guys, ladies this is not about whether light vs assault should shake more or whether or not pop tarting (which as i have observed is the explicit behavior of standing in one place and jump sniping) is a valid tactic for lights or anything else. This is really turning into a discussion of whether some people like JJ period or not. whether everyone should be force to be land-crawlers or not. some of the players don't really want anyone with JJ. them or the other team, this is self centered and looking for the "easy" button as so many have said. i say its easy mode because apparently some players would prefer that others be physically upset for wanting to simply use the 3d dimension as a tactic.
Khan may have lost to Kirk, even being the smarter more perfect "human" because he failed to consider that his tactics did not apply so well to this battlefield of multiple dimensions. its actually a classic study of tactics, taking advantage of a dimension of battle that your opponent has not considered or may not understand. but i digress.
This is why we need a lobby system that allows custom battle variables.
for example weight ranges, am i the only one that genuinely would enjoy 8v8 med and light brawls? maybe there are people that want to play with no JJ whatsoever, so let them have their own lobby and let them play without JJ as much as they want. Similarly everyone that wants to run splata cats and insta smackdown alphas JJ snipers let them play in their own respective game lobbies that allow them to play against other players of similar caliber. same for every play style, atlas boating, lrm black out the sun cheese and even 6xPCC only lobbies, oh and make sure to even have default locked game lobbies for normal play mode as well. why not see what the players really like?
a simple system of lobbies with different or custom variables would solve all issues simultaneously, PGI would get all the goods on what game conditions are most popular thus allowing PGI to draw some real conclusions,
rather then shooting in the dark with every patch.
wouldn't it be nice to allow all the newcomers to have their own game lobbies? both they and the veterans would coalesce better because it would ease the learning curve. newbs would cease complaining about getting cheesed every single match (which is still happening), veterans would be happy that they can slowly recruit upcoming would-be Kerensky's to their lance. rather then having players that are at the peak and bottom of the curve constantly getting thrown in some strange mix of ELO,
which virtually guarantees a one sided fight.
Why not allow many different variables like heat or JJ efficiency, maybe some people will use these variables correctly and find what might be eventually end up as a gold standard for tournaments and competitive play (which is what your looking for anyway right?) wont that make ELO work properly?
constantly nerfing and destroying valid tactics (in this case making JJ near useless and not really worth their weight/space anymore) is what
will destroy this game, only a very small portion of the playing population really wants to keep all the battles simple, keep all the tactics simple and easy. let these players have their own game lobby for their play-style with a big bright easy button that's impossible to miss.
that said I never had any problem in any mech fighting other poptarts because i understood their MO. read sun tzu's art of war, or at least pay attention to the quotes in the total war series. really this is mechwarrior online. do you think you will find success without tactics? without taking into account the great tacticians of our past? if you find yourself getting beaten consistently by a particular tactic, it usually means that you
don't understand that tactic, or how to respond to it tactically and that's is why that particular tactic is working against you.
you must become your enemy to understand their tactics, once you do its fundamentally easy to counter them in any mech, even alone, even outgunned even in a mech not design to hunt "poptarts". i would almost always wipe the floor with the supposedly evil "poptarts" because if they did "just" stand there and tart, they were real easy cbills for me and anyone else that simply thought outside the box. most tarts i encountered were poor pilots (not all, did have some really good JJ brawls) that were easy to scrap at close range, even easier to
sneak up on to take the advantage and get the initiative.
to everyone that i hit using JJ with PPC/gauss, try moving IE not standing still, try finding a way around me without me seeing you. honestly i likely only hit you because you weren't moving, were moving too slowly and being unthoughtful of your next location to move to, or were moving in a bad direction for your mech relative to my firing arc. I cant say im any kind of "Godly sniper" at all whatsoever and i wouldn't be surprised if i had a horrible hit ratio with ppc/gauss even before the JJ nerf, but ive had a few good hits from long range, and let me tell you they are far and few between and very satisfying as a result of hitting a moving obtect while airborne from 1000m. and there was never a lack of skill needed to be a useful sniper, it didn't take skill to be the poptart that got cored because he thought he was such tough %*$ that he didn't need his team. overconfidence is a killer, remember to turn your enemies advantage into their disadvantage.
the good snipers are the hard ones to get, the hard ones to pin down, they were and are the ones that scout-shoot-reposition, scout-shoot-reposition,scout shoot..... and so on. all this patch really did is make my stomach upset with JJ period, but im not going to even try to "whine and complain" about "fake" nausea. with some of the flaming i saw earlier.
The end result is clear enough tho, JJ are no longer worth their weight and space in most of my builds. i have tried to keep them on the lights but for me its probably better to simply run on the ground and continue to outsmart my opponents with tactics. and my tactics will have to adapt to not using so much JJ, not to shoot, not to get around as much, not to avoid fire or escape battle. but my tactics will compensate to bridge the gap.
but for their weight and space, it is now better spent on more ammo or bigger guns/engine, which is exactly what this patch was intended to do and has done. hamster configs unite!
on a side note misery and every other land-boat are actually a useful mechs builds now that they doesn't have to "worry" about mechs that can physically move outside their firing arcs......
makes me wonder who really wants that easy mode, those that think outside the box and bring new tactics to the game.... or those that just want the game to encourage tactics that they themselves abuse.
again its easy mode for land-crawlers now
.<--- trick of the month till next patch.