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Missile Update - Feedback

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#241 LaserAngel


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:42 AM

Meanwhile with the invisible Twitter audience...


It was a nice change of pace for a few days. It wasn't nearly as bad as the previous LURMpocalypse but it did kill the poptarters.

#242 Utilyan


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:48 AM

Its nice to get pinned down by missle fire again... Did anyone notice the URBANMECH in his explanation? :rolleyes:

Does that mean urbanmech is comming out soon!? :P

Posted Image

Edited by Utilyan, 22 May 2013 - 08:49 AM.

#243 Child3k


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:59 AM

I just hope PGI doesn't overreact because of all the complaints. Sure - the trajectory is too steep in a lot of cases right now and this should be fixed right away. For the rest: Let it settle. It'll take one or two weeks till the playerbase on a larger scale has adapted to the "new" LRMs. It will be like it has been with ECM and other stuff.

#244 Prezimonto


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:59 AM

I've been having more fun since this patch that I have in months. The game play feels dynamic again, instead of stale, long range, ridge humping/poptarting.

Despite the crying, missiles aren't terribly over powered. Too many people have been playing with play-styles(ridge humping) that don't account for serious LRM use. Closed beta players should remember when LRMs were even more powerful.

I agree, there's a little too much CT spread (acknowledged problem and being fixed with lowered splash), and perhaps slightly too steep a curve with spotters (but then again, spotters should be good and very useful given that you're giving up a damaging mech for pure support so I'm really not against this either). All in all good job PGI, keep the balancing up.

#245 FupDup


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:06 AM

View PostUtilyan, on 22 May 2013 - 08:48 AM, said:

Its nice to get pinned down by missle fire again... Did anyone notice the URBANMECH in his explanation? :rolleyes: Does that mean urbanmech is comming out soon!? :P Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by FupDup, 22 May 2013 - 09:10 AM.

#246 Rubidiy


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:10 AM

awful game design. Just awful...

#247 Seelenlos


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:17 AM

View PostAemon Chichi, on 22 May 2013 - 08:14 AM, said:

well due to the state of the game in the last months - like an UI that eats more performance than the actual game itself and all the other issues everyone experienced nearly all of my dedicated mechwarrior friends left them game, in fact only 2 remained to yesterday and when we did our long awaited matches in the evening ...

well lets put it this way you lost three players and after your amateur statement that you KNEW of the fails you produced but pushed out anyway we decided not to return, cause dev-kiddos - what you say doesnt matter one tiny bit, what you DO matters , and you did horribly

its sad but well i hope u keep enough fanbois that dont care to get your salary till some other company takes u but please dont apply to other companies in the gaming industry, you did enough harm

honestly, did u really expect all of your playerbase to stay after you told em in the face that you knew this would happen but didnt give a fork ?

[insert swear word at your own discretion] you !

What should this tell us?

I am angry at the changes the Devs made, but I am not angry of them: I cannot program a game like this for my self. Can you or anybody else here?

No, they do it, with the help of the founders, and they must make changes here and there, but as a NOT-founder, i am happy the made it free.

But people like you and your friend, need something like blizzard. Yes I insult you: you WOW-Zombies !

Ever noticed that the guys implement almost every community wish slowly without 13€ monthly fee?

I wished the would also take over "Moon Breakers" ... but some dreams always stay dreams...

An I am very happy you and friends left us. You know the rest, if more of you would ... and so on

#248 sokitumi


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:51 AM

One of the enjoyable things about LRMS in the CB was their corkscrew flight pattern and spread.

#249 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:03 AM

6 random pug matches analysis.

1. centurion 9A, ssrm/mlaser/ac2. 1 volley of lrms is launched at me. I am behind the ship forest colony water. I backpedal, the guy loses lock, lrms hit where I was standing, but since i moved, nothing. only lrm encounter the entire match. we win 7-1 team had multiple lrm mechs. we got close, they where useless.

