Terror Teddy, on 05 June 2013 - 09:34 AM, said:
I think what he means is that every other hero mech usually have a few hardpoints pulled when they give the 30% cash bonus.
I've never noticed that they did.
The Death Knell has 4 energy hard points and 1 AMS hard point. The COM-1D has 2 energy and 2 missile hard points and an AMS hard point. The Com-2D has 1 energy, 3 missile, 1 AMS and 1 ECM hard point. The 3A has 2 energy and 2 missile hard poitns as well as an AMS hard point.
Only the COM-2D stands out, but a few weeks ago, ECM wasn't even a hard point.
Cicada X-5 has 4 energy and 2 missile hard points. CDA-2A has 6 energy and 1 AMS hard point. CDA-2B has 5 energ and 1 AMS hard point. CDA-3C has 4 ballistic, 1 energy and 1 AMS hard point. The 2A has more hard points than the X-5, but it also has more than the 2B.
Flame has 1 Ballistic, 4 Energy , 1 Missile, 1 AMS. Fang as 2 Ballistics, 3 Energy, 1 Missile, 1 AMS.
Dragon 5N has 3 Ballistic, 2 Energy, 1 MIssile, 1 AMS.
It seems to me the claim is simply wrong. Hero mechs do not generally have less hard points than their regular mech counter parts. They don't sacrifice anything for their C-BIll bonus.