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Complete Guide To Using And Avoiding Lrms

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#1 Ningyo


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:44 PM

If you find I have missed something, or feel I gave wrong or misleading info please reply and I will try to fix it. If you wish to see a data breakdown of LRMs in matches I would refer you to http://mwomercs.com/...-damagescreens/ (OPs post and my post #8)

FEATURES of LRMs to keep in mind (some of these might be bugs):
---hitting CT: Missiles hitting CT on a mech do more damage, also they aim for this so you will get many hit here.
---Targeted Mech Size: Larger mechs take more damage per hit from LRMs (this might only be caused by more CT hits, hard to tell)
---Targeted Mech Speed: With direct fired missiles (no Spotter) you will be able to hit almost all mechs moving under 90 kph just fine, and Mechs Blackjack or smaller moving 40-60 kph. With the spotted firing arc, or really long range direct fire, the firing arc will end more vertically this reduces your odds of hitting a moving mech.
Assaults you should still be fine against always, large mechs moving over 60 kph you will start missing alot and at 100 kph you will rarely hit at all. Small mechs moving at all you will miss alot, and ones moving over 80 kph you will likely never hit.

Artemis (1 ton/ 1 Slot on every missile launcher): This will speed up the time it takes for you to aquire a target, allow your missiles to track for longer after you lose LoS, and decreases missile Spread. The decrease in spread makes an ALRM20 spread about the same as an LRM10, or an ALRM10 about the same as an LRM5. I would recommend not using this for LRM5 and LRM10, but in general use it for LRM15, and LRM20. In the description it says this gives an increase to missile tracking strength, this appears to translate in game to the decreased spread and/or the increase in target retention duration, I am not yet 100% certain on this and will update once I find out for sure.

Volley Size and Spread: Volley size is affected by both number and size of launchers, and number of tubes on a hardpoint. If a hardpoint has say 10 tubes and you put an LRM20 launcher in it it will fire 2x10 missile volleys about 0.5 seconds apart. Missile Spread is per launcher, so 2x LRM5 will have the same spread as 1xLRM5. A LRM 10 in a 5 tube hardpoint would also have the same spread as an LRM5. This makes it preferable to have multiple smaller launchers over one larger launcher (though this might cost heat and tonnage). The other thing to factor in is does the enemy have AMS since it shoots down about the same number of missiles per volley whether you fire 10 or 40 at them. Essentially assume for each enemy AMS you are losing 8 missiles, so firing 1 LRM 20 would only have 12 missiles reach them, firing 2 LRM 20 would have 32 missiles reach them (assuming single AMS).

Having a smaller spread will both get more hits, and the hits you get will be to CT more often. The exception is against small fast moving targets where a small spread will often completely miss, a large spread will often still get 1-4 hits. The few hits you gain from a large spread are really not worth it though smaller is always better to have.

TAG (1 ton/ 1 Energy slot): This both tightens spread, and allows you to target an enemy that is protected by ECM. Since you have to hold this on target constantly it is only very good against slow moving or large targets, but can make a huge difference against Assaults with ECM protection, so unless you need all your energy slots for other things this is most likely worth taking. The description on this says it increases tracking strength, in my experience this is transfered in game as a tightened spread, and possibly a longer lock time I am not yet certain on this as you seldom lose lock unless the target is moving quickly, by which time you will probably no longer have the TAG on them anyway.

NARC: (3 tons/ 2 slots, 12 ammo per ton): this puts a beacon that lasts 30 seconds on an enemy mech, while it is on your missiles will fire at it with a smaller spread, and you hold target better. It does NOT penetrate ECM, it has very short range, and is in general BAD. Do not use this unless you are a dedicated spotter for a group that knows how to make use of it. And even then its still not worth it. Also it does not stack with Artemis for spread reduction.

