The Ballroom
RAIV Drunkard's Walk
Sigvald's Light
Lyran Space
7 April, 3061,13:47 Hours
Brocchi's Cluster... Just thinking of the cluster brought a bitter taste to Thom's mouth. It was the scene of an atrocity and coincidentally the actions that earned a much younger and inexperienced Thom a spot on the short list for Vantas' Angelus Company. Attempting to buy time the mercenary strolled over to the railing to overlook his troopers, the clacking of the steel soles of his grav-boots causing some of his warriors to look up at the Warlockian. Thoughts raced, memories bubbled to the surface.
[Que Flashback!]
"...Ah, new's be tree ere, inns position." Thom spoke into the mic as clearly as he could, trying to reign in his frustration of being designated as 'Newbie #3' He was by nobody's accounting new, (Well to him anyways.) he had already taken on the Snakes, crushed the Dalian Guard's uprising, and locked horns with these so called Children of Kerensky. The thought of his most recent enemy brought a wince and made the mercenary rub his left shoulder and collarbone area. The spot where he clipped the canopy while ejecting out of his dying Blackjack, Swampthing. The crinkling of his Griffin's Neil-6000 communication system snapping him out of his reflections.
"Roger that, number three. Enemy patrol is Oscar Mike, ETA three minutes." Droned on his lance leader in his detached monotone voice. "Sit tight, three." With a crinkly pop the line died, leaving Thom alone to his thoughts. Three minutes could be a lifetime on the battlefield, or a prison sentence for those waiting with anticipation to spring upon their enemies.. Thom busied himself stabbing away at buttons on his console with a bony finger. A timer sprung into existence upon his HUD in neon green lights while on a secondary display status boards lit up showing green, showing all systems go. Smiling wickedly Thom caressed the armrest of his command couch affectionately.
Equipped with an extended ranged particle cannon, an advanced countermeasure suite, advanced 'freezer' heat sinks not the corrosive liquid ones that his BJ-3 had and all kinds of nifty armor and skeletal structure, a whole smorgasbord of advanced tech the GRF-2N was a marvel to young Thom.
As much as I hate to admit it, this thing is a lot nicer than the 'Thing ever was...
Two minutes. Thom settled in, going hull down behind a large boulder that overlook the mountain pass, a twitch of a grey eye showed that his lance mates were also in position, Newbie 1's Crusader hunkering down behind a lichen covered crag of limestone, number two and four laid low further down the pass, their Shadow Hawk and Wolverine pressed into recesses carved into the passes walls waiting to spring upon their 'enemies.'
Thom wiped his clammy hand off on his coolant vest and not for the first time, wished this wasn't just a war game. He thirsted for real action, though he understood the Irregular's thinking, with a sudden influx of new recruits from several different units, all survivors/refugees from the Falcon onslaught on Barcelona. They needed to form some sort of unit cohesion and to gauge their recruits prowess, this led to an extended series of war games, Thom just hoped he would impress the Irregular brass enough to look pass his dispossession and take him on...
A sudden burst of garbled communiques wrenched T's attention from the narrowest point of the pass to listen intently. "...Pft. Repe.... Drag.. fssst -ammer... pft! went ape sh...pft!... non-comb.. dead... pft all train..pft! stagin....area." Trying to decipher the broken message, Thom turned his mech in the direction of staging area, the location that all the war game simulations were being orchestrated from, and took in the sight of a large column of black smoke billowing upward and red-orange flames licking the sky visible from over 5 miles out. Suddenly an angry orange burst of flame sprang into being in the distance. Thom twisted his mech's torso in the direction of his lance leader expecting orders, yet none came.
"Orders. boss? I'sa can see da flames from'a here. I'sa tink dat dis is'a da real ting..." Thom offered over the lance channel. Sputtered sounds of indecision returned from his leader answered him. "I... uh, three... base?"
Funk this guy. Continuing to address the lance Thom took charge, "Hey's I'msa gonna go see's wat I'sa can do, you puss*es try and'a keep up." And with that the Warlockian rose his Griffin from it's hide among the boulders and turned it to face the blazes in the distance, slamming the throttle full forward.
As he made his way back to base Thom took the lack of distress calls as a bad sign.
[A bit later.]
A grizzly scene greeted Thom when he guided his Griffin into the smoldering ruins of what was the staging area. A lifeless Rommel MBT lay on it's side, oily black smoke gushing from it's rented armor. Cautiously Thom guided his mech by the tank, and gasped seeing what was once the aid station, collapsed and looking like a mech trampled through the place. Twisting his mech's torso to the side, he noticed a large section of scorched earth surrounding a crater a good thirty meters across. Inching by the crater, he noted the skeletal remains of another two tanks, their broken frames twisted beyond recognition.
Backtracking the way he came, Thom stumbled across the remains of a battered Trebuchet, it's head crushed into the earth. And everywhere broken bodies lay scattered haphazardly about like leaves blown by the wind, their blood soaking into the earth. Thom shook his head sadly and remembered to dial up the power on his Griffin's particle cannon.
"Any's survivors?" Thom asked doubtfully over an uncrypted channel, as an answer his external mics picked up the distant booming sound of an autocannon.
