Dropship Achilles Pride
Coventry, Lyran Alliance
3 April, 3061 23:03
Kerchunk! The staple bit through the thin flesh, binding the laceration together. "Yeaouch." Thom could have sworn he felt the lightly ferrous metal bite into his skull then bend back on itself. It was an odd sensation and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
"Quit fidgeting." Doc Meade simply stated while moving on to the next staple.
"Yeah's but ita hurts." Thom offered the meek excuse, causing Doc to lean over far enough for Thom to see him with his good eye.
"Well, maybe you should have thought about this,"Kerchunk!"before picking a fight with a squad of marines... You got off easy, if you've haven't put on all that extra muscle the last few years, you ribcage would have been crunched up like a can of Zoom...Hold still just two more, try to think about something else."
Think of something else, yeah easy for him to say.
Thom's non swollen eye drifted over the rest of the sickbay, looking over the other occupants, techs and Terror's, all with a gleeful twinkle to their eyes, and smug satisfied smiles as the Terror's medical staff prodded bruises and washed out their scrapes. Thom added his smile to the bunch, the Terror's had got into their first scrape and they came out on top. He already heard of what happened after he blacked out. How the Terror's and technicians came together to fight off the marines, stories told with excited hyped up voices. Stories about how his XO charged out wielding a sabre and pistol like a sea captain of ancient Terra to repel boarders. Of how ole man Davos was there brandishing an archaic looking blunderbuss, of Li bashing in some grunts face with a neural helmet. And Juri? Deathly pale with bloodstained kimono and hand cannon auto-pistol. He had a good crew and he knew it.
Ole' man Davos suddenly barged into the infirmary like he owned the place and brought himself up short before the mercenary. "Thomas." There was an edge to the patriarch's voice, hinting at the man's displeasure. "The police are gone, finally. What happened?" Davos added.
"Papa, they rode down Thom and tried jumping him!" Vasco answered for Thom from where he sat getting his bumps looked at. "I saw the whole thing." The younger Molas added on as an afterthought as Davos fixed him with a glare warning him to stay out of it.
"Did they? Some of them looked bandaged up to me. Thomas, would you care to add your two cents to what my !diot son here has stated?" The old man turned to Thom and crossed two arms covered with wiry hair over his chest.
"I's amet dem at a bar. Dey wasa drunk ana picked a fight wit me." Davos arched a bushy eyebrow. "Dude, Davos I'sa swear I wasa literally sitting in da corner minding my's own business. Da big one came on up demanding dat I'sa buy him a drink... or's else. I.. ah, put em in der place." Thom offered a lopsided grin which caused Davos to roll his eyes and mutter something in Greek under his breath.
"Thomas, I treat you with respect and have always been up front with you. So you better not be lying to me." Again he muttered something in Greek. "Well like I said, the police are gone now. But they suggest that you remain here at the space port for the remainder of our stay on Coventry, and I agree with them. It seems that one was lenient because of something you did earlier today, something about a car accident and the statement from some girl named Alyssa" The older man arched his eyebrow again. "It seems that you were a busy boy today." The old man chuckled and patted Thom on the shoulder and still chuckling left sick bay.
"Well, I'm all done with you.I swear you have the Devil's own luck, T." Doc Meade shook his head sadly then turned to oversee one of the nurse's working on one of the techs. Not needing to be told twice, Thom hopped off of were he was sitting on the exam table. Making his way out of the infirmary, Thom happened to glance over to see one of the nurses finishing up bandaging a nasty scrape on the back on one of Li's hands.
"Hey yo's, Li, let'sa go an git a drink. You'sa like's tequila? I'sa got a bottle of Spica Brothers stashed away's fer a rainy day... "
Thom's room
Dropship Achilles Pride
Coventry, Lyran Alliance
4 April, 3061 09:11hrs
With a stabbing in his side, Thom woke. Sitting up groggily, he cradled his head in both hands as he sat upon the edge of his bunk.
Sniff, sniff. Thom looked at his hands quizzically noticing them caked with a dried flakey substance. Daring, T stuck his tongue out and tasted the substance.
"Avocado?" That's when he looked over his room. From the light casted from a small portable vidplayer playing over loops from his final bout at this years Hardcore Open Invitational. An empty bottle of Spica Brothers sat sitting next to an empty bottle of Ouzo and serveral bottles of 'Blue Hole Lager.' A heavy mixing bowl lay toppled over with a puddle of salsa spreading out from it as well as several avocado rinds and pits strewn about the floor.
"Jesus..." Thom muttered under his breath and turned to look over his shoulder at the source of the sleepy sounds. With a hesitant hand T drew back the covers to look upon the sleeping form. Li lay there smacking her lips in her sleep, snuggled up entwined with a strange pillow that wasn't Thom's like a lover.
With a pervish grin Thom then pulled the blanket back far enough to reveal Li, but the grin fizzled out as Thom noticed that Li's body, while very pleasing to the eye, had an odd greenish hue from caked on guacamole and caused the mercenary to shake his head in a 'no' like fashion. He then gently covered her up and gathered up some clothes and creped out to find a shower. He'd worry about getting the avocado stains out of his bedding later.
As he silently made his way out of the door he could have sworn that he heard Li giggle and say the word 'Mangos.'
Dropship Achilles Pride
Coventry, Lyran Alliance
4 April, 3061 10:01hrs
"Alright Mac, we got that old icebox of yours removed. It took a bit longer than we thought, that thing wasn't willing to come out easy. We literally had to cut it out.." The Ceres Medal refrigeration tech hooked a thumb over his shoulder as his three of his co-workers struggled with loading the 40+ year old antique refrigeration unit upon the deck of their flatbed work truck. "The next crew should be out anytime now with the new one."
"Dat's good." Thom offered to the tech as he eyeballed the paperwork he was to sign. The sooner the unit got installed, cooled off, and loaded, the faster they'd be heading off to pluck some Falcon's.
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 15 November 2013 - 02:07 AM.