Atlas Vs. Ratte (1000 Ton German Tank)
Posted 31 July 2013 - 08:28 AM
Big is cool but sometimes when it comes to performance it lacks a bit in the area of speed.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:00 AM
Just ask a german then

Ok, so how about something like this:

Edited by Count Zero 74, 30 December 2014 - 11:00 AM.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:07 AM
Here they are:



Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:16 AM


Btw, there's more of that stuff if u want, some british, japanese and italian tanks and airplanes. Just post a request or send me a message
Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:50 AM
Here they are:



Btw, for all of you out there who would like to play the boardgame but have no other players living near them or are just way to lazy to shuffle around all the paper and dice and calculating to-hit-rolls etc....
Posted 30 December 2014 - 01:10 PM
AlexanderVicca, on 09 June 2013 - 10:42 PM, said:
That thing in the picture is not a P 1000 or a P 1500 that is the rail-road gun the germans used in the siege of Sewastopole.
If u want to understand the P 1000 and P 1500 and the reasons why they came up with it u have to go back to WW 1 because without that war the whole mess that happened later wouldn't have happenend at all.
The Germans, like the allies started using rail-mounted guns vry early in WW I. The French where actually the first because that way they could use some of their heavy coastal artillery against the german land forces.
Here are some of the bigger WW I railroad guns:
Edited by Count Zero 74, 30 December 2014 - 01:11 PM.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 01:25 PM
Those guns where quite effective cause WW I wasn't what u could call a mobile war and the threat from air attack wasn't as big as it would be in later wars. So when the german army thought about a way to destroy the french maginot-line in the next war the first thing that came to their mind was a big gun and they started building this:
But as we all know the so called Blitzkrieg rendered that thing obsolete and it was finished to late for the french campaign anyway. The only time the Gustav saw combat was on the Crimea at the siege of Sewastopole. Setting up the gun took over one month and they had to lay more than 20 km of railroad, 2 tracks next to each other. Actually the only way to traverse the gun was to lay some tracks in a semi-circle in front of it and turn it on its 8 bogies. The highest rate of fire was on June 5th 1942 when they fired 14 shots/day and after firing about 250 test shots and 48 shots in combat the barrel was worn out and the Gustav and the 2nd gun the Dora spend the rest of the time till their destructiobn hiding in railway tunnels.
However the germans did use some smaller railway guns quite often. The most common was:
But the problem they all had in common was their low mobility once in combat, and their dependency on railroad tracks.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 01:33 PM
They where supposed to be a slightly more mobile siege-artillery than the big railway guns. The first one was the P1000 which was planned to carry (in the tradition of the vry first railway-guns) some surplus guns from the Battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. The P1500 was supposed to take the same gun as the Gustav and the Dora. If the programms wouldn't have been cancelled quite quick only 2 or 3 of them would have been build anyway. But....
We germans like big guns and once we got something in our heads.....
They came up with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-Gerät this should give u some idea how the 1000 and 1500 would have been used.
For the job of siege-artillery they used this in the late war: http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Sturmtiger
Posted 31 December 2014 - 11:36 AM
X-Wing vs Death Star before it was cool.
Posted 01 January 2015 - 08:18 AM
Posted 01 January 2015 - 08:40 AM

