First and foremost, without making much work for you, adding a true "assault" mode that eliminated, or greatly reduced the "capture" option would be a great interim addition. Right now despite the name "assault", it really is just a "capture" game. Solution for that quick fix:
"Blisterball/Center-Flag": (Assault "Replacement") Single capture point, center of map. VERY slow capture rate, but encourages all mechs to focus on ONE target, not 2 as in current "assault".
Beyond that, here's some ideas for new/unique game modes that would add some standard & unique wrinkles to MWO - many of which might only work in PUG drops, not pre-made given some have varying team sizes - or it may allow pre-mades of varying sizes to find matches!!!
"Pop the Pope" (as we called in it paintball) - One team has a player (mech) designated as a "high-value-target" (the pope) and must escort this HVT from point A to point B along a fairly limited specific route (boundaries). Team B (assassins) are out to eliminate the HVT (pop the pope) and has free reign of the entire map, but cannot come within X number of meters of each other (some sort of in-game ECM/penalty would have to be added with X radius) and the escort team outweighs the assassins by 50%, or has 50% more mechs, or has better ELO etc. Team A has weight, number and skill advantage, but limited to pre-determined moderately confined pathway and a time limit. Team B outnumbered, but free reign and surprise on their side.
"Normandy Invasion":
Smaller number of defenders given excellent field position (near cooling waters, natural barriers/shielding) tasked with holding off numerically superior invaders, but who must cross poor terrain (little cover, high temps). Set this on a small "asteroid" where defenders are on the rocky/hilly shaded side of the asteroid, while invaders are coming in from the sun-facing (high heat) side with little cover and volcanic eruptions etc. (Half "River City Frozen", Half "Caustic")
In any mode: Capture points that aren't "victory" points, so much as "supply points" and they provide bonuses for your team or penalties for opponents for possession. Imagine these and situations where one team captured 2-3 of these, and though they lost the battle by being eliminated as a team, actually earned more XP/C-Bills than the victors because at game's end they held more of them, or for longer time etc. and a s a result, swung some of the C-Bills & XP destined to the winners over to their side. A "Phyrric victory" for the winners. Maybe up to 30% of the total XP/C-bills in a match are assigned to the supply points and could swing from team to team?

Game Mode Ideas...
Started by WarOrk, May 27 2013 05:31 PM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 27 May 2013 - 05:31 PM
Posted 27 May 2013 - 10:30 PM
I like the center capture point idea a lot. Sticking to the game philosophy - two groups drop into an area, they don't have a base. They capture a base already in place in the center of the map (or kill all the enemy). This will force a fight instead of CapWarrior Online which it often ends up as.
Edited by Barberian, 27 May 2013 - 10:31 PM.
Posted 28 May 2013 - 04:12 AM
"Brian Cache Mode"
A set of conditions that would be very difficult to complete. But if successful, would result in an insane level of rewards for the Victor. (Ex.Only); Victory conditions of enemy never got on your base, you captured their base, 10 to 1 ratio of team damage.(your team did 10x the damage to their team as they did to you.), etc.
Rewards from new mech to Co. commander to modules for lance commanders, to new weapons, ammo to everyone else.
This mode would only appear at random times. (1 in 10 matches?)
your thoughts?
A set of conditions that would be very difficult to complete. But if successful, would result in an insane level of rewards for the Victor. (Ex.Only); Victory conditions of enemy never got on your base, you captured their base, 10 to 1 ratio of team damage.(your team did 10x the damage to their team as they did to you.), etc.
Rewards from new mech to Co. commander to modules for lance commanders, to new weapons, ammo to everyone else.
This mode would only appear at random times. (1 in 10 matches?)
your thoughts?
Posted 30 May 2013 - 04:45 AM
we are fine with 2 modes
Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:16 PM
there are a lot of game modes possible with Mechwarrior, and the community has shown that.
Pgi, please listen, and help us make this a reality, even if we have to wait until the Full Metagame comes out.
Pgi, please listen, and help us make this a reality, even if we have to wait until the Full Metagame comes out.
Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:18 PM
"Package Escort"
Essentially CTF with one package (flag) in the middle of the map that needs to be grabbed and brought back to base.
