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#41 BioWeapons


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:05 PM

Honestly people can argue that graphics do not matter all day long it really does. For some people its almost as important as gameplay. I agree gameplay takes precedence however the way it looks now I would love to get my founders pack money back. I took a break from mwo for a bit, built a new rig and come back to this? I mean come on counter strike source looks better. If you dont want your game to look good or want the best frame rate thats what low graphics settings are for. I purchased my founders based on 50% gameplay 50% graphics, honestly its not even keeping up to last gen let alone next gen. Fix the graphics or give me a refund I am fine either way.

#42 Donnie Silveray


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:34 PM

It looks pretty next gen to me.

For now you can just blame their artists for being sub-par, or just limited to doing other things till DX11 gets fixed, or are just too busy making pretty DX11 stuff they cannot show off just yet. I would have expected them to be a tad more transparent with this kind of stuff though. Going DX11 with those new features is a bit of a big deal, it's almost like EVE Online when it got its first gigantic graphical overhaul back in the day. Okay not as drastic, but one would think that if their folks are working behind closed doors on DX11 features, why haven't they provided any hints? I wouldn't say "It's cause they don't have it" just yet as it is often in my habit to try to complete something as much as possible before showing it off.

Or maybe they aren't working on it and are 'trying' to optimize the game for low end computers? :)

#43 SirLANsalot


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:44 PM

do remember this is all still in DX9. On very high settings the game dose look and work very well, lazers on night maps properly light up the sides of buildings/mechs. Its all quite stunning still, and its all DX9, DX11 should bring in some very nice stuff with the game, along with the distributable environments we all have been waiting for. However Dx11 will mean it will not run in low end systems, and those that cry about it need to shut it, and upgrade there pieces of crap.

#44 Adridos


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:57 PM

View PostSirLANsalot, on 27 June 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:

However Dx11 will mean it will not run in low end systems, and those that cry about it need to shut it, and upgrade there pieces of crap.

DX11 doesn't make DX9 unusable...

#45 sirius89


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:47 AM

View PostSirLANsalot, on 27 June 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:

do remember this is all still in DX9. On very high settings the game dose look and work very well, lazers on night maps properly light up the sides of buildings/mechs. Its all quite stunning still, and its all DX9, DX11 should bring in some very nice stuff with the game, along with the distributable environments we all have been waiting for. However Dx11 will mean it will not run in low end systems, and those that cry about it need to shut it, and upgrade there pieces of crap.

Wrong.DirectX11 won't bring in **** other than better performance if the devs don't implement Tessellation and all that fancy stuff.This all needs to be coded.You don't flip the Dx11 switch and every piece of eye candy it supports is in the game.

You are also wrong about people with lower end systems not being able to play the game anymore.If they are smart they will release a DirectX11 client and even if they don't as Adridos said it won't make Dx9 unusable so if you still got a Directx9 card your game will still run just fine.Dx11 is backwards compatible so to say you just won't have all the DX11 eye candy if they ever implement it.

I just want my graphics back that we were promised and that we had for a long time.The mech models and terrain look like garbage compared to the old terrain and mech models.Just give us a ultra high option and stop downgrading your graphics PGI!Everytime i see LRM's flying now it kills me inside because they used to look so awesome,now they are just a glowing ball in the sky.

this is how the game should look again for people that are able to run it.At least give us the old LRM's and old mech models and textures back.I supported THIS game and not a game that looks worse the closer you get to release.

Old graphics......

Posted Image

New (worse) graphics....

Posted Image

Edited by sirius89, 28 June 2013 - 06:00 AM.

#46 Veranova


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 12:39 PM

Man that old Atlas looked terrifying.
This game doesn't scare me at-all anymore :)

#47 Booran


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 11:55 PM

I'm thinking PGI will make a graphic overpass to optimize and **** to cater for mid-high rigs after they're done with building core mechanics like CW.
In beta I think there's a logic in having the game specced for low-end machines to get a larger test base, until you can figure out the game engine and put in more fidelity and visual polish over time.

#48 Theodor Kling


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 06:36 AM

View PostBooran, on 14 July 2013 - 11:55 PM, said:

In beta I think there's a logic in having the game specced for low-end machines to get a larger test base, until you can figure out the game engine and put in more fidelity and visual polish over time.

Wonder when that will happen.I checked: All settings to lowest on my old core 2 duo 2 GB ram i had to dust off anyway to set up an ubuntu rig: around 20 to 25 fps....
My current i7-3370, 8GbRam, ok only GT640 but anyway: 30 to 35 fps.
Furthermore adjusting those sliders does not much, neither to fps nor to the looks. Only thing really affecting fps is resolution. I once tried going fullscreen... never again.

