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Suggestion: Weight Limit Bts Battle Matching

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Poll: Weight Class Limit PEr battle? (5 member(s) have cast votes)

Weight Class Limit PEr battle?

  1. Yes, with some edits (add Reply) (2 votes [40.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.00%

  2. Yes only on certain game modes (2 votes [40.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.00%

  3. Add a option in search field, I don't want weight class limit per battle. Add it for only as a option for the people who do. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. Yes but this idea is Better (add REply) (0 votes [0.00%])

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  5. Something like this but with Major constructive critism (Add Reply) (1 votes [20.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

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#1 zolop


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 11:57 AM

Weight Limit Battlemechs battle matching, Including group.

-Battles will always be balanced with a wide range of Battlemechs from Lights to Assaults.
-Allows groups with 5+ people to still be in the same battle,UNLIKE the current system
-All the is needed to change the MAtching system is a alogrithem and a UI adjustment. -Battlemechs already in the UI have a ready quickmenu in the main screen. UI elements to be added will be very small.

-Takes Longer to find a match, dependent upon group size. Though the illistration a laid below it could take near the same time as the current system if MWs aren't too particular with their battles.

Breif Summary

This is so that more matches don't end up being all just heavy and assualt mechs, with few Battlemechs of other weight classes

In our mech ready selection, make it so each slot has a weight limit based off Light, MEdium, Heavy and Assault BTs. The MW then chooses one that he selects to launch with.

>-----------------------Flowcharts of how the System wil work...One MW and GRoup of MWs.

A Single MW.

1:MW puts 4 Battlemechs for each weight class in REady UI, including trial ones that sit in the Ready slots in the UI Screen
2> MW has selected one of his Battlemechs, the selection turns in a green tint background in the REady UI Element.
3. Matching system try finds a empty slot for his sleection

4a: Matching system finds a empty slot for his Battlemech Selection and MW chooses that game and joins the battle

False (no game found yet) After 30 Seconds of searching...
5b. While the matching system is looking to match the group with their selected Battlemechs, the matching system additionally starts looking for any open battles not started. During this time and open battles that need a weight class filled wil be sent to the matching system
6b: MW if informed of open slots that that is not his Selected Mech
7b: dialogue shows up asking if he would join the battle (prior to its start) with other REady Battlemechs.
8b: Player can continue waiting for a slot for his Battlemech Selection, or at any time accept the battles that need a Battlemech that is in his ready status.Battkemech.


A group of MWs

1:Each MW iPuts a Battlemech of each class in his ready status/UI element,
2. Each Mechwarrior makes a selection in with one his his ready mechs, the selected battlemech turns green background in each of the MWs REady UI element.
2:Each MW sets himself to ready and then the group leader sleect launch.
3. Matching system try finds a empty slots for the groups Selected Battlemechs.

True (Match found)
4a: Matching system finds a empty weight class slots for each of the MWs Selected BAttlemechs and joins the battle

False (no game found yet) After 30 Seconds of searching...
5b. While the matching system is looking to match the group with their selected Battlemechs, the matching system additionally starts looking for any open battles not started. During this time and open battles that need a weight class filled wil be sent to the matching system
6b: MW Group Leader informed of open slots that are not his group Selection for weight classes.
7b: dialogue shows up asking if his group would join the battle (prior to its start) with other REady BTs for each MW within his group. Each MW within group would fill empty weight Battlemech Classes in the selected battle.
8b: Group can continue waiting for a slots for his Battlemech Weight Classes, or at any time accept the battles that need a Battlemech that is not his groups Selected Weight Classes.

***EXCEPTIONS to this matching system

There can be no more than 2 of the Battlemech Preferences weight classes in any size group along with what is mention below. Also each battle of 8vs8 can only consist of 2 Battlemechs per each Battlemech weight Class, per team side

On main MWO screen, Prior to launching
4 Players in GRoup= Must have 4 different Selected BAttlemech Weight Classes
5 Players in GRoup= Can have 2 Maximium Battlemechs in 1 Weight Classes
6 Players in GRoup= Can have 2 Maximium Battlemechs in 2 Weight Classes
7 Players in GRoup= Can have 2 Maximium Battlemechs in 3 Weight Classes
8 Players in GRoup= Can have 2 Maximium Battlemechs in 4 Weight Classes

There can be no more than 3 of the Battlemech Preferences weight classes in any size group along with what is mention below. Also each battle of 12vs12 can only consist of 3 Battlemechs per each Battlemech weight Class, per team side.

On main MWO screen, Prior to launching
8 Players in GRoup= Can have 2 Maximium Battlemech in 4 Weight Classes
9 Players in GRoup= Can have 3 Maximium Battlemech in 1 Weight Classes
10 Players in GRoup= Can have 3 Maximium Battlemech in 2 Weight Classes
11 Players in GRoup= Can have 3 Maximium Battlemech in 3 Weight Classes
12 Players in GRoup= Can have 3 Maximium Battlemech in 4 Weight Classes

***Reason for Exceptions
To have battles that are balanced with multuple weight classes, otherwise without exception this system would be like the current matching system. This is also makes it so depending on the group size, they still can't have 5 assaults in a five man group (but Trial mechs are still available if MWs don't have a mech for each weight class).