Standard capture the flag mode but with appropriate 'flags' (a weapons cache, a secret mech plan etc etc). Only one capture necessary to win, just make capturing much harder than in regular CTF by making each teams flag easier to drop or a long 'capture' period when you get it back to your base.
"Proper Assault"
Team A starts entrenched in a base with a capture point or destructible objective at the back of the base. Team B drops on the other side of the map and must assault the base and capture the point/destroy the objective before the time limit is up or they are all destroyed. Sides switch after each battle with a tiebreak decided by overall damage/time taken to complete objective.
Each Mech is equipped with a MechBall launcher and can pass the ball to team mates. Have to get it into your opponents goal zone to score a point. First to three points wins. Suffering 30 damage within 10 seconds makes you drop the ball. Essentially a game of soccer with Mechs. (A silly one I know, but it doesn't have to be serious all the time)
"Man with the Golden Gun" (not team based)
Oldschool Goldeneye mode where one Mech is equipped with a super weapon that overrides all their other weapons and gets points for kills while everyone else has to kill him. Only the Golden Gun kills count towards score. Whoever kills the Man with the Golden Gun becomes that man. Person with the most Golden Gun points at the end of the match wins.
"Straight up Free-for-All"
Small maps. No power down option. Straight up free for all deathmatch.
Essentially CTF with one package (flag) in the middle of the map that needs to be grabbed and brought back to base.
Standard capture the flag mode but with appropriate 'flags' (a weapons cache, a secret mech plan etc etc). Only one capture necessary to win, just make capturing much harder than in regular CTF by making each teams flag easier to drop or a long 'capture' period when you get it back to your base.
"Proper Assault"
Team A starts entrenched in a base with a capture point or destructible objective at the back of the base. Team B drops on the other side of the map and must assault the base and capture the point/destroy the objective before the time limit is up or they are all destroyed. Sides switch after each battle with a tiebreak decided by overall damage/time taken to complete objective.
Each Mech is equipped with a MechBall launcher and can pass the ball to team mates. Have to get it into your opponents goal zone to score a point. First to three points wins. Suffering 30 damage within 10 seconds makes you drop the ball. Essentially a game of soccer with Mechs. (A silly one I know, but it doesn't have to be serious all the time)
"Man with the Golden Gun" (not team based)
Oldschool Goldeneye mode where one Mech is equipped with a super weapon that overrides all their other weapons and gets points for kills while everyone else has to kill him. Only the Golden Gun kills count towards score. Whoever kills the Man with the Golden Gun becomes that man. Person with the most Golden Gun points at the end of the match wins.
"Straight up Free-for-All"
Small maps. No power down option. Straight up free for all deathmatch.
Posted 31 May 2013 - 09:48 PM
How about exciting Mission Objectives? Something like:
Team A Primary Objectives
1. Capture enemy ComSat station at Nav Point Alpha (can be recaptured by enemy).
2. Destroy enemy weapons depot at Nav Point Beta (several targetable structures like the mechs in Testing Grounds).
3. Download plans from research facility near Nav Point Beta (ComSat station must be occupied before download can commence).
4. Destroy 'mech facility at Nav Point Charlie.
5. Return to Nav Point Alpha and prepare for dust-off.
WIN CONDITION: All Primary Objectives Completed
Team B Primary Objectives
1. Defend 'mech facility
2. Locate and destroy all hostiles
WIN CONDITION: All Primary Objectives Completed
Team A Primary Objectives
1. Capture enemy ComSat station at Nav Point Alpha (can be recaptured by enemy).
2. Destroy enemy weapons depot at Nav Point Beta (several targetable structures like the mechs in Testing Grounds).
3. Download plans from research facility near Nav Point Beta (ComSat station must be occupied before download can commence).
4. Destroy 'mech facility at Nav Point Charlie.
5. Return to Nav Point Alpha and prepare for dust-off.
WIN CONDITION: All Primary Objectives Completed
Team B Primary Objectives
1. Defend 'mech facility
2. Locate and destroy all hostiles
WIN CONDITION: All Primary Objectives Completed
Posted 01 June 2013 - 10:54 AM
Single flag capture would be awesome. Imagine the cap point at the center of the caldarea?
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