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What Do You Aim For At Enemy Mechs?

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Poll: An undamaged mech is appearing in your sights, where will you likely aim? (386 member(s) have cast votes)

Undamaged Mech is getting in your sights, where to you aim (if it doesn't have any known weak spots)?

  1. Head (49 votes [12.69%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.69%

  2. Center Torso (231 votes [59.84%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 59.84%

  3. Side Torso (62 votes [16.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.06%

  4. Leg (15 votes [3.89%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.89%

  5. Arm (1 votes [0.26%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 0.26%

  6. Other (28 votes [7.25%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.25%

What is your strategy regarding hit locations?

  1. Systematically disable weapons, limb by limb (17 votes [4.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.40%

  2. Go for the Center Torso unless special weaknesses are known (XL Engine, Hunchback's weapon hunch, legs of light mechs) (295 votes [76.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 76.42%

  3. Going for the legs (11 votes [2.85%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.85%

  4. Headshots (28 votes [7.25%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.25%

  5. Other (35 votes [9.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.07%

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#81 Pureborn


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 03:32 PM

View PostLexLuther, on 03 June 2013 - 08:23 AM, said:

If i'm am a reasonable range, i'll go for mostly head shots. Even if I miss, I still get a CT hit. If i'm not comfortable with that, i'll shoot of center of mass of course.

The exception to the rule is when I face lights. I like to target their legs.

exactly how i feel... nothing like getting lucky fireing my gauzz and punching a guy in the face!

#82 therealswilly


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:46 AM

As a huncback brawler, what I do is try to get behind the bigger guys and hit them from behind until they start turning, if I can follow around their back I will. If I can't I'll run off and leave them confused.

I tend to go for CT though on a one on one fight because my SRMs spread out enough that they'll hit the shoulders and CT.

#83 Lugh


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:21 AM

View PostPureborn, on 10 July 2013 - 03:32 PM, said:

exactly how i feel... nothing like getting lucky fireing my gauzz and punching a guy in the face!

Aim just behind the nose of the raven and watch the WTFs fly when you headshot them too...

#84 MaxStr


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:39 PM

It varies mech to mech. If I wasn't sure what I was shooting at for some reason I would probably shoot side torsos with guns sticking out of them for money...errr I mean for disabling 50%ish of weaponry and kills.

#85 Apocryphic


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:49 PM

I'm normally aiming for center mass at longer ranges to increase my chance to hit. A side torso or leg at shorter ranges, as most head hitboxes are tiny. Distracted heavies and assaults get shot repeatedly in the plastron.

#86 BillyM


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:27 PM

Spiders? I don't actually aim at them, it makes no difference one way or another...


#87 Alex Warden


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 01:56 AM

i guess if you added "i try to hit the mech somewhere", a good part of the "center torso" voters would have to rethink their votes...

#88 Phoenix182


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 10:27 PM

Lights I try for legs, unless I think I'll get a kill on ct or side torsos (ie ac40 or similar).

Otherwise I want back ct first, ct otherwise.

However I often get into a headshotting mood where I purposely hunt for nothing but. Dropped 3 fairly cherry Atlases one game with my 2X doing that. Felt pretty awesome.

#89 Durahl


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 03:12 AM

When the opportunity is available I give them a Headshot like when they're Overheating right in front of me and I'm off CD with enough weapons or when they're stationary while Sniping / LRMing and I managed to sneak up to them to get a clear shot.

For everything else these is the Center Torso as it's pretty much the only other option to ensure a kill after all the work that has to be done.

#90 Ngamok


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:11 PM

I tend to try to shoot the head. Most of the time it's body shots of some time. Unless it's a fast moving target then I'll try to leg or body shot them.

#91 Khobai


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Posted 04 August 2013 - 10:31 PM

center torso. easiest target to hit. fastest way to kill most mechs.

unless you know from their loadout they have XL then by all means side torso.

Or if its a catapult then by all means headshot.

#92 Fuerchtegott


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Posted 04 August 2013 - 10:38 PM

The itsy bitsy spider bites in the back.
Have even a flamer loaded, just in case an Atlas starts farting.

#93 GRiPSViGiL


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 03:18 AM

I start off on the back Torso's and then the weakest spot once they face me.

#94 Keeshu


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 06:07 AM

As a general rule I always go for the Center torso. Especially for those mechs where I don't their hardpoints are. Of course, everything is incredibly situational I always go for injured areas first.

Atlas - Never for the head because the hit detection is really weird on that eye even if you're just testing on a stationary atlas in training grounds, just because your cursor is on it, doesn't mean that's where you need to aim to hit it, now imagine an atlas pilot that will be moving around twisting and shuffling his feet, it's just not reliable.
I usually aim for the center torso. However, now that I've played the Atlas a bit, I'll be aiming for the right torso almost everytime, because I know what it's like to feel helpless when you lose your ac/20/guass rifle, and then the enemy goes under your LRM range, leaving only couple lasers for defense. However, if an atlas is running ac/20 + SRM, I go for center torso so I can kill it as soon as possible, and if I miss it still hits the side torsos.

