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Sarah Hero Mech And Cancer Research Fundraiser

585 replies to this topic

Poll: Sarah's Jenner (1597 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you buy Sarah's Jenner?

  1. Yes (1458 votes [91.47%])

    Percentage of vote: 91.47%

  2. There is no other option (136 votes [8.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.53%


#281 Dirge Crenna


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 04:44 PM

Massive Bump!!!

#282 Hammerfinn


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 07:04 PM

This should always be at the top. This should always be read.

My daughter is too young for gaming as of yet, but I hope she can play soon--and if she plays, I want her in Sarah's Jenner.

#283 Qayos


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 07:21 PM

I said it in the other thread, I'll repeat it here. I will buy this mech as soon as it's available. It needs missile slots, I will carry streaks in it.

#284 zraven7


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 09:02 PM

Original Post Updated

#285 SoylentDaveage


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:12 PM

This is probably the only thing that will get me in the cockpit of a Jenner.

I do not like Jenners, but this one I will gladly buy.

#286 2sl0w


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:19 PM

View Postzraven7, on 23 May 2013 - 10:21 AM, said:

Ok, first, read this. And I'm sorry, but it's gonna hurt...


Now, I think they should make Sarah a Hero Jenner, with part of the proceeds going to cancer research, and, if possible, any remaining medical bills her family is still paying off.

I know the second part there might be problematic, but I'm certain PGI can put proceeds towards cancer research.

I don't care what the mech is equipped with or looks like, I'll buy it. Zero Hardpoints for thirty dollars? Sure, here's my money.

Let's do this, guys. Spread it around. Tell your friends. Get your Clans and Corps and Houses. She deserves this.


PGI, I have just purchased 6,500 MC. This is entirely for Sarah's Jenner, and will not be spent until I am able to get Sarah's Jenner.

I have just spent real money on an idea. I mean this. She deserves it.


We've gotten up to 300 votes for this. Thank you to all of you who have voted, and thanks to everyone who has spread the word.

Also, much, much thanks to everyone who brainstormed the idea of the Memorial Hero Mech in the original "For Sarah" thread. I'm not going to name names, not sure who wants the light or the shadow, but it's there for everyone to read.

Keep it going guys. My personal wish was to try to get this to 500, but I think we can do better, and Sarah and her family sure deserve better.

We are a Community, and this Community thinks Sarah's memory should be running around these maps for the entirety of this game, with images of her little Jenner floating around the internet for as long as there is one.

Thank you all, guys. Keep it up


I go to bed, wake up, and there are another 100 votes. You guys are all amazing.

I have been reading every post in this thread, and I know there are detractors. That is fine, they are entitled to their opinion. You have all been great at not letting this turn into a flame war. Let them say what they want to say, and just continue with on topic posts. This is for a little girl and a grieving family, not forum victories. Thank you, again.

All of the Houses, Clans, Guilds and Merc Corps who have posted this to personal forums and networked this to other members, thank you so much.

All of the people who have networked this through Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc., I wish I could hug you.

I don't really have words for how I feel about seeing this community coming together like this. It's incredible, to say the least.

Keep it rolling guys. Keep it rolling.


500. Wow. 500 votes. This is more than I had hoped for. You guys are incredible.

Alright, if we can do 500, we can go higher, easy. We've got a three day weekend here, and we have our end-of-week players coming in.

Let people know what happened, and that we are trying to help.

To the detractors of this idea, I appreciate you keeping all of your posts civil and polite. This is a thread about the memory of a little girl, and it's good that we remember that it is no place for fighting.

If anyone has strong feelings about this that they have to vent, please feel free to message me directly. I won't fight you or insult you, whatever you say. You have free reign to say anything you want to me privately, without repercussion.

Keep it going guys. You are doing something awesome.


600. I never thought we'd get it to 600 in two days.

This is one of the best examples of community coming together I've ever seen.

Keep it rolling guys. Keep it strong.


Another day, another 100 votes. Another chance for me to be joyfully surprised.

I am so proud to be part of this community right now. You are all amazing people, and are doing an amazing thing for the memory of Sarah.

