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The "oh Noes" Report

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#21 Private Backside


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:17 PM

View PostOsis, on 22 May 2013 - 07:23 AM, said:

Impossible to tell if the BlackJack is worth owning, had to put 3 tons of AMS ammo on it to slow down the rain of missiles. Why in the hell do they not test these patches before they release them. Again, taking a break until they fix the stupid mess they made again. Backed up against a wall in "The Trench", missiles coming straight down from above and I am toast because I ran out of 3000 rounds of AMS? Are you kidding me?

there is little blue "BETA" down right of mechwarrior online logo at the top of this page. they test these patches and we are testers.
welcome to the world of lab rat.

#22 Skye Storm


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:34 PM

The MWO forums bring me sadness. You make posts to long that are really not helping the game in any sense. Don't fool yourself, your forum post doesn't help the developers. They have already stated they understand the LRM issue and just didn't have time to get it out properly. They plan on fixing it with the next patch in two weeks. So just like facebook, stop fishing for likes.

#23 Commander Kobold


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:36 PM

missiles are fine now, they only arc steeply if fired indirectly and the missile users still have all the weaknesses they had before, all you have to do is send a light to go harass/ECM jam the missile boat and while it's busy you get your heavy hitters to come and deal with it. Everything will be fine once they fix the splash damage issue that's making everyone think the missiles are all hitting CT

#24 Skye Storm


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:40 PM

View PostZerberus, on 22 May 2013 - 09:58 AM, said:

Really? To me forum reads like the standard 1A "Every slighted kid is qqing becasue of the patch notes but hasn`t bothered to even install the patch yet" that we get after EVERY patch, regardless of how good it is.

As usual, some of it is actually true, many parts of it are outright lies like flamers causing stunlocks or facing 10 ppc stalkers, refusal to read what the devs said before the patch (for ex. the no SSRM hotfix whining), and most of it is highly exaggerated because flaming and whining is easier when you lie on the ground and call the molehill a mountain because it`s over your head now.

The ONLY patch I`ve ever seen post CB that was not accompanied by a QQ tsunami was the HUD Hotfix.

I play matches in ALL of my mechs before even thinking about posting on patchday, becasue if I`m going to say something, it helps to know what I`m talking about. Unfortunately, many don`t see it that way and prefer to "Whine, Whine, Patch, Whine, logout, Whine" instead of "Read, Install, Play, Comment" :(

You good sir are the reason I still come to the forums. Because when I read, I hope to find some sense of respect for the game, and disgust at those who would rather cause a commotion.

#25 Dison


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:57 PM

I am rather enjoying this new patch. The improved lrms add variety to an otherwise stale ppc/gauss fest. With a few more tweaks to the splash and I feel it should be right where they need to be.

#26 xxREVxx


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:18 PM

View PostSkye Storm, on 22 May 2013 - 05:40 PM, said:

You good sir are the reason I still come to the forums. Because when I read, I hope to find some sense of respect for the game, and disgust at those who would rather cause a commotion.

I agree with you both. (Zerb's post also)
However, this lameass vicious circle of weapons balancing on PGI's part is no longer amusing. PGI you did the SAME EXACT THING with LRMs LAST F@#KING YEAR!!! Here we go again???? REALLY??? The QQer's rule you! Find a freakin happy medium already for the LRMs, find a freakin happy medium for the SRMs already and call it done!! Just because enough people who like to fight in the open with direct fire type weapons don't like it because someone in a missile boat nuked their *** from the other side of the map and get pissed and complain about it to the point you decide to placate them is beyond stupid!! FIGURE IT OUT and stop making all these ridiculous decisions!! I have real money invested in testing YOUR GAME! As BETA testers we shouldn't pay ****, dudes!! We have spent alot time in the same old maps, doing the same old thing thinking this will help you nail down mechanics and balancing. So when I see you come full circle with this crap it is kind of annoying to the point I don't even want to be involved in this so called "game testing". BUT what do you care? You got our money, right? (By the way this is my first irritated post I have made toward the devs)
Whatever, screw it....I've ranted enough. I'll be playing Legends until you get your **** together.

Edited by PoisonWolf, 22 May 2013 - 06:21 PM.

#27 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:53 PM

This is getting a little out of hand. Yes, LRMs got buffed and they are a bit tougher than they should be. However, coring out a mech at distance using PPCs and GAUSS is as easy as it ever was. Realize that things will even out a bit after the patch settles. Stop claiming that the sky is falling.

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