Mech Bay 2
Union Class Dropship Achilles Pride
The simulator lacked the g-forces generated by the tight turns and quick accelerations the
Centurion was doing, but that was something Adrianna could compensate for. The first real value here was the familiarity with the interface between the MechWarrior and the ‘Mech: the hundreds of controls, switches and buttons that she would use to communicate to her machine and the lights, dials and HUD images that it would reply with.
Adrianna turned the ‘Mech through a fictional winery, her eyes focused on the map display that showed the last known location and projected possible movement of the
Gunslinger and
Bushwacker that were her targets. The distilling vats and storage tanks around her were barely acknowledged as her subconscious took over the task of avoiding obstacles.
Based on her guess of how the
Bushwacker would respond (which, she admitted, was more through knowing the simulator than any real psychology), it was most likely to have moved to intercept her and should be coming into The simulator didn’t disappoint, and she was rewarded with a glimpse of the squat BattleMech trampling an artificial row of vines.
Which brought her to the second real value to the simulator: getting a feel for the behaviour of the rotary autocannon. She twitched the reticle slightly to the left onto the target, twisted the thumb dial for the RAC up to four times speed, and pulled the trigger.
Alarms blared in the cockpit, reporting major structural damage to the right arm, but that wasn’t half as impressive as what happened to the
Bushwacker. Two rounds caught it full in the side torso, crumpling the entire ‘Mech like paper and showering shards of metal in a spectacular burst. The remains of the ‘Mech then vanished over the virtual horizon at supersonic speed, exploding dramatically some kilometres away.
Adrianna slowed the
Centurion to a stop and looked at her own damage displays. According to them, the ‘Mech’s right arm was severed at the elbow, and, turning, she could see the trail of damage it had left in the course of it’s own flight.
“Pause simulation,” she said, “Zoé, what just happened?”
“Working on it,” came the reply over her headset.
Idly, Adrianna sat back and considered the frozen image of the
Gunslinger, jumping above the ridgeline some 400 metres away. It probably wouldn’t have got shots off at her this jump, but it would have the next. The best protection from it’s gauss rifles would have been a rapid swing to the right and behind that tank, though would the
Centurion be able to handle a turn like that?
“Okay, I’ve found the error,” Zoé’s voice came back, “The simulation’s sdk was apparently expecting the mass of the rounds to be in tons, not kilograms, so we just shot that
Bushwacker with a supersonic light truck. Should be fixed now. Do you want me to reset the simulation?”
“Nah, I think I’ll take a break, got some reading I want to finish,” Adrianna said, pulling off the neurohelmet and opening the cockpit’s hatch. Zoé was waiting for her, standing “sideways” on the ‘Mech’s right shoulder.
Perchance to Command? I hadn’t picked you as a romance type,” Zoé said with a grin.
“How did you find out?” Adrianna asked.
“You left it out this morning, when you were pretending to read the jump report.”
“I thought you were meant to be an engineer, not a detective,” Adrianna grumbled.
“Sharp eyes are sharp eyes,” Zoé chuckled.
“Speaking of sharp eyes,” Adrianna said, adding,
“and romance,” in her head, “would you be able to spare some time to help Andrew Wheeler with his ‘Mech? He’s trying to rebuild it, but doing it on his own. He could really use a hand.”
“Andrew? Oh, yeah, I met him the other day. What ‘Mech is he working on?” Zoé asked.
“That’s not really for me to say,” Adrianna replied, “but I think you’ll be excited.”
Zoé shrugged, “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. Besides, he owes me a drink.”
Edited by Sparks Murphey, 01 July 2013 - 03:37 AM.