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Don't Say "gg" Or (Good Game) If It Wasn't

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#61 Tekadept


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 05:55 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 05:52 PM, said:

Whining about whining is still whining, genius. Incredibly you managed to sound passive-aggressive and smarmy even while trying to put down "QQers".

Thanks glad you understood.

#62 White Bear 84


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 05:56 PM

View PostTraining Instructor, on 28 May 2013 - 02:21 AM, said:

It's just rubbing salt in people's wounds if you roll some team 6-2 or 8-0 and then say "GG" at the end of the match. It wasn't a good game, and you know it. Just say nothing.

If you're trying to be a jerk, by all means continue to say it. As it stands though, it's the equivalent of some top tier college football team unloading some 63-0 score on middle-southwestern appalachian state and then congratulating them on how hard they played.

Just because a team loses doesnt mean it wasnt a good game. Some players say it out of good sportmanship, other say it to their team mates. And just because the score was 8-0 doesnt mean there is anything wrong with posting gg. I do it when im on the losing side and when im on the winning side. Who cares - if you lost, suck it up the other players are not trying to rub it in.

Now if you were complaining about players who call their team noobs or useless jackasses then that would be a different story.. ..but QQ'ing about good sportmanship.. ..really?!

Edited by White Bear 84, 28 May 2013 - 05:58 PM.

#63 Just wanna play


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 05:57 PM

View PostTalimar1, on 28 May 2013 - 05:54 PM, said:

Neverfar, you are upset about a dry robotic statement? Most major sports teams say good game to each other, and in fact it doesn't mean anything. But they still do it and it is looked at as much worse for them NOT to do it. That is the tradition I follow. If someone gets mad that I GG, it doesn't bother me. I do it out of respect. If I really had a fun game that was close, I will let them know and do it specificlly, not just type gg. If you gg only in really good games, then you are a [Richard]. End of story.

What you are essentially saying is that if you had alot of fun and it was a really close match, then you should GG, and nothing else. I prefer to gg when I don't know the people and dont really care. But If there is a really good game, I post specifics with the gg. GG is the minimum, and people who dont say it either aren't paying attention or are ********. I would rather someone gg me than to not say anything, which is what you are proposing. GG helps to foster community, and we can't help if people take it wrong and dont know the context.

like i said about perspective, and you do it out of respect even if the other person might take offense to the statement then ignore them when they say how they feel about what you said???

depending on who you are saying gg can mean completely different things, and both saying it and not could be the exact same thing
those that say it always but only go into specifics when it really is a gg, think about how others might mean the same thing as you when they only say gg because they are being human and not robotic

Edited by Just wanna play, 28 May 2013 - 06:00 PM.

#64 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:00 PM


#65 ShinVector

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:00 PM

View PostTraining Instructor, on 28 May 2013 - 02:21 AM, said:

It's just rubbing salt in people's wounds if you roll some team 6-2 or 8-0 and then say "GG" at the end of the match. It wasn't a good game, and you know it. Just say nothing.

If you're trying to be a jerk, by all means continue to say it. As it stands though, it's the equivalent of some top tier college football team unloading some 63-0 score on middle-southwestern appalachian state and then congratulating them on how hard they played.

I believe a certain sqwaking bunch ( 'Calvin' comes into mind, in particular ) makes it a point to say "GG Close" everytime the match was somewhere close to a steamroll in his favour.

And I do believe it is meant to **** you off.


If it was an extremely close and I myself finished off the last people in 2v1 or multi v1 battles.
I would end it with "GG".

Else if I get killed and it was extremely close or a fantastic battle. I will still end it with "gg".

Else I would just gumble to myself, if it was a sucky battle. Thanks to ELO and many at times weird match making !!

Edited by ShinVector, 28 May 2013 - 06:00 PM.

#66 White Bear 84


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:01 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 05:58 PM, said:

I'm more convinced by the attitude than by the claims. The "GG"ers seem far from sportsmanlike in this thread. They sound like a bunch of overcompensating wannabe jocks. It's even sillier because this "sport" makes golf look like rugby.

Because attacking posters in the thread is going to result in a positive response...


#67 Skadi


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:04 PM

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#68 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:07 PM

View PostSkadi, on 28 May 2013 - 06:04 PM, said:

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Edited by Sephlock, 28 May 2013 - 06:08 PM.

#69 Skadi


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:16 PM

View PostSephlock, on 28 May 2013 - 06:07 PM, said:

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#70 White Bear 84


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:21 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:00 PM, said:

Again, let go of your stupid e-sport dogma for a moment. There is nothing "sportsmanlike" about a mandatory ritual of tapping two letters. Especially because it seems very false and insincere in many cases. Especially from guys like the ones defending the ritual in this thread and being arrogant jerks about it.

What e-sport dogma? I dont use gg because there is a code or expectation to use it. I could just as easily type 'good game' or anything else. GG is a generic term used to express a players consideration that they had a good game. It may be used in terms of a really close match, it could be used in terms of a player doing really well. Who really actually cares?

if your worried about being a sore loser, there are worse things that players in your team or your enemies team can say to you to 'rub it in' mate! And just because you didnt have a good game that does not mean that the other team didnt or that your team didnt - you assume that everyone on your losing team is as sore as you, who are you to say that they did not have a good game even though they lost? Of course to back up your statement you have gone and started flaming other posters to illicit a response, yet the only response you have recieved is that of ridicule and jest, i mean really, how can anyone take a QQ thread about the use of 'GG' seriously. Its the most ridiculous thing.

GG mate. GG.