BAP {beagle active probe} (1.5 tons/ 2 slots) and ECM {Electronic countermeasures} (1.5 tons / 2 slots): You cannot fire at mechs within 180m of a enemy with ECM, Unless you or a friendly mech uses TAG, or a friendly Mech gets close enough and has BAP. You cannot fire if an enemy mech with ECM is under 180m from you unless you have BAP. BAP also raises targeting range, and decreases time to gain details on enemy targetted mechs.

Targeting Decay: (Very useful) will let you maintain target for 2.75/3.5 seconds (2 without) after you lose line of sight on a target. Not certain if this also affects spotted targets, either way it is very good.
Sensor Range: probably not worth it, missiles are easy to dodge at over 750m anyway and if using BAP you can target to near 900m so while this won't hurt for lining up potential targets it is of minimal value.
no other modules right now really affect LRMs, though many like seismic(OP) are great for all mechs.

The key points here are Range, Cover, and where your team is.
---Range: stay over 300m and under 750m from targets. If you get too close they will dart inside your range before you can get your punches in. If you are too far they will have too much time to evade.
---MY team: you want to be about 100-200m behind your main pack, stay close in case enemies come to you, but you want to be a bit back so you can still fire at any brawlers trying to engage. (being right in your pack is not bad, but being massively seperated is asking for lights to come kill you)
---Cover: Learn the maps, you want to be in an area where you have good cover options, but most enemies coming near do not. (an example in River city, sitting near the upper base you have great line of sight to every direction, but only a few routes to you have much cover) (A example of where not to be: Middle of plateau in Alpine summit, you have no cover anyone could snipe from behind cover to most directions. In canyon map: in a canyon {unless sneaking somewhere} the sides are high enough you can't fire over them easily, and enemies can get under 200m before you can target them {possible exception to this if using JJ, then you can jump in and out of cover})

Mech Chassis: (max missiles, within reason)
---True Boats:
* Hunchback 4J (ALRM 40, LRM 40) not my favorite, but it is smaller and can still fire a full 40 missile volley
* Catapult A1/C1/C4 (ALRM 70, LRM 90) don't try to hit max on these though better to run a 3-4x(A)LRM15 for 45-60 missile volleys and have more room to put in a larger engine, JJ, Ammo, and backup weapons
* Jaggermech JM6A (ALRM 60/ LRM 60) 4x 15 tube hardpoints works similarly to the Awesome, a little lighter but similar in play and effectiveness
* Awesome 8R (ALRM 60/ LRM 60) has 4x 15 tube hardpoints so can get a nice 60 LRM launch, not worth trying to fit in LRM 20s
* Stalker 3H/5M/5S (ALRM 80, LRM 80/ ALRM 85, LRM 90) due to weight over ALRM 70, LRM 80 is highle impractical 3H is betterfor a large single volley (2xALRM20, 2xALRM5), 5M is better at repeated small volleys probably preferable going (5xALRM15, or 2xLRM20, 3xLRM15). 5S is only optional as it has 2 AMS if you run into a high missile boat Meta.
* Highlander 733 (ALRM 70, LRM 75) good tubes, JJ capable, not many energy slots for backup weapons still an excellent choice
* Atlas DDC (ALRM45, ALRM 35+ECM, LRM 45+ECM) small tube number is bad vs AMS do not recommend boating this, it does have the ECM though and if you have the chassis and wish to try it its not bad, just not as good as an ATLAS DDC should be.

---Dedicated LRM skirmishers: (fast keep at range and pepper enemies with smaller volleys) {not noting Artemis}
* Raven 3L (LRM15 + LRM5) or (LRM15+ 3ML) don't do this Ravens can be so much better in other roles
* Centurion (3xLRM10 or 2xLRM10 + Energy) you can fit 3xLRM 10 with a standard engine but only barely, better to go a really fast LRM 20 with some energy weapons using a standard engine using the CN9-AL. If you go the CN9-A route for the extra launcher go with the XL engine even though you lose zombiehood, and use the tons for some LL or such. Without zombie though use another chassis unless you really love these.
* Trebuchet 7M/3C/5N (2xLRM15) 7M for JJ, 3C for bigger engine, this is one of the better chassis to run a mech like this with, Apparently the 5N has better torso twist allowing you to fire while running away better.
* Catapult C1 (2xLRM15) has JJ, and can move a resonable speed, carry lots of energy for lights hunting you