2. jaggermech. 2uac2, 4 ssrm2, 2 slaser. alpine. didnt get lrmed once. not sure the enemy even brought lrms. died to a laserboat and a ballistic boat.

3. lrm catapult. suddenly lots of LRMS. I take the catapult and flank the enemy. they try lrming me but i use cover and move around and take marginal damage from 10-20 volleys. me and spider cap while my entire team tries to stand in the open *** for tat and gets pounded by LRMS. I flank and lob LRMS at the enemy. Im annoying, but my damage seems weak. a black jack engages me and the spider at the enemy base.

he decides to fight the spider, stand 250 in the open away from me as i rake him with 10 LRM volleys to FINALLY bring him down. lrms feel kinda soft and hes dodging them at 80 kph a little even it seems. finally he dies...but not before killing my buddies spider.

i then get flanked, locked and the lrm rain of doom hammers me into oblivion. jumpjetting & dodging doesnt help, but when 4 mechs shoot you with anything your in trouble anyhow. definitely can see the need to do something to LRMS, but again id see making them turn even slower and have a touch more damage combined with slight improvement to cover.

LRMS fly too high right now. as a jumpjet lrm in a kitty, they fly WAY to high. id cut the hieght in half, thus JJ helps to clear cover like before, rather than any mech with lrms can clear any cover perhaps.

just feels like LRMS need some tuning is all. overall i still see no problem.

4. cataphract 3D. 1 erppc 1 gauss, 2 MLaser. We engage the enemy on ice city night at the dropship. im spooted first, 60 lrms come my way. I move around some cover, he loses lock, nothing hits me. course of the battle at this time behind dropship many incomming warnings, i keep moving around, nothing hits me. i have AMS and am going 86 in my 3D.

weakness near the cave, me and a highlander push. we roll a jaggermech who gets a lock for his lrm army. lrms come in on me, im inbetween buildings & cover, mech gets hammered. still, im at 75%,maybe 65%, and now we are near the enemy. we rush the LRM boats, me and highlander, it ends quickly, they die in agony.

issue again seems to be the spotter & coordination of team combined with lrms clearing everything and the frustration this induces. My best suggestion without losing this mechanism remains to curb the LRM turn rate so that even going 40 KPH you can dodge them if they have lock and your moving perfectly 90 degrees to their incomming vector. the overall steepness of descent could probably be cut 25% and still be viable too...

ie the older lrms where jj mechs had capability to drop lrms over cover, mechs without JJ less so.

adding in ability for pilot to aim his LRMS would be helpful too.

5. 3D again. Engage a Jenner at theta, icemap night. his lrm buddies start lrming me. I hug the icecropping and kill the jenner. LRMS took me to 50% before i got to cover. jee - it worked - a spotter and his lrm mech. durka.

end up dying to a pop-sniping highlander, a hunchback and a 6 SSRM A1.

oh no LRMS!!!

6. jenner. take gamma. jump an lrm boat cataphract at kappa that brought 1 large laser. he dies horriby. guy can barely hit me with his laser. ELO seems more a problem than LRMS.

id wager to say the big problem with LRMS is boating, just like with ppc, and if we see bigger boating penalties and normal lrm loadouts plus some tweaking to LRMS everything should be just fine.

Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 22 May 2013 - 10:05 AM.

#250 Maxx Blue


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:08 AM

I played a few matches last night to see what all the fuss is about, and yeah, the indirect LRM trarectory was pretty hilarious. Mine were dive-bombing the heck out of some poor jenner running around the buildings in Frozen City. It was a little crazy though, when I saw a 4xLRM15 boat two-shot a Treb. Cored him with two volleys. I guess that is not exactly WORSE than getting cored by a PPC stalker, but it sure was one heck of a change from how LRMS were playing before.

I'm not sure if it is going to stay entertaining for the next two weeks, but maybe if they just turned off splash damage for a little while things would calm down. If not, I've got a C4 cat more than willing to bring the rain!