I think we can do 1000 by the end of the weekend. Lets try for it.

+1 For Sarah

#287 Hayashi


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 01:46 AM

I don't see the point in asking for the development of another full Hero mech for this for free... that's really a lot of work. However, if it was a graphical paintjob pattern that was only applicable to Jenners (which takes a fraction of the effort a full mech does), and if all of the proceeds went to cancer research, I'd happily buy it.

Let us override the Founders' paintjob on the 7-D(F), and the Champion paintjob (there is one, right?) on the 7-F(C) with this skin.

Actually once I master all the mechs I'd probably pilot that Jenner for the rest of all the time I spend on MWO.

Edited by Hayashi, 26 May 2013 - 01:47 AM.

#288 Iqfish


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 02:25 AM

My group would buy this mech instantly. Make it happen PGI

#289 Viralstrayne


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 02:27 AM


I'd snap one up in the blink of an eye

Currently doing a video edit from our last couple of games, I'll be popping this link to this thread / idea into the video description. Bout the best way I can help spread it more than I have on FB etc so far.

We all can ***** / moan all day about games and at eachother....but when a community unites like this and all the crap gets put to one side... I am damn proud to be a gamer!! :)

#290 MentalPatient


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 02:31 AM

This poll needs to be changed now and have the bias removed. Also, you don't seriously think PGI would GIVE MONEY AWAY do you? I think the cause is a worthy one, but this is a game, and if you really want to help the cause then use the appropriate channels and donate in that way, but please don't add something to the game which has nothing to do with the battletech universe. I know I'm not the only one in thinking this.

//Braces for flames.

Edited by MentalPatient, 26 May 2013 - 02:35 AM.

#291 Rakshasa


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 02:38 AM

+1. I don't pilot lights, and I'll gladly pay as much MC as they ask for for this. Rest in peace little one :)

#292 Mordino


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:01 AM

Sure, why not. Seems like a good thing to do.

Edited by Mordino, 26 May 2013 - 07:05 AM.

#293 zraven7


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:24 AM

View PostMentalPatient, on 26 May 2013 - 02:31 AM, said:

This poll needs to be changed now and have the bias removed. Also, you don't seriously think PGI would GIVE MONEY AWAY do you? I think the cause is a worthy one, but this is a game, and if you really want to help the cause then use the appropriate channels and donate in that way, but please don't add something to the game which has nothing to do with the battletech universe. I know I'm not the only one in thinking this.

//Braces for flames.

I'm sorry that you feel the poll is biased, but I didn't want this to possibly turn into an argument thread. The intention of the poll is to let those who would like this to be able to say so. Those who wouldn't simply don't vote. If I could have, I would have only put one possible answer, like a petition, but the format won't let me.

I'm confused by what you mean about having nothing to do with the universe. They have already released Hero mechs that only exist within MWO, and are listed as "Apocryphal". This would be no different.

Again, though, thank you for the civility and diplomacy of your response. It helps a lot. Thank you.

#294 Boris Javorina


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:37 AM

I will buy one... What do I say, TWO!

#295 Hex Pallett


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:50 AM

I'm not a big fan of Lights but for a sake like this, I'm in.

#296 buttmonkey


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 08:33 AM

this idea has lots of good sentiment but pgi cannot do it, it will set a precedent which means if some other young MWO player dies of some illness, pgi would be legally obliged to do the same for them as well. im not a lawyer so i dont know if its set in stone. it may in fact already have happened and not been reported, in which case that persons parants could say hey come on pgi you did it for sarah so you have to do it for my kid too.

i much prefere the idea of a cockpit item/paint job, something thats vanity only. even a generac one in case of the above mentioned, so like a plaque with sarahs name on it, then if there is a cruel twist of fate in which something like this happens again, there would be another name added to the plaque, or a new plaque available.

also if it were a plaque or vanity item pgi would be able to give a lot more to charity. they could put a high price on it with a low production cost to maximise profit for charity, instead of spending lots on a mech varient complete with unique skin etc. and dont forget balance here it would have to be balanced with other jenners.

im not trying to be the **** in the punchbowl here but i think that pressuring pgi for a whole new mech is not constructive. its not like a bug that needs fixing or a balance issue thats breaking the game, its for comletely new content. if forum pressure forces pgi to make this mech, then people are going to use this tactic for anything they want, like a single player campaign, or the king crab or w/e

Edited by buttmonkey, 26 May 2013 - 08:34 AM.