---Other types of builds for examples
* Stalker 5M (4LL, 5xLRM5) can launch 25 missile volleys at higher rate of fire and has alot of punch with its energy weapons {also you can get a nice steady stream firing them seperately if enemy has no AMS}
* Highlander 733 (Gauss + 2ERPPC, 4x LRM5) 20 missile volleys at good rate of fire, and can snipe

AMMO: 2 theories here; one is the bring enough to fire at everything and suppress the enemy, in this case bring at least 1 ton of ammo for every 5 LRMs in a volley (18 launches of all missiles). The second is to make your shots count and take only 1 ton for every 10 LRMs (9 launches of all missiles). If you only take this many you should have strong backup weapons at least 4 ML, or 2LL or more. (remember you can setup a separate firing group to chain fire or such, allowing you to fire a single launcher at worse targets to make the run for cover without wasting as much ammo)

When to Fire: (assuming they do not have perfect cover)
---200-400m and have a lock at all, FIRE they will reach the target before it can break lock even if you lose LoS.
---400-700m; If you have target yourself, and the enemy is at least 1 second from cover FIRE sometimes they might break lock in time, but normally missiles will hit. If your target is being spotted for you, still fire, unless you know the enemy will reach cover since your missiles will often reach them in time.
---700m-900m; Only fire if they are on a wide open plain, or you have a spotter you know will hold target.
---900-1000m; only fire if they have no cover and are moving toward you at speed, even then do not expect to hit much, this is only worth it if you have ammo to spare.
---Target has NARC on it: go for it, any player that uses NARC should know how to spot for you still over 700m expect under 60% hit rate
---In pugs do not expect tag from others to mean much, and expect other players to switch targets while your missiles are midair. If you are on voicechat this problem can probably be removed with communication.
---If there is an ECM bubble, try to tag an assault not near cover to fire at, smaller targets will normally break your tag too easily (Jaggermech is another good target, DDC first though if you can)
---If you see AMS firing at your missiles depending on your volley size either ignore it or find a new target (refer to AMS section)
---If you have a low quality target you still might want to fire one launchers missiles at it. This will give it a missiles incoming warning and make it run for cover(read stop firing at your friends).
---If the enemy is a Blackjack or smaller and not standing still, try to find another target, feel free to fire 1 launcher at them to make them keep running, but you will likely do no significant damage to this size of target.

Spotting for a missile Boat:
---All mechs: (there is a missiles incoming icon on top of target box on your hud if you see it, might want to hold that target for a few seconds if it does not inconvenience you too much.) Use R to target an enemy near you if you plan to be facing that target for over 5 seconds. Assume at least 2 seconds before missiles are fired, and 5 seconds of flight time. That with the extra 2 seconds after target is lost will allow the missiles to hit. If you are popping over a hill to snipe something don't bother grabbing a target as you will lose it instantly. (For groups that know what they are doing popping over and grabbing a target, then losing it, and popping over to get the same target again can be effective as the missile boat can reaquire target while missiles are in air for a good hit. This is not very workable in pugs)
---Dedicated spotters: Aside from holding the target till missiles hit (sometimes multiple volleys), Keep an eye on where your missile boats are, remember they have an effective range of only about 800m so if you are targeting something 950m+ away it doesn't help them much. Using Tag definitely go for DDC first if you can. Aside from that any Assaults are best. If you run ECM turning it to counter and running around near an enemy ECM can be very effective (if you survive). If you have enough missiles aiming at a target that doesn't know where you are, it might be better to stay hidden than chip in with a single LL or such. As a fast Missile skirmisher with a TAG or such if you have other Missile boats in group even a PUG try and touch base near beginning, if they are adding their 60 missiles to your 30 things will die alot faster.
---UAV (module): This can be used effectively by a fast scout, remember it has limited range so you need to launch it while near the enemy targets. And it has limited duration, 45-60 seconds, so make sure your LRM boats are in range (<900m) before using it, or it might be wasted. This can be used to either maintain line of sight, or counter ECM. If they have a group with DDCs you probably want to save it for near that group.