#71 Hellcat420


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:26 PM


View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:23 PM, said:

I make no special claims to "sportsmanship". Nor do I attribute anything of value to a knee-jerk tapping of two keys that is apparently said unconditionally and in every situation "out of respect".

Your pretentious ellipses don't make your sarcastic jab any more convincing.

You're only reinforcing my case by spamming obnoxious, angry "GG"s at the end of your own post.

So, where's the "respect" and the "sportsmanship" in that? Please.

Quite arguably, at this rate, all I need to do to make this case for "GG" spam crash and burn into the ground is let its supporters continue to show just how "respectful" and "sportsmanlike" they are being, spamming accusations of "sore losing" and all.

lots of QQ always fixes the problem. keep it up.

p.s. GG

Edited by Hellcat420, 28 May 2013 - 06:26 PM.

#72 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:35 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:27 PM, said:

Another sterling example. Look at the "respectful" GG up there. How sportsmanlike.
In fairness, you can't really point to those guys in this case, because you can point to "those guys" in ANY case.

Another good example is this whole thing.

You can point to ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, and there will always be d-bags doing it. Pointing at that as evidence that the whole enterprise is rotten is a recipe for becoming one of these.

Edited by Sephlock, 28 May 2013 - 06:36 PM.

#73 Hellcat420


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:44 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:


Even so, ignoring "I put 420 in my name I am soooo edgy" guy, just about all of the "GG" defenders here have been rude, condescending, and insulting to people sick of the "GG" stuff. And not just to me (I expect it).

And most recently, note the "GG" spam put in the last few posts by those defenders. They're showing me quite clearly just how blank, vague, and downright empty the statement is if it can be used in angry sarcasm with equal frequency.

dude did you really think you could come to the forums on the INTERNET and start QQing about people saying good game or abbreviating it at the end of the match and not get trolled for being a ridiculous crybaby? time for you to quit skipping so much school and develop those braincells a bit more. ffs dude, it would be one thing if you were crying about people trash talking and putting other players down after a match, but all the QQ because people say good game is just ridiculous.


Edited by Hellcat420, 28 May 2013 - 06:48 PM.

#74 Talimar1


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:48 PM

Are you really that upset man? A gg shows respect. Public random matches you can't expect much, but just start assuming a gg is just a polite compliment unless you get proven wrong by their statements, such as a close when it isn't close, or they do something else to prove you wrong. A pubstomp is a good game. That is all there is to it. It is not a close game. You can be upset about it, but show some respect. If I get pubstomped, I assume the other team is full of great players who worked together, while mine didn't. That constitutes a good game.

#75 Hellcat420


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:50 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:47 PM, said:

Your response is continuing to affirm my case, especially because you topped it off with a "sportsmanlike" GG at the end.

Thank you.

or i just might not want to take the time write a literary masterpiece in response to an internet crybaby.

GG and continue the QQ.

#76 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:52 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:


Even so, ignoring "I put 420 in my name I am soooo edgy" guy, just about all of the "GG" defenders here have been rude, condescending, and insulting to people sick of the "GG" stuff. And not just to me (I expect it).

And most recently, note the "GG" spam put in the last few posts by those defenders. They're showing me quite clearly just how blank, vague, and downright empty the statement is if it can be used in angry sarcasm with equal frequency.

In that case just think of "GG" as the N word. It all depends on the context, and who is using it, and to whom it is being said :).

#77 Tekadept


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:52 PM


#78 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:03 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 06:55 PM, said:

Well, in that case, it certainly has lost meaning, as I have contended. And with strangers, yes, all the "GG" spam in a match (usually said by the winning team, especially in a 8-0) can be taken as far less than respectful.

That is affirmed and reinforced by some of the "sportsmen" who are coming in here and throwing it around in its not-respectful way. Thanks, 420!
It may have lost its meaning to you, but to us good sportsmen, it is like bowing after a Judo match.

#79 DeaconW


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:09 PM

1. 80% of communication is non-verbal, so real-world things like sporting events and practices of teams cannot necessarily be directly mapped to online interactions. This requires decent people to modify how they communicate online to reduce ambiguity.

2. Communication requires both a transmitter and a receiver who are both in complete understanding of each other in language, grammar and context. If there is ambiguity in an attempted communication, this is typically a bad thing. The communicator has the primary obligation to remove this ambiguity, not the receiver. This is common courtesy. So typing "GG" all the time and demanding others understanding it the way you want without any context is simply rude.

How does this relate to the above?

1. Slavish devotion to a posting practice of "GG" no matter how well the game went seems inconsiderate at the least, purposely insulting at worst. Why? Because ambiguity exists in what you mean. Implied meaning will be taken from the online context (i.e. an 8-0 ROLFstomp and all the winners immediately type "GG"...how do you think the receivers will view that?)

2. As some have pointed out, some games are good whether you win or lose because it was well-played, others are horrible. Being honest about it is not wrong. But ambiguity still exists because everyone views it differently. How to minimize the miscommunication? Two ways proposed that minimize this miscommunication are: only typing GG in team chat when you win and letting the losers type GG first in general chat. Can everyone see how this is much more civilized than the entrenched positions some people are taking up here? Anyway...trying to educate and add positivity if I can....flame away...

#80 Sephlock


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:12 PM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

I might have needed to stress this before.

I don't mind seeing "GGs" in actual good games, good matches. I prefer to actually say something with more substance like "well fought", but I don't expect it from others.

What I'm talking about is its empty overuse. Would you judo-bow a guy after hitting him in the back of the head and taking his wallet?

I'm especially talking about its misguided defenders here (not you, you're making a fair case) that are acting like angry middle-schoolers and saying "GG" the angry/sarcastic way.
I would, just to be a douche. Or is that making your point for you :)?

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