Ultimately realism is not a play here.
The point is: was the game more enjoyable with Poptarting as it used to be, or is it more enjoyable.
Considering the "outcry" we see on the forum, compared to other issues that catalyzed the fanbase (like ECM and LRMpocalypse), I'm going to come right out and say that the game is more fun now.
That's my personal experience, and it's what the reaction on the forums tell me.
And really, poptarting was, in fact, a major issue. It broke all the maps and all the efforts the devs went through to try and promote brawling.
Again: brawling has always been one of the primary playstyles that the devs have been trying to promote. That's why most maps have plenty of cover and broken terrain that SHOULD lead to close and furious fights with the enemy. Poptarting broke that, because it turned EVERY piece of cover into a sniper position.
You see, the maps are not just randomly designed by the devs for ***** and giggles. They are carefully engineered to promote certain playstyles, with a careful review of firing positions, sightlines, "traffic flow" and all that jazz. They are designed to have good sniping positions, good scouting routes, alternate routes, and most maps are also designed to have plenty of broken/urban terrain to promote close contact with the enemy.
All that is not a coincidence, it was intentional. BUT poptarters were able to turn EVERY covered position as a sniper position, while STILL being able to exploit that cover (among other things, making LRMs useless against them, when they're the natural anti-sniper weapon in Battletech). That, quite simply, broke the maps.
And judging from the reactions, it looks like the Devs were right to design the maps the way they did, because the moment Poptarting was nerfed and the combat flow normalized things became much more enjoyable. That's why there is no real outcry about the poptart nerf, that's why the vast majority of forum posters are fine with it. Even the anti-nerf threads, like this one, get flooded by people (like me) who counter your arguments.
The game is more fun now. And I'm willing to bet once you've adapted and stepped back from poptarting you'll still have fun.
And in closing, I have to say I am also glad that Poptarting is nerfed for another reason: it looked bloody silly. Thank you PGI for moving the game away from Giant Robots Prancing Through The Skies Online.
Edited by Itkovian, 07 June 2013 - 05:24 AM.