Using Cover:
Ok first there are 3 types of cover you can use.
---Vertical Cover: sitting under a bridge or platform (river city near theta is a good example), also under some upthrusts in Tourmaline Desert. Spotted missiles with a high arc will hit the cover above you from any angle while you keep line of sight to fire at other targets. Non spotted missiles have a shallower arc, though even then if you position yourself right the missiles will hit it not you.
---Tall buildings and cliffs: If you are near these they will stop all missiles they should be at least 2-3 times the height of your mech. If you are further back from them they should be at least 6-8 times the height of your mech.
---Low hills and buildings, anything with a shallow angle: These only stop line of sight helping you break a lock, they will not stop the missiles themselves. Remember the enemy mech will hold lock for 2-3.5 seconds after you break LoS, so either keep moving behind cover, or stop then move again shortly before missiles hit.

Moving: Any movement will reduce the number of missiles hitting you. Moving directly away from the missiles is worst, directly towards them is nearly as bad. You want to be moving direction perpendicular to the flight path to avoid the most damage (pretty much the same as against every other weapon). If you can move at over 100 kph, and move perpendicular to the flight path, almost no missiles will ever hit you. At over 130 kph missile hits are so rare you can almost totally ignore LRMs.

AMS (Range 90/ MAX 200): AMS fires at missiles going toward you or any friendly mechs near to you. Note it will do decreased damage the further away it is from the missiles so you really need to stay within 120m of friends for AMS to shield each other well. If missiles are fired over you at another mech they will be in range for longer and have 1.5-2 times as many shot down, if they are fired at a mech to the side or front of you, AMS will shoot down far less. Each AMS will shoot down about 7-9 missiles aimed at you.
# of AMS to be effective, VS 20 missile or smaller volley 1 AMS will help alot, vs 20-40 missiles you really need 2+ AMS, vs 40-60 LRM volley (missile boat) 3-4 AMS will reduce damage to very low levels if you are near each other.

ECM: ECM can be used by either standing near the enemy if they do not have BAP and totally preventing them from firing, or staying near your group and preventing the group from being fired upon. If your group has good cover, or the enemy boat is with a group, staying near yours will be safer and very effective (need cover to prevent TAG). If you find an enemy missile boat on its own they tend to be easy prey for a light, and you prevent them from firing while you kill them so this can be very effective.
---IF you are a Atlas DDC, ECM does not prevent them from using tag, you are not immune to missiles, you have a very good defence, but do not just stand in one spot facing a missile boat pumping rounds into you, it will hurt bad.

Torso Twist: Torso twisting can help a ton on some chassis (Awesome, Stalker, Catapult, Hunchback, etc...), on others it is not so useful (Atlas, Jaggermech).
---Against direct fire missiles with the lower firing arc (especially at close range) torso twisting will act almost exactly the same as against direct fire weapons.
---Against spotted missiles or at very long range, the missiles end there flight at a very steep angle of descent. This means they will be aiming for the top of your mech and will usually hit front torso even if you are facing away from them. Remember too that the missiles are changing path to come toward you if you are moving(you should be), so if you are moving sidewards, they will actually hit your mech from the side you are walking away from them on. If you are moving toward them they will hit more directly from above. If you are walking away from them, their angle will become more shallow allowing more mechs to shield with arms if needed. Usually though the best form of movement is perpendicular to the flight path of the missiles, with your torso facing the enemy missile boat, this will send more of the damage to your arms, while allowing you to freely return fire. (Some mechs such as the hunchback may wish to keep their hunch on the side of their mech away from the direction the missiles are approaching from as it is a very big target for them to hit.)

