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Pilot Lab Expansion

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#1 Liberator


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 04:23 AM

The expanded and improved pilot lab.

There are quite a few issues that can be fixed with some large changes to the pilot lab, firstly the MAX EVEYTHING solution is rather boring, I suggest choices.

Collisions and knockdowns are wanted, but not in the broken form we had earlier (even if it was funny)
There have been decent suggestions about modules that can augment collisions and knockdown, but I would much rather add such to the pilot lab, much easier to get for new and old players that way.

Thirdly, the game has many styles of play, sniper and brawler are two major types, but to brawl or snipe is generally dictated by the current metagame, because balance is actually hard.
With a multiple choice pilot tree you could add support for both styles, but at a penalty.

Table top have something like this in the form of gunnery and piloting, and with the ability to sink points into efficiencies from both, but not having the option of maxing both we can suddenly have so many options while not shoe horning anyone into a meta they don't want.

Piloting would include many of the old mobility related efficiencies, new stability related abilities, ramming efficiencies and many more. (Just brainstormed the framework for now)

Gunnery could handle the dreaded pinpoint accuracy issues, so if you put points in gunnery you can snipe like now with your gauss, and ppc, fast fire, get perfect convergence and other similar tweaks.
(Could need some input here)

So if you put all your eggs in the gunnery boat you can shoot and aim like now, but if a jenner jumpjets on top of you you will wobble alot, and maybe even fall over, same if a centurion plows into you.

Now there are the rather generic efficiencies, like heat managment, where does these go inn? Maybe a third support skill tree or would heat go under gunney?

This up for discussion and refinement, but at least I have put up the suggestion now.

Please post constructive.

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