Edited by miSs, 17 May 2013 - 02:18 PM.
removed quote (Note: question was already answered in a previous ATD)

Ask The Devs 38 - Answered!
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:13 PM
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:16 PM
Bryan Ekman, on 17 May 2013 - 12:00 PM, said:
A: Currently the SSRMs will randomly hit one of 8 bones on a Mech. The cluster of these bones is generally around the CT area. In addition to a large splash damage effect, and damage transfer – most of the damage is ending up on the CT, even though the missiles are actually hitting at different locations on the mech. It’s not actually a bug, rather a tuning fix to minimize splash damage. This tuning adjustment will go live in the first patch of June. Unfortunately, the fix was a tad late for the 21st patch.
Thomas said that SSRMs pick a random location (1/5) on a mech which they track towards. shoulders, thighs and center. (Unless the target bones are missing which might have been overlooked on some mechs but I have not seen this).
In game it looks like there are 5 lock-on points actually. A typo, or Bryan doesn't know how his own game works?
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:20 PM
Krzysztof z Bagien, on 17 May 2013 - 01:16 PM, said:
In game it looks like there are 5 lock-on points actually. A typo, or Bryan doesn't know how his own game works?
It sounds to me that it may be further revised...
Then again, this is the same source that spoke of the legendary 6MG Spider...
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:21 PM
Krzysztof z Bagien, on 17 May 2013 - 01:16 PM, said:
In game it looks like there are 5 lock-on points actually. A typo, or Bryan doesn't know how his own game works?
I really do not understand what they were thinking when they implemented this.
It feels like i has to be a bug, because it's so counter intuitive. And it's been that way for SO long.
But he's saying it's intended, and now being changed?
That's amazing to me.
Here is the change, Streaks can target arms, legs, ct, rt, lt, and head. Wherever you are aiming where you fire is where they go, with a chance to hit a different area due to movement.
They do 1.5 damage per missiles to wherever they hit. So 3 damage total.
Edited by Nicholas Carlyle, 17 May 2013 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:23 PM
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:24 PM
Thank you for clarification.
A: Yes. We’re getting close to feeling confident in the matchmaker, which is the sole reason for not allowing it currently.
Thank you.
A: Maybe.
Excellent. I will be waiting for it.
A: The rate of movement through space does not always match the rate of animation. It’s almost impossible to get right 100% time in a game’s real time engine simulation.
That's not true if you compute walking animation on client.
You could always "glue" mech feet to the ground to adjust animation.
P.S. Good round of answers today.
Edited by rgreat, 17 May 2013 - 02:00 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:31 PM
SHS are inferior to DHS by design and that is how it should be. What people complain about is the price of installing them.
The user needs to be able to control crosshair size, color, and transparency.
The ability to save loadouts should be considered a standard feature to have in UI 2.0.
Will mech #20 be the July mech, or are we just going to see artwork for it then?
I would really enjoy seeing dynamic weather/time of day in ALL of the maps.
TAG and AMS should be on a toggle, chain fire should work more like a macro, and the UAC shouldn't jam just because my single tap was a millisecond too long and registered as a double tap.
We all know you are going to do a Clan Founders sale and that you are going to make probably $10 million off of it.
FINALLY someone from PGI acknowledged the Streak Bug and told us when a fix will be in place. I've been championing this cause for a month now. I hope the fix works. Why did miSs just edit the original post to change the date?
Thank you for answering my question. So why don't you do videos of yourselves and your workplace?
Edited by BlueSanta, 17 May 2013 - 01:58 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:35 PM
Bryan Ekman, on 17 May 2013 - 12:00 PM, said:
`Mech's and Mechbay
Adridos: What is the team's stance on the issue of "entry requirements" being raised? Currently, for a mech to be usable, it needs to get upgraded by DHS, ES and have all it's efficiences skilled up, otherwise it is gimping itself in the match. There are already mentions of expanded pilot trees, epics and such and it may very well become a serious issue. Thus I would like to know the official stance on this.
A: This is entirely subjective. It depends at which level you play at. From my 1 in hundreds of thousands of player view, I can roll into a match with a stock Mech and be very competitive, and get lots of enjoyment. I may not be able to compete for 1st place all the time, but I can usually place in the top 8 no sweat. Your skill and Elo rating will definitely drive the level of competitive play you will face, and therefore the requirement to bring a more efficient, upgraded `Mech to the match. This is working as intended, and plays nicely in with how a player’s skill and inventory evolve over time.
I'm trying to figure out if Bryan just insulted Adridos, stroked his own ego or schooled us all on how kick *** stock Trial Mechs are. Bryan, I suspect that Adridos was asking how the average new player is experiencing the game while at the controls of a Trial Mech, not a tournament-savy incredible gamer/game developer. Just sayin'.

Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:46 PM
Few sad conclusions I draw out of AtD38:
- We won't see King Crab in the future, that leaves only few suitable choices for 5th assault (Zeus?)
- No options to stop tetra-morphing except user.cfg modification (I'm still working to figure out the best way to do it)
- No PPC-boating and poptarts balance at least for one more month
Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:08 PM
- changing ultra autocannons behavior: hold button for single fire (no jam, like regular autocannons), tap to double fire (a risk of jamming)
- chain fire with shorter delay between shots (usefull for AC2)
- ability to toggle TAG on/off (just like missile bay doors)
Anyone with a macro can already do all that, why not helping new players by giving everyone the same opportunities?

Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:13 PM

Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:20 PM
Most of that was a bunch of questions that have either been answered before or I don't care about, but sometimes I really do wonder if they're playing the same game.
Either way, thanks for the answers. I'm really looking forward to this Tuesday's patch.
Edited by Homeless Bill, 17 May 2013 - 05:37 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:31 PM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 17 May 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:
Is this the 79%/21% tweet?
The tweet.
Assault Matches End with
0 - 10%
1 - 12%
2 - 10%
3 - 8%
4 - 9%
5 - 9%
6 - 13%
7 - 26%
Deaths before Win by Capture.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:39 PM
ElLocoMarko, on 17 May 2013 - 02:31 PM, said:
Assault Matches End with
0 - 10%
1 - 12%
2 - 10%
3 - 8%
4 - 9%
5 - 9%
6 - 13%
7 - 26%
Deaths before Win by Capture.
So, 32% makes up 2 or less deaths... that's a tad too high.
This is the only positive thing I've read so far:
Bryan Ekman, on 17 May 2013 - 12:00 PM, said:
A: Yes. We’re getting close to feeling confident in the matchmaker, which is the sole reason for not allowing it currently.
Edited by Deathlike, 17 May 2013 - 02:42 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:57 PM
As for the capture rate tweet..
Krystof - "deaths before win by capture". He is only giving us the winning side.
I know on alpine that the soon-to-lose-by-cap team is often slaughtering the soon-to-win-by-cap team while the capture is occurring. There are deaths but the outcome is an unsatisfying game for 12 or 13 players. I think a better metric is how many games on alpine end by capture during what minute...
Edited by ElLocoMarko, 17 May 2013 - 03:02 PM.
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