Posted 01 January 2015 - 02:59 PM
Posted 01 January 2015 - 05:36 PM
thepartisan, on 02 June 2013 - 08:03 AM, said:
J4ckInthebox, on 02 June 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:
Nik Reaper, on 02 June 2013 - 11:56 PM, said:
Many of them carry the same type of weapons, some are even better armed than most mechs like: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Burke and http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Demolisher , so if they mount the same type of armor and the weapons are the same, the only usual difference is that most vehicles don't use a fusion generator, what do mechs have going for them other than the rule of cool?
Melcyna, on 05 June 2013 - 02:31 AM, said:
back pre uni, lots of us geeks would do this for fun together during break and it was a blast, good old days...
now that we actually finished our course, worked, etc... most of us ran out of ideas to make it plausible in any way, that and when you get hard math and reality rammed into your head non stop you start doing it on the sideline a lot and well... BT is pretty sloppy with their figures and design when you actually seen a proper one and compare them, so it actually gets pretty uninteresting now with the old timers since everything settled as 'BT's common sense is lostech'
very true very true bt in fact has a lot of physics flaws and they are even on the easy side to find if you know where to look but to be fair the rule of cool comes in to play and the fact that good games and reality tend to be at opposite ends from each other
Posted 06 January 2015 - 08:33 PM
Considering that B-tech Gauss Rifles fling their 125kg slugs at speeds over 1,720m/s, resulting a Ke of ~192 megajoules (likely a bit higher as I doubt it's just at mach 5), the SK C/34 only tops out at 130 megajoules (890m/s & 330kg), resulting that the Gauss rifle having 50% more Ke (though the Naval gun has at best 33% more momentum).
These Gauss slugs only deal 15 B-tech damage, as the German naval gun is notably less Ke it's perhaps at best roughly equal in capability's.
How much damage B-tech ballistic weapons will do to the P1000, I would not know, though they should do something, however Energy weapons will logically cut the P1000 to ribbons, as energy weapons are a "out of character" problem for the era.
Siming this via the game rules, well it will have Bar 5 armor (so anything with 6 or more damage will cause a critical hit chance), and likely be armed with a pair of sniper or long tom analogs, and will be using the mobile structure rules. It should have at best a basic fire control (+1 to hit), and being a "Mobile Structure" it would have a -4 on the attacker roles (as per firing on buildings), It will have a maximum speed of 2 hexes per turn (21.6kph) and max HP per hex is 300 (150 armor and 150 structure, to destroy the "center" hex needs to be destroyed).
So game play wise it would be capable of damaging or even destroying the Atlas, but it would quickly find it self turned to swiss cheese.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 09:17 PM
Armour of atlas: "Standard BattleMech armor is composed of several layers providing various degrees of protection and support. The first layer is extremely strong Titanium alloyed with steel, the result of crystal alignment and radiation treatment, which is also very brittle. The second layer is a ceramic, cubic boron nitride, which combined with a web of artificial diamond fibers acts as a backstop to the steel layer. These two layers rest atop a titanium alloy honeycomb structure which provides support, and a layer of self-sealing polymer sealant which allows for space and underwater operations."[/color]
(when BT armour is hit, it comes of a bit but obsorbs most of the armour. this is how internals are exposed after awhile)
