Mime Alliance, "A resource for non voice mercs to find their kin", Est. 3050.
So you use text to communicate? Seems like everyone wants you to get on a voice program, but you can't, or have your reasons you'd rather not?
Welcome brother, sister.
Consider this a portal to find others that, like you, do not use voice, or don't feel like doing so.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
-61st Prime Minister, WINSTON CHURCHILL
•Help you find players that are not using voice(either long or short term, doesn't matter)
•Create a language, refine it, and apply it. We will borrow from pug shorthand to start, we will also try to refine that and improve on it.
(see our dictionary below)
As I see it Mime Alliance is a resource for anyone to access, rather than strictly merc corp. You may see it differently if you wish.
Everyone is an equal member of Mime Alliance. This is not be confused with 'positions' needed to facilitate the alliance, and support is always appreciated. Really your rank can only be determined by how well you can mime talk.
Edited by Thomas Covenant, 27 May 2013 - 08:29 PM.