Edit: There is one thing that got a little better compared to closed beta: View distance got slightly better. Most maps are still pretty hazy, but it was worse.

Edited by Theodor Kling, 15 July 2013 - 06:38 AM.

#49 Booran


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 07:04 AM

Yeah only speculation from my end, but I was there in Closed beta when fog reigned, you never saw your shots hit anything, it was crazy.

#50 Ohgodtherats


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 01:59 AM

As someone who was really looking forward to Hawken, I'd like to point out that it looks like crap and the destructible terrain looks like cascading lego bricks. Don't forget the horrible, horrible mech design. This game looks pretty good to me but maybe I'm just not jaded enough.

Edited by Ohgodtherats, 16 July 2013 - 02:01 AM.

#51 Ghost Rider LSOV


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 03:19 AM

View PostVeranova, on 14 July 2013 - 12:39 PM, said:

Man that old Atlas looked terrifying.
This game doesn't scare me at-all anymore :wacko:

Oh don't worry. I'm sure the glowing eyes will be back... for MC. :D

View PostOhgodtherats, on 16 July 2013 - 01:59 AM, said:

Don't forget the horrible, horrible mech design.

I've only played Hawken's beta so I can't comment about the destructible walls, but I can't forget the walking kitchen appliances with guns. ;)

#52 Booran


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 04:23 AM

View PostGhost Rider LSOV, on 16 July 2013 - 03:19 AM, said:

Oh don't worry. I'm sure the glowing eyes will be back... for MC. :D

Swappable heads and parts on the mechs were confirmed in an earlier AtD, surely not by launch but still...

#53 Lostdragon


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:00 AM

Graphics definitely need to improve, especially wince that is supposed to be the big deal about Cryengine which is supposed to make all the issues with it worth using the engine.

Another big thing they need to add ASAP is SLI support. There is no excuse not to launch a game with it in 2013. People with dual graphics cards are likely to be your more serious gamers
They have obviously dropped some coin on a rig and chances are they are willing to spend money on great looking games. Not supporting SLI alienates those gamers.

#54 Elkarlo


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:02 AM

I got myself a new Graphikscard for this Game in May.
But had Problems with Lag Issues so i didn't played for a while.
And now i am somehow disappointed and i could have used my 6870 a little longer.
Now i got a 7970 ghz Edition and get worse Graphics even in VH Settings....
400 Bugs down the Drain for nothing.

For the DX9 DX10/11 Myth:
DX9 has fixed Shader Modells so preprogrammed Subroutines.
DX10/11 has NShaders this are programmable Graphicsubroutines.
This is the biggest difference. Optimized Graphic Subroutines via Programming are 20% more effienct then
preprogrammed Subroutines on the average side. Specializes Microcoded Graphic routines are even faster.

The biggest point is that most of the DX10/11 Graphicscards have only few preprogrammed Shader Areas and have to Programm their unified Shaders Areas(Shadermodell 4/5). To generate a Softwire Shader 3 Modell when running in DX9 mode.
This is gets about 10% of the Shader performance compared to a Hardwired Shader.

So switching to DX11 would give 10% more Shader performance and roughly another 20% more Shader Performance because we have spezialized Softwire Shaders. Which is the biggest Advantage of the Cryengine.

And for DX11 Support. Follow Cards would Profit from it. All DX 10.1 Cards from Ati/AMD ( 3000/4000 Series) and all
DX 11 Cards. (Nvidia 400/500/600/700 AMD 5000/600/7000 Series). So pretty much every modern Card except Nvidia Cards based on the G92b Chip and the GT200 Series, would gain roughly 25% more Shader Performance when newer Shadermodells would be used.

(GT260 Gt280 Chips uses DX 10 and only DX 10.1 is Programmable.
And nearly all DX11 Games run on DX10.1 Cards at full speed.)

#55 Theodor Kling


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:02 AM

View PostOhgodtherats, on 16 July 2013 - 01:59 AM, said:

As someone who was really looking forward to Hawken, I'd like to point out that it looks like crap and the destructible terrain looks like cascading lego bricks. Don't forget the horrible, horrible mech design. This game looks pretty good to me but maybe I'm just not jaded enough.

Haven't played it but as for the mech design: I don't have problems with the art department at PGI. They do good work.
The implementation is what puzzles me, not the design.