Edit Log: Modified capitalization in Title
Added Trebuchet 5N as skirmisher, clarified Artemis/TAG: thanks 80bit
Added UAVs, thanks Darwins Dog

Edited by Ningyo, 15 June 2013 - 04:05 PM.

#2 Baratus


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 06:45 AM

Nice primer. Thanks for posting.

#3 Darwins Dog


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 07:29 AM

Looks like good advice all around. You should probably add a few sentences about the UAV under the spotting section. It allows locks and cuts through ECM for 45 seconds (60 with upgrade). If a scout pops that near/behind a cluster of enemies they might not even notice it. Launch it, and then get out of there. Let the LRM boats take it from there.

#4 Ningyo


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 07:55 AM

Adding this section about specific piloting advice for different chassis, or styles you may use. I find myself only an expert in the Highlander so far so will write one focused on it. If anyone feels an expert in another chassis and wishes to write one I will make a copy of it in this post as well.

Ningyo's Highlander Advice:


Ningyo's Stalker 5M: Stalker LRM 25, 3 ERPPC, Jaggermech JM6-A 2UAC/5, 4LRM5, 2ML(or TAG) advice

Ningyo's Catapult A-1 advice

Edited by Ningyo, 19 June 2013 - 08:14 PM.

#5 80Bit


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 08:13 AM

Great guide! Nice work. I especially like your "When to fire" advice.

A few suggestions.

You should mention on Artemis and TAG that they also increase missile tracking strength, which in turn raises your chances of hitting moving targets.

Trebuchet 5N is also a great LRM skirmisher because its extra torso twist lets you fire at targets while moving away from them to maintain range.

#6 Ningyo


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 12:05 PM

Actually 80bit interestingly enough while they do reduce spread the cause of missing small targets is unless they stand still the missiles impact the ground behind them. Having a wider spread is the only way to hit a fast moving mech though you will still only get 1-4 hits with an LRM 20 so targeting them is not worthwhile.

If they change missile turning rates, flight speed, angle of arc, or possibly some other factors then Artemis might help with hitting fast small targets, right now it does not.

On the other hand the smaller spread does tighten damage on CT of larger mechs often making it worth using.

#7 Ningyo


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 03:05 PM

Updated the guides in post 4 with a few more. (If you want to write one for a mech post it and I will add it to that post.)

Also made a few corrections.

Hope this is helping people with the recently decent LRMs.

#8 Gorgo7


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 09:32 AM

Very excellent post.

I run lots of missile builds and found your advice constructive and well thought out.


#9 Victor Morson


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:03 PM

The Shadow Hawk 2D2 and Griffin 3M should be added as skirmishers. Both are capable of a decent number of missiles per volley (25 2D2 with 5 trailing, Griffin 30 with 0 trailing) and are actually superior to what's listed there by a mile.

The 3L and ironically the Catapult are respectively too light to really do it right, or too heavy to maintain the speed required for it. It's a mediums game. If you want a complete list, I'd also throw the Kintaro KTO-18 on there as viable.

- Other little things I noticed..

... Missiles doing more damage to big 'mechs. This is purely a hit ratio thing as more missiles manage to land on the target, with bigger parts to aim for.

... TAG should reference the tracking bonus. The tracking bonus is what enables LRMs that are TAG+Artemis to make very tight grouping and swerve in tight enough to hit faster 'mechs. If you're using a TAG+ARTEMIS LRM volley, it's nimble enough to heavily damage a spider; without that tracking bonus the majority of shots will hit dirt instead.

... No reference to varied launcher speeds/DPS vs AMS. This is a big one; if you have staggered launcher types you can get a huge amount more DPS by holding down the trigger; but against AMS you want to maximize your missiles-per-volley instead or you will lose a lot of DPS. It's a balancing act and it's definitely an important part to advanced LRM usage.

