Bishop113, on 11 June 2013 - 02:52 AM, said:
So, just thinking about the Atlas's role in the game, if he can be so easily conquered by even a single mech(remember I got taken out by one Misery with LRM's I think) what is his strength? Looking at him my first thought since the beginning of my interest in mechwarrior has been "I bet he can take a punch!" but if that's not the case, what is? Playing these matches I've been playing with my Hunchback, I'm running an AC/20 and two medium lasers, I can delve out 400-600 dmg a match depending on my positioning, how my allies do and how long I live, so if the most you can do in an Atlas is 600, he can't run away and he doesn't have the armor to last even in various 1v1 fights, what's the point?
That does apply to a stock/trial atlas. Unless you drop a nice wad of cbills into upgrading an AS7, they're really just bigass targets.
However, once fully decked out(or even just moderately decked out, and elited) they become killing machines. Many, many 4-6 kill 700+ damage rounds, with quite a few 900+, although everyone tends to be dead before you get up that high, unless you have poor aim and hit a lot of arms and legs. That's just been my experience with them. Between all of my AS7s(I have the D-DC, D, and R) I have about 400 rounds played, and a K/D of 2.5. My hunchbacks(I have the 4P, 4J, and 4G), not so much.