#56 Booran


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 02:25 AM

For me I'm happy with DX11 for performance improvements from the start. Higher fidelity, prettier mechs and textures can come afterwards, in waves if need be.

#57 Edson Drake


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 03:19 PM

For those bashing on Hawken graphics:

The game IS pretty. I don't know the setting you guys were playing but it it indeed better looking than MWO. It has its costs though: the maps are very small and limited and while I have a decent machine(i5 3570K and HD7970) I still suffer FPS loss in heavy combat area. Definitely unoptimized, but beautiful game. I would like MWO to reach that level.

And, having played it for quite a while(due to our infamous hit detection issue) it is NOT p2w. I bought all the mechs I wanted easily and without spending a single cent. The design of the mechs is strange indeed, they look like junk glued together, that was the intent of the devs.

Having that said I still prefer MWO, but I don't really know if it was a good idea about using CryEngine for this game. It's like the others said: the eyecandy was taken off and the performance is getting worse. Strange indeed.
I, here, hope the introduction of DX11 fixes both the performance and the graphics quality, while graphics aren't the meat of the game, gameplay is, in MW especially, graphics brings out its flavor.

#58 Bors Mistral


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:07 AM

To all the people hung up on the visuals of MW:O - go to the third page of "ask the devs 43" and vote for the question on DX11 and the missing eye-candy if you want that answered.

edit: Yeah, I'm one of those that like giant robots duking it out and exploding in full glory...

Edited by Bors Mistral, 18 July 2013 - 10:09 AM.

#59 Pinselborste


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:01 PM

forest colony in closed beta looked nice, had great colours.

think the biggest Problem was the engine update at open beta start, both Performance and graphic went down and are still not back to Closed beta Levels.

my old phenom X3 could run it at 60 fps with mid Settings, after open beta update it was down to 20 fps at low Settings.

#60 Ohgodtherats


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:33 PM

View PostEdson Drake, on 17 July 2013 - 03:19 PM, said:

For those bashing on Hawken graphics:

The game IS pretty. I don't know the setting you guys were playing but it it indeed better looking than MWO. It has its costs though: the maps are very small and limited and while I have a decent machine(i5 3570K and HD7970) I still suffer FPS loss in heavy combat area. Definitely unoptimized, but beautiful game. I would like MWO to reach that level.

And, having played it for quite a while(due to our infamous hit detection issue) it is NOT p2w. I bought all the mechs I wanted easily and without spending a single cent. The design of the mechs is strange indeed, they look like junk glued together, that was the intent of the devs.

Having that said I still prefer MWO, but I don't really know if it was a good idea about using CryEngine for this game. It's like the others said: the eyecandy was taken off and the performance is getting worse. Strange indeed.
I, here, hope the introduction of DX11 fixes both the performance and the graphics quality, while graphics aren't the meat of the game, gameplay is, in MW especially, graphics brings out its flavor.

I get that Hawken is true to it's aesthetic. I just think its a crummy looking aesthetic. It's 80's kit-bash spaceships and mechs for a summer movie in... well the 80's. Let's just go to a junkyard and build all our stuff out of boiler parts and bicycle bits. I recall reading somewhere that everything is built out of like 60-100 modeled pieces sort of mashed together to make buildings mechs and ships. It was a smart move on their part in order to keep development cost, design cost and time cost to a low but the end product, at least to me, looks bad. It even fits with their resistance force making due with scraps story. I also think that I could take that if the mechs, the stars of the show, didn't look so terrible. The world looks okay enough with the kit-bash design but the mechs definitely do not.

As far as the destructible terrain goes, if you have played borderlands 2 with the PhysX part on and shot a wall with a shotgun then you have pretty much seen how destructible terrain looks while being destroyed; like unrealistically uniform bits with the exact same bounce pattern sleeting off at angles that are ever so slightly different. It looks totally artificial. Instead of modeling 1 unit that has a uniform bounce mechanic and repeating it 100 times they might have done some larger pieces that behave differently and used maybe 5-10. Then again, that might be an engine limitation. I honestly have no idea. I just know it doesn't look very good to me.

At the end of the day, I do agree that the graphics have gone down somewhat, but I guess I haven't noticed too much of a degradation. However, you have to remember that you literally could not see mechs or even terrain on the other side of Forest Colony due to the haze and that's the smallest map. Also, the old damage textures looked silly. Melty looking pock marked metal looks a great deal better than arbitrary horizontal and vertical lines.

Edited by Ohgodtherats, 18 July 2013 - 06:40 PM.

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