... Definitely add the UAV. In particular for Skirmishers (which are unquestionably the most powerful way to use LRMs), being able to drop one when falling back to rain hell on chasing enemies, or sometimes to just pop one up on the other side of a wall, or even to bust a cluster of Atlas D-DCs ECM'ing the area the UAV is an awesome tool for an LRM 'mech to have.

... Arms count for more than torso with LRMs. LRMs will fire an almost straight 90 degrees in any direction out of the launcher when you fire them - the trick is making sure you have a lock for that to happen. That's why 'mechs with lower arms have an advantage (in particular if they have TAG in the arm) at getting locks, as they can freely begin tracking a target anywhere in their visual radius more or less; this also allows LRM 'mechs to hold VERY high positions such as Crimson Strait's hills while locking targets directly below. So it's definitely worth mentioning.

... When talking ports, it might be a good idea to talk lock mechanics. The way the lock works is basically this: As a missile leaves the port, it is assigned the currently locked target. If no target is locked when it leaves the port, it can never get a target lock. If it had lock when it left the port but loses it, relocking the same target will make it dive straight in on the target, instead of arcing. I say "When the missile leaves the port" because if you are firing a large launcher through a small number of ports, it is possible to lock only half the salvo on an individual cluster-by-cluster basis.

... Finally, Ghost Heat needs to be addressed. You can have 2 main launchers and then the LRM/5 has it's own separate linking system. This can result in missile volleys of the same size being VERY hot if configured improperly and is a huge deal. Example:

1x LRM20 3x LRM10 (50 missiles) = 4 Times LRM20 Ghost Heat! Youch!
2x LRM20 2x LRM5 (50 missiles) = No Ghost Heat

Definitely a big issue designing missile 'mechs. Remember folks, stagger fire isn't a good option with LRMs if you encounter AMS, so you can't count on managing your heat like that. Also if you do tempt Ghost Heat remember the largest heat creator is always chosen as the punishment, hence why the above example would be the same penalty as boating 4 whole LRM20 launchers!

Edited by Victor Morson, 13 February 2014 - 12:21 PM.

#10 Victor Morson


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:25 PM

View PostNingyo, on 10 June 2013 - 12:05 PM, said:

Actually 80bit interestingly enough while they do reduce spread the cause of missing small targets is unless they stand still the missiles impact the ground behind them. Having a wider spread is the only way to hit a fast moving mech though you will still only get 1-4 hits with an LRM 20 so targeting them is not worthwhile.

That's actually incorrect; the tracking speed increase (I mentioned it in my post too) is a huge deal; the missiles literally turn drastically faster, which allows them to pull crazy swerves right into the fastest 'mechs. The only way an LRM 'mech can get a good blow on a light is with TAG.

View PostNingyo, on 10 June 2013 - 12:05 PM, said:

If they change missile turning rates, flight speed, angle of arc, or possibly some other factors then Artemis might help with hitting fast small targets, right now it does not.

TAG does in fact impact missile turning rates, by a large margin - and so does TAG. Missiles will turn +100% sharper, basically, when you have both in addition to the spread.

EDIT: This is also hilarious to use against poor locusts as you don't really need all that much damage to obliterate them and you almost always land at least half your salvo even on the fastest locust with this.

Edited by Victor Morson, 13 February 2014 - 12:27 PM.

#11 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:32 PM

View PostVictor Morson, on 13 February 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:

That's actually incorrect

At the time he wrote it it wasn't. ;)
Check the posting dates again.

#12 CaptainDeez


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 12:02 AM

IMHO, the Atermis is garbage. I've been running two missile boat builds. One is the trial mech with 4x LRM15 + Atermis launchers. The other is a STK-3H with 1x LRM20 and 2x LRM15, no artimis. Yet, all my non-artimis launchers stats have a higher hit rate and the 3H outperforms my FC in both damage and kills by a fairly sizable margin. I don't think the reduced spread is as helpful as it seems on paper. Mechs are pretty big. ;)

#13 Victor Morson


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:30 AM

View PostCaptainDeez, on 18 February 2014 - 12:02 AM, said:

IMHO, the Atermis is garbage. I've been running two missile boat builds. One is the trial mech with 4x LRM15 + Atermis launchers. The other is a STK-3H with 1x LRM20 and 2x LRM15, no artimis. Yet, all my non-artimis launchers stats have a higher hit rate and the 3H outperforms my FC in both damage and kills by a fairly sizable margin. I don't think the reduced spread is as helpful as it seems on paper. Mechs are pretty big. :D

This is highly inaccurate (and that trial 'mech is hideously bad).