"Yes!" Boomed out a voice over the line, shouting over the roar of an autocannon. "One of the Dragoons snapped and started killing everybody! I'm at grid Oh sixty one by Delta three... I don't mean to sound like a d*ck, but a little help would sure be appreciated!" Turning about on the heading that would lead to the indicated grid, Thom threw the throttle full forward, quickly bringing the Griffin up to speed. "You's guys a'hear dat?!" Thom shouted over the open channel, and was rewarded by affirmative reply from his lance mates who's less mobile mechs were slowly falling behind.
Rounding a smoldering ruin, the wreckage of what appeared to be another Rommel, Thom caught glimpse of a bright crackling beam of man made lightning crash into the hulking form of a Hunchback. Thom backtracked the after image of the particle cannon blast to see the imposing figure of a seventy ton Warhammer. Though shot up the heavy mech appeared to be fully functional as it cut into the smaller h-back with gem colored laser fire, in retaliation the H-Back shot out with it's own lasers and booming monster cannon, who's shells slammed into the 'Hammer in poofs of white clouds.
Stupid war games and dummy rounds... Thom thought while the lighter mech stepped forward to lash out a savage kick, armored plating buckled under the fifty tonner's crumpled foot. The Whammy stepped back with an impressive grace unnatural for something so big and heavy and swung out with it's barreled club-like arms. Driven to it's knees by the savage blows, the Hunchback appeared finished as the heavy mech moved in for the coup de grâce.
"NO!" Thom sprung into action, snapping off a hastily aimed shot which sailed low, slamming into the side of the Warhammer's already damaged leg, the mech stumbled and whirled turning it's attention to the mercenary and blasted off two quickly aimed shots that struck the Griffin square in the chest.
Ah sh*t, he's good. Nobody should land shots like that without aiming...
Twisting to the side Thom tried to maneuver around a miraculously still standing structure, a loud bang suddenly sounded with a momentary obscurement of white smoke. "Hah! Stoopid's war games!" Timing it he turned just in time to hear his targeting computer ping notifying him that his particle cannon was ready, the Warlockain dragged his targeting reticule over the snarling wolf's head on the Hammer's chest. Flaring gold, Thom depressed his trigger sending out a blast of particle fire which crashed into the heavy mech's chest, the mech staggered back, arching sparks flying from it's mangled leg.
His leg is f*cked. I got this guy!Keeping his throttle full forward T darted out into the open twin blast of lightning slamming into his mech's flank. Struggling to drag his own cross hairs over the Hammer, as well as his mech's footing, Thom suddenly cut to the right trying to flank around the near crippled mech as he did so he saw a momentary glimpse of gold and mashed down on his firing stud. With a crash the particle cannon slammed into the rent in the torso where Thom's previous shot hit. Thick globs of molten metal spewed from the blast and one of the mech's lasers caught fire, belching greenish flames. Seconds later a drumming of dummy missiles banged into the mech obscuring the pilot's vision.
Taking advantage of the situation, Thom planted his mech's foot and using his Griffin's superior mobility angled in for attacks upon the Warhammer's back, too slow the bigger mech responded, turning to bring it's stronger armor to bear. With a sickening crunch the two mechs slammed into one another, the larger mech momentarily holding it's own with it's larger size, but a sudden stomp on the Warhammer's already abused leg caused it to buckle. With a shove the heavy slammed flat upon it's back before Thom.
Lying upon it's back, crippled, mangled, the Warhammer still lashed out in rage, small caliber lasers zapping the Griffin's armor, cutting furrows, particle cannon blasting out huge chunks, short ranged missiles 'poofing' and rubber bullets pinging against the Griffin's cockpit as it stepped forward to drive a foot through the Dragoon's ferroglass cockpit.
[End Flashback]
Thom continued to look out at his Terrors, sizing them up, reevaluating them in a new light. It had been many years since that fateful day on Brocchi's Cluster, and Thom had done his best to bury those memories...
"You know's," the mercenary broke his silence, turning to face Vantas. "My's dad had it. Err, has it. My's uh, step-mom," Thom made an odd face at that statement. "...She a'told me about dat. To dis day he'a still has'a nightmares about da Crusis lancers sacking Tikonov. She a says he mutters out in gibberish in his sleep. Still, da guy went on to win two Grand Championships." The merc flashed a shrimpeating grin at Vantas when saying that.
"I'sa guess what I'ms a'trying to say is dat, we's all seen some nasty things on da battlefield. Some things stick with us, haunt us, and we's all a'deal wit it differently. But'a trust me, Man," Thom hooked his thumb over his shoulder in the direction that the Terror's were lounging about talking among themselves. "If one of dem snap, I'lls put dem down like'a mad dog without'a second thought. I's guarantee dat."
The Warlockian suddenly cracked his knuckles and wiggled them oddly. "As for yer other question, uh, no not too long. Me knowing dem or us a'working together, well save Azman. But I'msa guessing dat some good ole' fashioned sim time will ah fix dat dough. Dey will work, having a bunch of a**holes shooting at you's kinds of urges you to'a work wit one another... Barcelona taught me dat."
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 18 May 2015 - 12:30 PM.