Stormwolf, on 24 May 2013 - 02:08 PM, said:
The Spider SDR-5D was designed as a anti-infantry mech, it's pretty useless in a game that only has mechs.
And you might ask "what can infantry possibly do against a mech?", well that's simple those guys have all kinds of fun weapons like inferno SRM launchers and in later cases stealth suits to sneak up on you. This is rather expanded upon in the GDL novels where they would attach satchel charges to the legs of mechs and pretty much cripple them.
That's where the SDR-5D comes in, it protects its fellow mechs from these sorts of nasty things.
I have no clue why this mech made its way into MWO.
I would have thought that was the 5K, with all the ballistic hardpoints for MG's. The 5D, with the ECM, would be wasted on anti-infantry duty. This is from an old, old tabletop gamer who has been in love with Battletech since the mid 1980's or so.
But, anyways, the 5D is perfectly usable, mainly because of the ECM. If someone decides to spend gadzillion dollars/points on their SDR the way you did on your TBT, they'd have a 150kph beast that wouldn't come within 250m of you which would happily dodge in and out of cover while taking big chunks of armor off you with an ERPPC. And TAG'ing you for his LRM boats to hit with salvo after salvo until you are swiss cheese. Just sayin'. Cause I have seen it happen.
But, generally speaking, SDR's aren't for everyone. We all know this. You can try to start a flame war over it here if you want, that's cool. It just shows that they aren't for you. Which, again, is perfectly fine.
Have fun with your $50m CBILL TBT.