Boing! well this isn't working.
I need a bigger hammer!
Boing! Boing! Boing!
I need a bigger hammer AND softer wood!
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Hmm...Nail Grease I need nail grease a bigger hammer and softer wood!
Boing! Boing! Boing!
When will you admit that rubber nails was a bad idea?
P.S. Nail grease? is that even a thing?