'mechs being big isn't the point. Specific parts of 'mechs aren't big. That is the key, and is part of why MW is not like other shooters.

I've had 'mechs I've survived in at 6% before, while I've killed 'mechs at 92%. Tightening the spread (not to mention the track rates) - ideally with Artemis+TAG - is how you deal the majority of damage to one spot. That's the important part.

Even if every single missile from your LRM15 hits your target every single time (it won't), it still would be hitting every single part of the 'mech for very, very light damage while a 'mech with Artemis+TAG would be hitting heavily right in the CT with very little spread to the side torsos.

It's night & day and why I have the "Always have Artemis if you use missiles, across the board" attitude.

EDIT: This also loops back to why I keep saying damage numbers don't mean much. It's possible to do far better than someone with much higher damage than you. In fact it's funny it works the reverse of what it should - it rewards the guy who shoots the left torso, right torso, then center torso and not the effective pilot that cores them or head shots them.

Edited by Victor Morson, 18 February 2014 - 10:32 AM.

#14 DrRedCoat


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:16 AM

I heard that the NARC was getting a buff. Perhaps you fine gentlemen can tell me (a) has that happened yet? and ( b ) what are its new traits? I heard it was suppose to start countering ECM.

Edited by DrRedCoat, 18 February 2014 - 11:16 AM.

#15 Victor Morson


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:52 AM

The NARC buff sadly isn't worthwhile. While it will last until it times out (can't be blown off the 'mech anymore) and it did get some positive improvements, it's still really heavy, still doesn't stack with Artemis (ugh), and is very, very ammo dependent. It needs serious buffing to make it a useful item.

Definitely check out the TAG instead. Only a ton and with none of the horrible drawbacks.

#16 DrRedCoat


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 12:21 PM

That's disappointing. I already make heavy use of the tag on my 3L and was hoping the NARC would become worthwhile (for lore's sake) but it sounds like I'll keep my current build.

#17 Victor Morson


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:34 PM

View PostDrRedCoat, on 18 February 2014 - 12:21 PM, said:

That's disappointing. I already make heavy use of the tag on my 3L and was hoping the NARC would become worthwhile (for lore's sake) but it sounds like I'll keep my current build.

On the upside, TAG is super useful and very reasonable to mount. 1 ton, no ammo, easy to use and stacks with Artemis.

Edited by Victor Morson, 18 February 2014 - 09:35 PM.

#18 Gorgo7


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 05:07 AM

View PostVictor Morson, on 18 February 2014 - 11:52 AM, said:

The NARC buff sadly isn't worthwhile. While it will last until it times out (can't be blown off the 'mech anymore) and it did get some positive improvements, it's still really heavy, still doesn't stack with Artemis (ugh), and is very, very ammo dependent. It needs serious buffing to make it a useful item.

Definitely check out the TAG instead. Only a ton and with none of the horrible drawbacks.

I have not tried the Narc with the new buff. I didn't realize they had instituted it yet.
It should be a major buff for those who intentionally spot for pre-made lances. There are several Med machines that would excel as heavy spotters.
The NARC cannot be wiped off due to damage, lasts a full thirty seconds for drawing missile fire and should defeat the ECM coverage of the Mech it has hit. Very powerful stuff.
If it has indeed been buffed I will try it on a dedicated missle boat I run and as a spotter in my Wolverine 6K. TAG is lovely but my A1 Catapult only has hard points for missiles.:rolleyes:

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