Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
1. SL: First bring the small lasers back into the game by lowering their cooldown to 2.00 from 2.25 and heat to 1.8 from 2.0. The first will increase their DPS a bit over the current 1.00, which will give a bit more viability compared to the current version.
The SL would benefit nicely from these changes. I'm not so sure the heat change is needed, but it'd make the ROF change a bit more user-friendly. I'd actually be more inclined to buff the range to match the new MG range profile (but energy rather than ballistic for the optimum-maximum range band).
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
2. SPL: Small pulse lasers will need a bit more work so to justify the 2 x tonnage compared to SL, their cooldown should be down to 2.00 from 2.25 just like SL, heat reduced from 3.0 to 2.5, and damage increased to 3.5 from 3.0 giving them a minor edge in that respect just like medium/large lasers have with their pulse counterparts.
The SPL should have a decreased burn time to go with these changes. Another quarter second off the burn time would make the thing fire even faster and be far more distinctive compared to its real competition, namely the ML. Keep the range as-is even if the SL gets a slight range boost, to give it a bit more of the pulse flavor (since range is supposed to be a disadvantage for pulse weapons).
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
3. MG: Due to 1. small laser DPS is now over 1.0 so we should have no problem increasing MG DPS to 1.0 from 0.8 i.e. damage from 0.08 to 0.1. The last fix to MGs made them barely playable but this minor tweak should help more.
I'd support another MG damage boost, especially a slight one like this.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
4. Flamer: Stop playing around and start respecting the laws of thermodynamics. There is NO heat cap. I want to be able to shutdown and overheatdamage that 6xPPC stalker in my 6xenergy jenner even if it takes 5 minutes of continuous grilling! And I don't care what their damage is, once you properly implement hindrances from high heat levels as requested, the flamers will do their work.
I disagree. Stun-locking should not be a thing in this game. It's why collisions were taken out. The fix for flamers is to lower the heat generated by the user so that firing your flamer isn't prohibitive. A damage boost would not be amiss, either.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
5. PPCs: The current LRM fix somewhat relieved the sniper problem. However, it only hides the problem still within the game, which is (ER)PPC. Especially ERPPC is deadly because it has almost the double range of largest lasers, while still being usable at close quarters after HSR (which is nice and realistic). Therefore, I think the TT heats for these weapons are not that exaggerated especially as we are about to face 12 vs. 12 soon - a condition which favors weapons, which have unlimited ammo. This is why I think PPC heat should be increased from 8 to 9 (TT:10) and ERPPC heat from 11 to 14 (TT: 15). Yes, you read right, 14, not 13. 13 would be fine if it didn't work at close range like PPC and if the clans wouldn't have to be balanced with IS weapons so that pushes it to 14 in my opinion.
The recharge nerf to PPCs and ERPPCs went a long way, but I'd like to see the PPC reduce its projectile speed to match the AC5 and the ERPPC reduced to midway between the AC5 and AC2. The ERPPC would keep a higher relative speed to reflect its improved accuracy.
A slight heat bump might be ok, but I'm reluctant to ask for one. I'd far rather see a graduated heat scale that affected "soft" things like movement speed, turn rates, twist rates, arm reflex, convergence, etc., with penalties increasing as you go up the scale, and with "hard" affects as you go into the +100% ranges (engine kill at 125% or something like that, and ammo explosions if you're in Override mode for more than 2 seconds or thereabouts).
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
6. AC/10: This is the most underpowered of the autocannons and I think the first step would be to bring the DPS to the same level as with AC/20: from 4 to 5. This would happen by dropping AC/10 cooldown from 2.5 to 2.0.
I've advocated regularizing AC dps at 5 to match the AC20 for a while now. The AC10 really isn't all that worth it except on mechs that can't physically fit an AC20. Increasing reload speed would help a lot.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
7. LBX10: I understand the recent decrease in spread increased the viability of this weapon. Despite this, I don't really see it used. I haven't used the weapon since my 2xLBX10 atlas was a failure but this is my idea how it should work in theory. The weapon obviously has a rather long range and it should be usable up to half a kilometer. Therefore, I would imagine that at this range, the buckshot of 10 of 1 damage projectiles should still be intact enough to impact, say, 6-8 hit to an Atlas. One passes between the legs, two through armpits or something. A light mech will be less hit but still feel the hit. It is still much less than what an AC/10 would do at that range to which it should be compared. LBX10 should not be a sawed-off shotgun and there should be some justification for the high price and the current critical stuff just don't cut it.
Rather than tighten grouping even more, I'd rather they increased per-pellet damage significantly, say to 1.5 each, and leave the ROF the same while the standard AC10 gets a boost. It'd become pretty brutal up-close, and would retain a lot more damage output at range even when many of the pellets are missing. The goal would be to give it and the standard AC10 diffrent roles. The LB-10X would be for easier hitting at range and harder hitting up close, while the AC10 would be for better focused damage at all ranges and higher sustained fire.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
8. SRM: SRM damage should be increased to 2.0 from current 1.5 to make it a good brawling weapon and make snipers/LRM-boats more scared at close range. AFAIK there are some flightpath changes incoming, which may be good because I've heard they spread weird or too much. Like LBX, I haven't used them for a while so this is more intuition than empirical data and conlusion from that.
Until the splash mechanics are fixed or removed SRM damage will likely stay low. I'd love to see splash removed entirely from SRMs and SSRMs and have their damage boosted to ~2.5 per missile. This would give them a lot of punch but would prevent them from returning to the bad-old-days of Splatcats one-shotting Atlases from behind. They'd still tear them a new one, but without the muliplying damage that splash seems to cause it'd be far more balanced. Plus, SSRMs need a ROF nerf to help standard SRMs have a brawling advantage.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
9: LRM: LRM damage should be increased to 1.0 from current 0.9. The latest patches were nice and the hotfix made being behind cover really being behind cover again but I'd still go fo this minor tweak. Also to make LRM5 slightly more viable against AMS.
Again, until splash damage is fixed or removed I don't see LRMs getting a damage boost. I'd love to see splash taken out entirely and LRMs moving to 1.5 per missile. After a week of such missile being available to the public PGI could tweak damage, spread, etc., based on the large volume of new data.
Rasc4l, on 30 May 2013 - 04:38 PM, said:
10: Seismic module: This is not a weapon but critically influences situational awareness during combat and at the moment needs some adjustment. In my opinion it has two functions: first, to prevent you from being surprised from behind and second, allowing detection of enemies beyond line of sight. Both capabilities reduce tactical elements of MWO and despite having to sacrifice a precious module slot for it, the current ranges are just too much. The ranges should be 1/2 of current. Also if there is a cave wall or something similarly heavy between you and the enemy, the range should be 1/3 so that the blockage somewhat reduces detection. It should not be inconceivable that the physical barrier scatters the seismic waves and makes detection more difficult.
Seismic could maybe use a range nerf, but harder terrain would increase range, not lower it. I'd rather see the BAP gain the ability to detect anyone inside 180m (150m if they have ECM) regardless of LOS and keep seismic the way it is. This would give it some competition (short ranged but better, since you could target people without LOS with a BAP, and it'd work even if they're not moving or shut down, and seismic still only pings your radar, without providing actual targets).
It might be good to make it more directional rather than pin-point like it is now. Have a wave come from the edge of the radar toward your triangle when it detects something. More contacts make for a darker, faster-moving wave. Closer contacts (or heavier ones, or faster-moving ones) would generate tighter waves for better directional resolution.
Seismic is one of the few things giving Brawlers a real leg-up right now, so I'm super glad that it's in-game. Whatever PGI does they ought not to nerf it into the ground, nor should they remove it.