REason for this MAtching system is to make battles more interesting with a balance of weight class Battlemechs. This also allows for groups of 5+ to remain in the same battle, of course like any matching system a group looking for battles in any matching system will take a longer time. This system also always MWs to wait longer for matches they want to be in OR take match early and adapt a new winning strategy. Adapt and survive Strategos Invictus :)

A lot of the system could be changed without much backend work, since the UI already has a ready UI element for your mechs and would only need a UI element for a group to fill emptry weight classes in a non-filled match. The matching system would only need a new algorithym (not like coding AI) too.

Edited by zolop, 15 July 2013 - 02:52 PM.

#2 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 12:22 PM

well i was just gonna start a post on wieght matching too :)

We need some type of ability to set tonnage limits for battledrops. this would let people take what they want - ie 1200 tonnage limit 12v12 drops, while others could choose a 600 ton 12v12 limit. if PGI adapted some type of battle bidding system into the UI/matchmaker it would let people simply choose like they choose conquest/assault -

ie I dont want to drop in 12v12 where the tonnage is higher than X value.

this should also help assault lances pair up. with private matches etc, this would be easier, for pubbing a bidding system would work. this would help balance clan tonnage with handicaps in the future too.

id even go so far as to say allow for drops where tonnages match but # of mechs dont - ie 4 atlas vs 10 ravens for example, but that would probably again need to be an optional setting.

#3 zolop


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 12:53 PM

Apologies for posting late on this, with all the threads in feature suggestion, buff that, nerf this, i didn't think this thread would be looked at.

I agreee entirely with weight matching for battles, either a system like I posted that is mostly thorough or a system that is similar but purpose is the same thing. It would really, let us test all the battlemechs better! I am going to add a poll to this to as per policies of the feature suggestion thread policy guidlines thing...

NOTE: I did vote for this, otherwise I would have not made this thread in the first place..

Edited by zolop, 11 June 2013 - 09:27 AM.

#4 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:55 AM

Yeah my biggest dissappointment right now is how the majority of games are assaults & a few lights here and there and some heavies. I'd much prefer games wiht only 1-2 assaults per match, tops 3. makes the assaults more fearsome in battle, and more valuable, and insures balanced matches. My ideal default matchmaker for 12v12 would be 3x3x3x3 for each wieght class.

#5 Rabid Dutchman


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 05:46 PM

Your poll is missing the 'no' option

#6 Hellhammer


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 09:00 PM

I consider this implementation essential.

#7 Timuroslav


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:58 AM

This Implementation is Amiable But wrong here's why.

Weight classes look like they work for a while, until you have a Clan Cougar http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Cougar Fighting a Commando http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Commando. Both are light mechs, but the Commando is going to lose because it doesn't have the same amount of armor, doesn't have ECM and a doesn't have the Hardpoints and Weapons.
Posted Image

The End Result will be, Everyone Picking Ravens, Everyone picking Hunchbacks over Blackjacks, Everyone picking Atlas/Stalkers over Awesomes.

Tonnage balance Appears to do the same thing, Until you're 12v12 Inner Sphere Versus Clan Mechs

if It's 1v1 the Clan Mechs will win even though they're equal weight classes or Weight.
This Is Also true for Newer Mechs.
You Cannot Compare an Old Cicada Here:http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Cicada
To a Newer Hellspawn with Guardian ECM and Jumpjets here:http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Hellspawn
Posted Image
The Hellspawn, Unless Absolutely horrible, will Always win against lighter mechs of its weight class.

There Needs to be a Balance System Outside Weight classes. Otherwise We will won't see Locusts when they come out because Everyone will be playing ECM Raven 3Ls

Tonnage Balance Systems will Work until Clan Tech comes out.

The best hope for Balance in the Future, will be a Weapon Rating+Battle Rating(a Heavily Modified Battle Value) System.
Because Newer Mechs Will always have better hardpoints. (Newer as in later in the Timeline)

the Problem with Battle Value and Battle Rating is that they're Kind of Arbitrary with a lack of Rational at the moment.

Heavier Mech means more Armor & Weapons.
People Will Maximize their options in order to be competitive.
Pretend you have 2 Mini Coopers that cost nearly the same
1 of them is 10 years older.
They Weigh about the same and have the same amount of Space
You Will buy the Newer one if they cost nearly the same here's why.
More options Better Gass Mileage, Better Engine. Better Interior.

*Edited* To make it look cooler. Also, Weapon Cost won't make Sense when different Manufacturers have different weapon costs.

Edited by Timuroslav, 29 June 2013 - 11:46 AM.

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