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Lb 10-X Ac

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#41 karoushi


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:40 AM

(Interesting post, reposted for response and those that may not have read due to length)

View PostZyllos, on 20 May 2013 - 09:08 PM, said:

The usefulness of the LBX is a direct indicator of how the critical hit system is implemented in the game.

This game allows players to place the majority of their shots onto a section, and those weapons all hit a single point in space. The critical hits is a percentage based system that happen when each hit happens.

The damage dealt to a section is 100% of the time when it gets hit.

The damage dealt to internal equipment is only ~24% (may be off) of the time. Then the hit is randomly on a internal piece of equipment.

Internal section range from like 10 points to 50 points.

Each internal equipment is generally 10 hp for each item in the section.

You can easily calculate that any weapon will remove a section off long before all the equipment in said spot is destroyed. But the problem is that the LBX just can not deal enough internal equipment damage in the same time frame of say, an AC/10, in destroying a section.

The only time the LBX actually becomes better is if the weapon is point blank, which is not the point of the weapon. It's meant to be terrible against armor due to only dealing a few points of damage to random locations. But when the LBX pellets ever hit an open armor section, things are getting destroyed.

It's just the issue is that it only takes 1 hit for weapons to be destroyed in CBT while MWO, you have to deal 10 points of damage. 1 pellet hit deals approximately 0.78 damage on average, or 7.8 damage per shot, on average, if all pellets hit a single open armor locations. An AC/10 deals approximately 6.2 damage per shot, on average, if the shot hits a single location.

You can see the issue here is that at the weapons optimal range, that AC/10 shot will always deal more to internal equipment than the LBX will due to cone-of-fire spread.

What should happen is that the LBX should be based on the idea of how many pellets, on average, should hit a section at it's optimal range. Then the damage to internal equipment should be upped to the same level as an AC/10 (similar weapon) based on the average number of pellet hits.

I also noticed too, going back and looking at critical hits, why does normal weapons get 25% chance for critical hits (1x) while the LBX gets 14% (1x)? All weapons should have the same weighted chance for critical hits, but it's the damage that is changed by a factor.

So, I think upping the damage to make it good at taking off a section quicker is the wrong way to go about balancing the weapon. All other weapons in the game need to be harder to pin point all fired weapons at the same time to hit a single location so that internal sections last longer and then make the LBX actually extremely good at destroying internal equipment due to the high damage it causes when only a few pellets hit.

That will make the weapon basically destroy all equipment internally if hit by LBX. The same could be said of SRMs and LRMs because they are spray weapons but their internal equipment damage is not in dire straights as the LBX or Machine Gun.

This is insane, do they really have the LBX at 14% crit? Are they Intentionally Shaming the weapon?

This needs to be corrected, just the way you state would be my design as well (as I was mentioning in earlier posts).

LBX needs to do more critical (my mistake was saying through-armor int structure dmg).

Edited by karoushi, 21 May 2013 - 06:49 AM.

#42 MrZakalwe


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:42 AM

Interestingly the normal AC10 is actually better at destroying non-gaussrifle internals as nearly every internal in the game except the engine has 10hp so every time a crit is rolled they will knock out a componant.

Funny story.

One of the many reason PPCs are so strong right now is that they also do exactly enough damage to destroy something if they crit.

#43 karoushi


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:43 AM

So, the criticals system is borked?

Sounds like it needs a very thorough look-over.

Edited by karoushi, 21 May 2013 - 06:44 AM.

#44 Syllogy


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:47 AM

In my opinion, the weapon needs to be 1 ton lighter, and needs to have 20 rounds per ton.

#45 Satan n stuff


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:21 AM

View Postkaroushi, on 21 May 2013 - 06:40 AM, said:

(Interesting post, reposted for response and those that may not have read due to length)

This is insane, do they really have the LBX at 14% crit? Are they Intentionally Shaming the weapon?

This needs to be corrected, just the way you state would be my design as well (as I was mentioning in earlier posts).

LBX needs to do more critical (my mistake was saying through-armor int structure dmg).

That's not quite right, according to smurfy the LB-10 X gets +14% chance to deal 2 damage, +8% chance to deal 4 damage, and +3% chance to deal 6 damage. Which as far as I know is per pellet, on top of the ordinary crit damage, which would be about 6 spread between all components in the sections you hit if all pellets hit internals. It would be nice for someone at PGI to give us more specifics so we'd know for sure.
If you're not dealing enough damage to destroy components you're probably not putting enough pellets in one section. The spread buff will make it much easier to do so.

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