#297 JovialJovian


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 08:43 AM

buttmonkey - If PGI does this they would not be legally obligated to make a new 'Mech for every instance of a gamer dying from cancer.

But with that said I'd just be happy with cockpit items or paint jobs if that is all they can do. I understand that a whole new 'Mech may not be possible. I'll spend money on it whatever they can come up with.

#298 Wintersdark


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 08:53 AM

View Postbuttmonkey, on 26 May 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

this idea has lots of good sentiment but pgi cannot do it, it will set a precedent which means if some other young MWO player dies of some illness, pgi would be legally obliged to do the same for them as well. im not a lawyer so i dont know if its set in stone. it may in fact already have happened and not been reported, in which case that persons parants could say hey come on pgi you did it for sarah so you have to do it for my kid too.
Except there's no legal obligation there whatsoever, or even a moral one. They obviously can't always do that, and rational adults wouldn't expect them to.


im not trying to be the **** in the punchbowl here but i think that pressuring pgi for a whole new mech is not constructive. its not like a bug that needs fixing or a balance issue thats breaking the game, its for comletely new content. if forum pressure forces pgi to make this mech, then people are going to use this tactic for anything they want, like a single player campaign, or the king crab or w/e

Except forum pressure doesn't "force" PGI to do anything. If they do in fact do this, it's not because they had to but because they wanted to. Just because they did something people asked them to (note: They have not said they don't want to do it, or won't) doesn't mean they are some how required to always do what people ask.

It's extra work for PGI, but as it's for charity it's likely tax deductible, which helps mitigate the cost.

But that aside, it's a charitable thing. Yes, it's more work - not necessarily much, it could well just be a standard Jenner with a custom skin, maybe a small model change. Making a hero mech is not particularly more difficult than making a new skin anyways, as you can start out with an existing variant so the modelling and whatnot are all already done.

Anyways, yes, there would be a cost to PGI. And? It's a cost spent for a good cause - we're saying "Hey, PGI: Stand up and do this in her honour, and we'll all do our part too!"

#299 Wintersdark


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 08:58 AM

View PostHayashi, on 26 May 2013 - 01:46 AM, said:

I don't see the point in asking for the development of another full Hero mech for this for free... that's really a lot of work. However, if it was a graphical paintjob pattern that was only applicable to Jenners (which takes a fraction of the effort a full mech does), and if all of the proceeds went to cancer research, I'd happily buy it.

Let us override the Founders' paintjob on the 7-D(F), and the Champion paintjob (there is one, right?) on the 7-F© with this skin.

Actually once I master all the mechs I'd probably pilot that Jenner for the rest of all the time I spend on MWO.

How do you figure it's a lot of work? It's just a mech with a preset paint job - it's the paint pattern simply locked to one mech as per the hero patterns. The mech doesn't need to be custom made, they could - and would, much like the other Hero's - simply start out with a standard variant. They wouldn't even need to change hardpoints. Development cost compared to just a new skin? Effectively zero.

The point, though, is that being a hero mech achieves a few goals at once:

1) You can charge more for a Hero, reasonably - Hero's have a preset pricing scheme that works fairly well and people are used to.
2) The buyer is buying for charity, but getting the hero c-bill bonus too. This allows players to pony up for charity and get something for it, which greatly increases the number of people who'd do it.

If it's just a skin, you're not going to sell nearly as many given lots of players don't have Jenner's to put them on, so those people would need to buy a Jenner first, then apply the skin... and it wouldn't feel the same.

No, a Hero mech (even just a stock Jenner reskinned and treated as a Hero, so no dev cost aside from the art) would be a much better way to go at no additional cost.

#300 dr cyanide


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 09:57 AM

Bumping because this deserves the bump

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