Edited by Maxx Blue, 22 May 2013 - 10:08 AM.

#251 Thorqemada


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:24 AM

In the matches i played yesterday and today i die to LRM in 1 out of 10 matches in my Centurion.
There is also no Sun-Darkening from LRM - they only be back in use.

Though Superboating is a Problem as with any other Weapon too...its not LRM specific.

The game is more fun post patch bcs its more diverstiy in the gameplay right now.

Edited by Thorqemada, 22 May 2013 - 10:25 AM.

#252 Laserkid


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:29 AM

Listen guys. Team work is now a bigger part of the meta.

This is now ECM's role on a DDC (A light can do it too, just has to be disciplined and stick with the main group). To protect your side against LRMs.

AMS is also at least 2 times more effective. and I've seen entire salvos of 30+ missiles clawed out of the sky by 3 AMS.

I was having a blast just being a scout last night with a buddy just spotting for him in my ECM spider. Didn't even have to TAG, just sat back by a hill with ECM and BAP and called out targets. at 800-1000m.

#253 Ingvay


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:31 AM

So there are two things they are going to adjust and then LRMS will be right about where they should be... first the ridiculous in-direct line of sight flight path... and second the splash damage which is causing too much damage to go to the CT section. If they get those two things right, LRMS will be just about where they should be. I personally would have liked to see the damage be 1.0, but it's close enough. The faster flight speed is a nice improvement also.

Personally, I think it puts the role of the light mech and even some mediums back into perspective. A light with tag or narc or even the ability to simply target an enemy mech (so their team-mates with LRMS can hit) while staying out of direct engagement, is more the role they should have in a lance. It'll get ironed out, but they are getting closer.

#254 Mazzyplz


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:33 AM

good thing the chalkboard drawing is cute... otherwise i'd be pissed

#255 Twisted Power


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:34 AM

View PostSeelenlos, on 22 May 2013 - 08:37 AM, said:


this is what annoys me more than the missile overbuff.
They also made ECM obsolete with BAP + TAG !


As it should be.

#256 Ens


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:38 AM


The problem is, we've pushed this dive point too far out and have missiles dropping too steeply.

And they didn´t notice it BEFORE releasing the patch huh?

"Here is something new to exploit, have fun....."

Edited by Ens, 22 May 2013 - 10:38 AM.

#257 darqsyde


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:40 AM

Vacation time for me until the Flight path is fixed.

I've played through everything since November, and this is the straw that has broken the camels back. The first time I've ever thought about "taking a break".

also...this really isn't about the broken Missile Flight Path....its' about Quality Control.

#258 Ensaine


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:43 AM

This video from one of my latest matches .......

#259 Mason2501


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:51 AM

Well I guess I can link the LRM song again. Reminds me those days back in closed beta where we had fun missile boating.

Actually interesting how all the new tech and tweaks swings around what is popular this week. I like the play style with a good spotter with the right tech can help out teams. Like back in the closed beta days, time to come up with better tactics then just sit behind a hill and wait for the other team to come. I say roll with changes. Use what works. Figure out team/map strategies to counter. True after us beta testers run enough games to map out the values, if PGI needs to tweak something they do. I rather have LRMs working too well then not at all. Give PGI a chance to tweak. And duh just cause one AWS doesn't seem to do any good. Doesn't mean everyone rips it off their Mech. Hmm systems like that effect stack when lances that everyone has one. Just cause X things break ECM, means no one ECM anymore. Also if your team all take big slow mechs, and get stuck cross open spaces will get missile volley and sniped. So focus on playing with groups, and groups focus on better play styles that change with the patches.

Props to the guys who made one: Kon (MWO OB)

Edited by Mason2501, 22 May 2013 - 11:10 AM.

#260 Bunko


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:02 AM

Guess I'll play something else this 3 day US holiday weekend if they don't hot fix.

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