Ratte: 150-360 mm of steel (angle doesn't help that much in BT universe due to how the weapons work)
Atlas wins in armour.
Atlas: AC 20, 2 Medium lasers, 1 SRM 6, 1 LRM 20. + 2 reverse mounted Medium alsers.
AC 20 = "The Autocannon is a direct-fire ballistic weapon, firing HEAP (Hgh-Explosive armor-Percing) rounds at targets either singly or in bursts.
Different manufacturers and models of autocannons have different calibers (25mm-203mm) and rates of fire. Due to this, autocannons are grouped into generic "classes" of autocannons with common damage ratings, with Autocannon/20s doing massive damage while having very short range.[color=#000000]
An example of the rating system: the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon is a 150mm weapon firing ten shells per "round" while the Chemjet Gun is a 185mm weapon firing much slower, and causing higher damage per shell. Despite their differences, both are classified as Autocannon/20s due to their damage output."
You hear that? HEAP. High Explosive Armour Piercing... and this is a high velocity huge shell that is nearly as big as the armour of the ratte itself. It'll pen and explode inside this tank destroying nearly anything... It could be possible that the shell pens right through to the otherside of the tank...
Even then the SRM's and LRM's are more then enough to critically damage the tank or knock it out . Especially the LRM's as they attack the vehicle from above... it's weakest armoured area.
The medium lasers well I thikn they will be useless at doing to much damage to the tank however it can critically overheat the tank due to the fact that unlike BT vehicles nad mechs, it has no insulation from heat and cold. So it can easily get a lot of heat by the lasers.
2x 280 mm 54.5 SK C/34
1x 128 mm KwK
8x 20 mm Flak38[
2x 15 mm MG 151/15
This isn't in HEAP, it's a solid AP round I believe or an APC but even then it'll not do to much damage to a mech... even the internals will be safe due to the lack of explosives the AP ammo has.
the 2 x 280 mm's are technically a poor AC 20 or an AC 10 that took to many crit slots. Due to the lower velocity and AP the BT designation of weapons list it as either an AC 10 or 20 that isn't that effective so to say... But lets pretend it can kinda be identical in damage to those weapons...
1 x 128 mm also fires AP and it is like an AC 5 in terms of damage designation.
8 x 20 mm flak is pretty much like BT machine guns kinda towards a battlemech... solid HE or HEIF or HE-T or what ever rounds... This will not damage mech armour but can damage internals if cored.
2 x 15 mm... this is a literal machine gun but it is not going to have any special crit chance due to not being HE ammo due to the small cal of the gun.
Let's point the fact the turret moves so slowly that an atlas can run circles around this tank without the tank able to fire on it due to it's slow turret turn time and slow turning abilities.
Another point to atlas.
Atlas: 54 kph
Ratte: 40 kph
atlas wins again.
Verdit? Atlas wins.
However in a certain situation the Ratte could possibly kill an atlas. But the thing is WWII vehicles had to guess, fire, and then adjust to hit things... the Atlas has a bloody targeting computer which can make a pilot land 100% of it's shots into a specific area of the tank. So it could be possible that without the atlas running circles around it the tank may have issues hitting the atlas due to the bullet drop and range issues. (I know the atlas is huge... but so are huge battleships and the ratte (well the main gun I mean which is on the battleships germany had.. ) also missed there targets a lot... Not to mention there is no training for people to know how big an atlas is and thus have no idea if it is 3 km away or 1 km away. Also note if the atlas has dazel paint it'll be even harder to hit it...)
Ratte has nothing on the demolisher and demolisher II....
Demolisher I:

2 AC 20's. (aka this thing can do more damage on an alpha strike then the entire Ratte... while having some slopped armour....)
Demolisher II:

2 UAC 20, 1 LBX 10, and a machine gun.
This thing can do anything a ratte can do and better...
Sorry but comparing modern day vehicles to a Battletech vehicle isn't the best way to get at it...
if it was a Mackie and a Ratte in a fight then my money is on the tank. But besides the early mechs and some light mechs I think the ratte will have problems...
Edited by Nightshade24, 06 January 2015 - 09:19 PM.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 01:44 PM
Nightshade24, on 06 January 2015 - 09:17 PM, said:
Armour of atlas: "Standard BattleMech armor is composed of several layers providing various degrees of protection and support. The first layer is extremely strong Titanium alloyed with steel, the result of crystal alignment and radiation treatment, which is also very brittle. The second layer is a ceramic, cubic boron nitride, which combined with a web of artificial diamond fibers acts as a backstop to the steel layer. These two layers rest atop a titanium alloy honeycomb structure which provides support, and a layer of self-sealing polymer sealant which allows for space and underwater operations."[/color]
(when BT armour is hit, it comes of a bit but obsorbs most of the armour. this is how internals are exposed after awhile)
Ratte: 150-360 mm of steel (angle doesn't help that much in BT universe due to how the weapons work)
Atlas wins in armour.
Atlas: AC 20, 2 Medium lasers, 1 SRM 6, 1 LRM 20. + 2 reverse mounted Medium alsers.
AC 20 = "The Autocannon is a direct-fire ballistic weapon, firing HEAP (Hgh-Explosive armor-Percing) rounds at targets either singly or in bursts.
Different manufacturers and models of autocannons have different calibers (25mm-203mm) and rates of fire. Due to this, autocannons are grouped into generic "classes" of autocannons with common damage ratings, with Autocannon/20s doing massive damage while having very short range.[color=#000000]
An example of the rating system: the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon is a 150mm weapon firing ten shells per "round" while the Chemjet Gun is a 185mm weapon firing much slower, and causing higher damage per shell. Despite their differences, both are classified as Autocannon/20s due to their damage output."
You hear that? HEAP. High Explosive Armour Piercing... and this is a high velocity huge shell that is nearly as big as the armour of the ratte itself. It'll pen and explode inside this tank destroying nearly anything... It could be possible that the shell pens right through to the otherside of the tank...
Even then the SRM's and LRM's are more then enough to critically damage the tank or knock it out . Especially the LRM's as they attack the vehicle from above... it's weakest armoured area.
The medium lasers well I thikn they will be useless at doing to much damage to the tank however it can critically overheat the tank due to the fact that unlike BT vehicles and mechs, it has no insulation from heat and cold. So it can easily get a lot of heat by the lasers.
1 x 128 mm also fires AP and it is like an AC 5 in terms of damage designation.
2 x 15 mm... this is a literal machine gun but it is not going to have any special crit chance due to not being HE ammo due to the small cal of the gun.
You could class them a B-tech MGs, though thats likely being quite generious, the two quad 20mms at best are likely equvlent to a single B-tech MG each
Let's point the fact the turret moves so slowly that an atlas can run circles around this tank without the tank able to fire on it due to it's slow turret turn time and slow turning abilities.
However in a certain situation the Ratte could possibly kill an atlas. But the thing is WWII vehicles had to guess, fire, and then adjust to hit things... the Atlas has a bloody targeting computer which can make a pilot land 100% of it's shots into a specific area of the tank. So it could be possible that without the atlas running circles around it the tank may have issues hitting the atlas due to the bullet drop and range issues. (I know the atlas is huge... but so are huge battleships and the ratte (well the main gun I mean which is on the battleships germany had.. ) also missed there targets a lot... Not to mention there is no training for people to know how big an atlas is and thus have no idea if it is 3 km away or 1 km away. Also note if the atlas has dazel paint it'll be even harder to hit it...)
Well thats probably overstating the Atlas a bit, though B-tech dose use a wide spectrum ECM system (though what effect on a rather unsophisticated FC system that relies on human eyes and brain power than anything I would not know, it's radio on the other hand is likely toast). And yes they will have training on size estimation and ranging via that, though they will have little idea of exactly how big an atlas is, so their going to be off for a bit, also they will not have any real experience of how mobile an Atlas is (note it's technically faster than an M1 Abrams is when off road, at lest from it's official specs)
Note an M1 Abrams has a Road speed of 42mph (67kph), and a off road speed of 25-30mph (40-48kph), now their is the known fact that if they disabled the governor it can reach a road speed of 75mph (120kph), what the off road speed would be I do not know, but it's not built to go this fast so it's going to affect it's crew, and the fact that I have heard that accuracy drops notably at speeds above 20mph (32kph) any way.

2 UAC 20, 1 LBX 10, and a machine gun.
This thing can do anything a ratte can do and better...
Sorry but comparing modern day vehicles to a Battletech vehicle isn't the best way to get at it...
if it was a Mackie and a Ratte in a fight then my money is on the tank. But besides the early mechs and some light mechs I think the ratte will have problems...
In actuality the Demolisher II has 2x MGs, a UAC-20 and a LBX-20
Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:02 PM
Ground pressure would have been huge, it would have probably sunk and been imobilised in anything but dry weather, typically with all later German designs it would have been cronically under powered and suffered from a weak clutch.
The shells if they should hit would do serious damage to am atlas as the tech in BT armour is to keep it effective but to reduce weight 3050 compouns plasteel is still governed by the same laws as contemporary compound armour plat and unlike modern armour Battle tech mech protection can be damaged by flame throwers as to actually remove it, as can machine guns where as 2015 armour would have to be subjected to hours of contact with a flame before it would even buckle.
The result would depend on the atlas pilot
If it was the average Pug noob in the seat he would either hide shut down in a corner or frontally attack it in broad daylight over flat ground and then scream Hack.
Anyone else would wait until night IR night fighting equipment was only at experimental stage in 1945 and very poor or attack in rough terrain go for the tracks once the tracks were destroyed it would be a simple case of getting in contact with it and then going in through the front glasis plate where no weapon can bare, not even the MG's at the corner if positioned correctly.
so as in most things its not the tech its the pilot

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