Highlander - Usually they are either poptarting, or charging the front line and dieing incredibly fast, for now I've just been hitting the center torso because of it's massive hitbox. I may put more emphasis on hitting the right arm though since it'll probably have a guass rifle or ac/20.

Stalker - Center Torso because it's extremely huge. Tiny arms, massive center torso = why bother looking around to use arms as a shield? Thus forth, most stalker pilots I see, if they have injured arms, I'll just finish the process since they aren't trying to move around much.

Victor - Right arm or left torso. Right arm doesn't have much armor compared to the others, and will probably be guarunteed to have something dangerous in it. Left side torso is easy to hit, and is where the rest of the weapons are located.

Awesome - Center Torso, sometimes the head since the head seems surprisingly easy to hit. Awesomes are either out of my sight trying to snipe, or in my face dieing, so never really think about where to shoot them, looking at their hardpoints it seems as long as they are alive they can hurt though.

Cataphract - Right torso. Disabling multiple weapons, if I miss, I'll hit the massive gun or center torso. Cataphract pilots have a tendency to think they can get away with XL engines. They do have a giant cockpit though, However, I'll have to test the hit detection on it because most cockpits in the game seem rather glitchy when it comes to cockpit shots.

Jaggermech - Center torso and/or head normally, arms if stationary. The arms too tiny to reliably hit if the jagermech keeps moving.

Catapults -
A1 - Ears. because I enjoy watching them run around defensless, especially if it's a splatcat.
K2 - Cockpit - Massive cockpit, and if you miss you get the center torso. not to mention they are practicly guarunteed to have some weapons in their tiny side torsos.
C1/C4 - Cockpit/center torso. There are times where I will take off their ears though if they have a build that's LRM boaty with no self defense, or they are mocking a splatcat build.

Quickdraw - Right Torso because I would imagine they like to have XL engines, and it would disable them mostly. Center torso if I start to think they don't have an XL after seeing them for a while though

Dragon - Center torso incredibly easy to hit target, However if the right arm is in my way, I'll probably shoot it anyways if I have a build that doesn't overheat like crazy. If the left arm is there, I will wait for them to turn and let myself cooldown since the left arm is usually just a shield. However if PPCs or something like that is in the left arm, I will probably wait for my chance to kill the center torso. Even if I think the pilot has an XL engine, I will not go for the side torsos, due to the speed, twists, hit detection, etc it's just not reliable to try hitting the side torsos on a dragon, better to focus on something that everyone is shooting at.


Trenchbucket - Center Torso, slightly towards right torso though. 7k I may aim for the right arm or left torso depending on where it's firepower is though.

Hunchback - Right torso, then center torso/cockpit. Unless it's 4sp, which I just go for the cockpit/center torso since it has balanced hardpoints.

Centurion - Legs because cents are what introduced me to the term zombies in mechwarrior. If you're legged, you're dead. Only exception is yen-lo-wang where I'll just shoot the right arm since that's the only area where it can have something that hurts.

Blackjack - Legs because they are huge and easy to focus fire on, and to make sure it cant run away later.

Cicada, and all lights except commando - Legs. A legged light is a dead light. However, if I see one running straight at me, I may just blast them in the center torso.

Commando - In the chest or head. Commandos by far are one of the easiest mechs to kill in the game, just blast them a couple times and they are dead. I never have troubles hitting commandos, so I just blast em away. Whenever I run a high alpha build and 1 shot them as they come around a corner, I feel sorry for the pilot.

Edited by Keeshu, 05 August 2013 - 06:15 AM.

#95 Yelland


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 06:37 AM

Sometimes, and perhaps most of the time a fight is too chaotic to be systematic in hit choices, so a vast majority of shots are aimed at center mass. I will glance at enemy info and if there is Red or areas without armor I will focus on that location.

Otherwise, when I do have a choice - Atlas I go for the eye but in reality I have only killed 3 with a headshot. One time was so sudden he peeked over a hill, I fired in surprise and boom! Ballistic Jager or Lights I go for legs, and most others I go for Side Torso. If it's early in fight I will try to take out a Gauss, or a LRM/SRM ear on a Catapult to lower damage potential.

#96 Winterclaw


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 02:20 PM

Center torso if he's in full view, if not, I'll take what I can get.

#97 DegeneratePervert


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 02:34 PM

Other on both, but side torsos more often than not.

If it is a heavier mech that is going fast, then I aim for side torsos.

If it is a light mech, I aim for legs.

If it is a medium, I go for the location that stockpiles the most weapons, or the deadliest ones.

If it is an Atlas, I take one of the side torsos.

#98 Hellcat420


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 06:12 PM

depends on the mech and the situation.

#99 Bront


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 06:49 AM

Anywhere when at a distance, Legs when I get up close. Leg armor tends to get chinced, you get ammo explosions that could take out a side torso, and a legged mech is likely to die soon anyway as it loses mobility regardless of chasis.

That said, if they're already missing part of a torso, then might as well finish the job there.

#100 UnwantedProblem


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 02:57 PM

except for jagger, I always go for rear CT.
Jagger get rear side torso (they have like 0 armor, 1 alpha and they are exposed, and 50/50 chance they have XL).

Lights, I try legs, and if they are runing away (they are not likely able to scape tough, unless they get support) rear CT.

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