EDIT3 - Counter proposal. CAMPING PENALTY.
If you do not move, the GAME, yes this is a game, will start to deduct cbills and XP in a predictable way. I cannot poptart, not good enough, don't care. What I cannot stand is the general concept of camping, MOVE. If you wish to snipe, fine, but once a shot exposes your position, gotta move. The less you move, the more penalty you incur. Camp at a choke point and wait out your opponents? PENALTY. Camp on a mountain and poptart without moving? PENALTY. Camp at the ship in frozen city or forest colony? PENALTY. Camp at really long range cause your boat would get ripped to shreds in a coordinated assault? PENALTY.
Edit - Non Poptarter, occasional JJ user. I read another post in this thread suggesting inducing shake while walking. That I can agree with, because, you should have MORE screen shake while walking than hovering. It has nothing to do with aerodynamics, it has only to do with the continuous downward force evenly applied will make anything hover, allowing that enough thrust was applied. (I will allow that without some gyro control and thrust vectoring, the mech would flip over, so it must be in the JJ system already, but uncontrolled convulsions? These are jets, not rockets, so pogo phenomenon is not an issue either, a jet with pogo goes BOOM)
No No No No NO!
OK, For me it's just a Physic's thing, I don't even have a Highlander or 3D.
Missiles bad. PPC bad, seizmic bad, poptarting bad, long range sharpshooters bad, really? Sounds more like use of cover bad. I don't have the aiming skill, so I cannot do it anyway, but implementing a 'fix' so skewed in the physics of the game is ludicrous. The discussion comes to the gyro. This is very strange, because image and HUD stabilization is fluid smooth when the cabin shake of simply walking in a 20 - 90 ton mech should shake you out if not strapped in. The graphic presentation in game shows as much, as the cabin wobbles all over the place, but the reticle and HUD remains clear.
Consider a Harrier jet, rolling down a runway. A bumpy runway will cause bounce to the pilot's view and targeting (not that the pilot would actually target or fire from the ground). Without some image stabilization, the reticle would be all over the place, kind of like in WoT. Now a Mech, which has much more cabin shake and should, because it has no wheels, has perfect target/HUD stabilization while on the ground, huh?!? The same Harrier may shudder on lift off, but as soon as the vehicle is in free flight, it does not, and cannot buck like a horse. Are we to believe that the gyro setup is sensitive enough to damp the shock impulse of a WALKING 90 ton machine, but not when no shock impulse is applied? That is what a gyro is, the more aggressive a change in momentum, the more aggressive the response from the gyro. The JJ are not repeated AC20 shots down, and this is not Doom. There is a continuous downward force, which if anything, would induce less shake than walking, nor is this an Apollo Rocket, and the analog is misplaced if that was the intent (EDIT2 : The 'shake' in an Apollo is NOT from the rocket, or the amount of thrust. The shake is from the makeup of the vehicle itself, and the shake in an Apollo is because it is a giant, quite flexible tube, with a resonant shake that dissipates part of the impulse in deflection. A very dense object such as a mech or a howitzer projectile, will deflect only so much and will not shake continuously, but only during the initial impulse in the change of momentum - right at takeoff).
I understand, if it is not in BT it doesn't exist, and if enough people complain you must change things, but you cannot have it both ways. If the physics in BT allows for one aspect of motion, impulse, momentum, etc it must allow for all, in a universal way. This ranks right up there with long range zoom in the fail department. Really? optics are that bad in the BT world? Or is it always a prank that one of my lance mates continuously smears vaseline on my long range optics? and image stabilization, that is wonderful while walking on uneven terrain with multiple shock impulses to deal with, but suddenly fails and shakes the mech apart while essentially hovering, with NO SHOCK IMPULSES to induce shake?
Edited by wmusil, 05 June 2013 - 10:23 AM.