Mazzyplz, on 19 May 2013 - 03:48 PM, said:
no awesome is not unplayable right now, it's pretty good.
i haven't been to keen on commenting on this but i think this new "system" should affect boated weapons 4x and up.
We disagree about Awesome, but I suppose that's a topic for a different thread.
The thing is, PPCs are still pretty strong even if you play 2 PPC 2 LL (like I do) and yet, mechs with 4+ MLs, MPLs, etc. really do not need a nerf (IMO.) Besides that, it's easy for several mechs to carry 2 PPC + Gauss Rifle, or 2 PPC + 2 ERPPC, and still have jump-jet capabilities as well.
Putting my tin-foil hat on for just one paragraph: Maybe this is a secret plan to buff the MISERY and convince more players to purchase it. (Cue P2W crying.) After all, if jump-jets introduce cockpit shake; and the STK-M can boat 2 PPC, 2 ERPPC, 1 Gauss Rifle, ammo, and several extra heat sinks. Sound like a stretch? Maybe, but it is the only mech capable of equipping those armaments except for the AS7-RS, which is somewhat limited in pop-tart capability by its low arm-mounts. (Cease P2W crying since I'm sure this isn't really their intent; but it is a load-out only 2 mechs can carry; one being a Hero.)
Kiiyor, on 19 May 2013 - 04:31 PM, said:
Not directed towards him...... well, except for the part where his name is mentioned in the title of the thread, of course.
I think that poster meant that Paul replied to my comment on Zap's energy-system post, believing that was directed at him/PGI. Of course this entire thread is intended to generate discussion about their planned anti-boating mechanic.
You might ask yourself why Paul decided to respond to an at-thread and stoke the flames; and the answer is probably that they are soft-selling the idea to see what kind of response it generates. Obviously my response is negative and critical in quite specific ways; but Mazzyplz, for example, seems to like it.
oldradagast, on 19 May 2013 - 05:04 PM, said:
It may be fine in Table Top to create an odd mech with 6 different weapons, but that's not practical in a real-time shooter game.
I considered this also, and made a separate thread for my concerns about increased need for more weapon groups being harder for casual players (at least, those who prefer to use the mouse for firing weapons):