At first, I just wrote it off as being out of practice in piloting these more lightly armored mechs. However, I read an account of at least one more person who noticed this, and it motivated me to do some testing. The results of this testing are presented here; the upshot is, streaks are still doing more than their intended 1.5 damage per missile - but only some of the time, against some mechs.
[EDIT: note that this testing is about the overall damage dealt by SSRMs, not their flight path/location targeting/etc, and the result that they're doing more than 1.5 damage per missile seems inconsistent with splash damage supposedly being effectively removed by setting splash damage radii to 5cm]
Methodology is as follows: I grabbed a buddy in a jenner with streaks, and we coordinated our drops over voice in attempts to get into the same game. In the cases where we managed it and ended up on opposing teams, we met in an isolated corner of the map to test, while trying to bias the outcome of the match as little as possible. I dropped in a variety of mechs, and we tracked the damage that was being dealt by his streaks using the health % indicator.
The damage tracking was verified by testing with a known amount of damage from medium lasers - my blackjack has a total of 463 points of internals+armor, so 20 damage should take off ~4.3%, and in-game it indeed deducted 4% from my total when he shot me. This tracking method, therefore, seems to be accurate in the live environment.
In each case we shot 10 volleys of streak fire (20 missiles) and recorded the damage. The results are as follows:
Mech Total Health Damage Damage/ Health Removed Dealt Missile Blackjack 463 7% ~32 ~1.6 (NOTE: SRM2) Blackjack 463 11% ~50 ~2.5 Centurion 513 6% ~30 ~1.5 Raven 357 7% ~25 ~1.25 Jenner 363 8% ~29 ~1.5 Cataphract 603 7% ~42 ~2.1
Basically, streak SRM damage does not seem to be a consistent 1.5 per missile, and specifically it seems to vary on a mech-by-mech basis. Notably, my initial impression that my blackjacks were taking significantly higher damage from streaks seems to have been correct - in fact, they're taking as much damage as if the missiles had never been nerfed in the first place. Note that this does *NOT* seem to affect regular SRMs, as evidenced by the fact that 20 missiles from a regular SRM2 did only ~30 damage against my blackjack, where the streaks did ~50.
Apart from that, ravens seem to take slightly less damage than they should, although this is subject to variation due to rounding errors (8% instead of 7% would have put them right back at 1.5 per missile). Centurions and jenners seem to take normal damage. And, oddly enough, *cataphracts* of all things seem to also take bonus damage from streaks, although not as much as blackjacks.
I was not able to test all of my mechs due to lack of time (it's a pain trying to get these sync'd drops in); if anyone wants to perform similar testing, please, feel free. In the meantime I'm going to report this to the devs, hopefully these inconsistencies can be ironed out.
Edited by MuonNeutrino, 07 June 2013 - 08:12 PM.