Hotthedd, on 01 June 2013 - 12:16 PM, said:
Do you even READ the posts before you respond? What difference does the ability to launch a full salvo of 30 LRMs make when he is running 2 SRM6? (or possibly 2 SSRMs)?
Because he isn't always going to stay at 2 SRM6's. He is going to try it, come to the realization that SRM's right now blow and then look for an alternative, which is going to be streaks or LRM's.
Most likely LRM's to give him some range, the Treb can always downgrade to less missiles but the HBK-4SP can't Upgrade to more missiles in the case of LRM's.
I've got a HBK-4SP, it sits there because mounting LRM's on it is impractical due to the way AMS works. You can take it out for a spin with some large lasers but you'll be lucky to make it into medium range most games without getting a torso blown off, even if you do make into medium range your still facing off against a mech with x2 ERPPC's and a Gauss with your 4 medium lasers and x2 SRM6's (that hit like a wet noodle)
Guess which one generates less heat? Yup, the 2 ERPPC and Gauss is more heat efficient and can throw more alpha salvo's before coming close to shutting down.
4 Meds + 2 SRM6 = 28 heat a salvo every 4 secs.
ERPPC + Gauss = 22 heat a salvo every 4 secs.
I'm not trying to be harsh or cruel or ignore anyone's posts, I am just explaining all the given features of a mech.
Just plan'n ahead mate, as what we plan on paper rarely works out in practice.
Edit: My favorite build right now is TBT-5J - 5 medium lasers, SRM4, AMS, near max armor, full Jumpjets and a 325 XL with 16 DHS. With all the Boom-Jagers, ERPPC's, Gauss and other long range weapons the only way to really survive as a medium right now is speed or apocalyptic firepower.
Edited by Carrioncrows, 01 June 2013 - 05:11 PM.