Ive been looking forward to the next mech game for years. I picked up this beta around nov 2012 and had a blast all the way up to the LRM buff then immediate LRM/SRM nerf hotfix. I have played the series since MW2 when i was probably about 7 or so.
I enjoyed giving constructive feedback on the forums, adding suggestions, helping new players, playing 4 and 8 mans every night with the same people every night for months and now its all just bland.
Its not that i dont have desire to play the game, i really want to have fun again playing but its just that the game isnt fun. Most weapons are useless or nearly useless resulting in nearly the same loadouts even more so than when cookie cutter "splatcats" and the like were prominent. So instead of making more weapons viable they have reduced the number of viable weapons and further reduced the amount of viable loadouts and desirable chassis to play on. So now the issue they were concerned about is compounded more than it was before by "splatcats".
I really hope that these things are balanced out as "Beta" ends. Srm damage was fine before, you had to get super close to use them effectively which always puts you at risk to get smashed by the enemy team. For srms to be 1-2 hit kill lethal you have to be point blank which is obscenely stupid to play that way unless youre able to catch an enemy player off on his own oblivious.
LRM flight path yes was wonky but what did you devs expect when you change the flightpath to a tight spiral and add splash? Of course mechs were going to be cored. Should have just made a spread out flight pattern that is tightened by Artemis and either left them with no splash or just a tiny bit.
Does anyone else feel this way or share the same sentiments whether youre playing or just poking around the forums still?