A Last Plea For Help.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 06:48 PM
Most of my problem right now seems to center around my ping, it's always above 150, every single match I've played the last two days I've had 150 ping. I don't know if this high ping is going to cause major problems for me or if I really am just a horrible player but I've been running the trial atlas in every match and I just get destroyed every time.
Now I am trying to use the tips I've gotten before, I try to turn to plant enemy shots on different parts of my armor and such, I try to focus all my fire on one point on my enemy but nothing seems to do any significant damage ever. I recall a match I played a few hours ago, I walked over a hill, took one barrage of LRM's from a single mech, walked around some more, and the next barrage from that same mech instantly killed my Atlas. I don't know about you but I would think a giant slow armored beast would last longer than two rounds of missiles.
At any rate, I can't tell anymore if the game is just a sorry mess or if I'm still horrible at it, my damage count at the end of every round is always very low, my death and loss rate are both very high. It just doesn't feel like any amount of skill or accuracy plays any role in this game, it all feels random to me.
Looking at my profile my stats are abysmal in my opinion, 70/90 win loss ratio, 1:1 Kill death ratio.
I don't know, this is just really frustrating, not having bot matches, a single player or at the very least a game mode with respawns and repairing, every match is just me walking, fighting for 5 minutes and then watching as everyone else plays when I get my *** handed to me. I stick with my team as best as possible, I focus fire as best as I can and my end result is always disappointing.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:00 PM
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:00 PM
I'd recommend that you pick a different mech. The Atlas can take a beating and deal a lot of damage, but it's not very forgiving as far as mobility. It's very easy to get caught in a bad place with no way of getting out.
Also, the best defence you can have in this game is to have someone else with you for the enemy to shoot at. Unfortunately for you, the Atlas is usually a prime target because of its damage potential.
You kind of have two choices as far as beginner-friendly mech types go:
1) Pick something with a lot of long range firepower, such as a Stalker, and stay at the rear of your team as support. It's not too hard to pull huge damage numbers by doing this.
2) Pick something that's not overly threatening to the enemy, such as a Catapult, and stick with the big guys as support. You won't do as much damage, but you'll live longer.
Also, don't walk over hills unless you're in a mech with high-set weapons (Stalkers, Jagermechs, etc). Walk around them whenever possible. Cresting a hill is like painting a bulls eye on your chest. In a mech with low-slung weapons (Atlas, Cataphract, etc) you can't shoot back until you're fully exposed.
On a final note: The trial mechs are horrible. You'll almost certainly fare a lot better once you finish the trial grind and buy yourself your own mech which you can set up the way you like.
Edited by The Cheese, 09 June 2013 - 07:08 PM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:00 PM
- Try to get into a group via any of the TeamSpeak servers, see this thread
- Trial mechs suck, really. Try to get some C-bills from your cadet bonus (about 10 million or so) and buy a mech. (You have 4 free mech bays.)
- Atlai are not as mighty as they seem (100 t, big, fat, skull), and they're difficult to pilot.
- There seems to be a problem / bug with LRMs against Atlai guessing from some threads.
- Big mechs are priority targets. Mech chassis which are considered bad are often ignored (instead of destroyed immediately).
- Your ping isn't high on an absolute scale. If there are issues with your internet connection to PGI, you'll see for example "warping" (a mech warping from one position to another without movement). Those things can happen e.g. if your ping fluctuates or some packets don't make it (in time) between the server and your PC.
Edited by Phaesphoros, 09 June 2013 - 07:04 PM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:01 PM
(shameless advertising, come play with us over at www.phoenixdominion.com some time

Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:03 PM
I'll let the pros coach you properly, but I'd say driving that Atlas is your first mistake. It's the biggest, baddest (arguably) mech in the game, and you will draw every enemies fire in range. Maybe drop down to play something else, like a heavy or med?
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:05 PM
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:07 PM
Ping of 150 is not crippling as far as I can tell. Look at everyone else's Ping about 30 seconds into the Match. From my cursory glances at this info 150 doesn't seem game breaking.
Newbie Atlas pilots can't effectively torso twist to soak damage because they have no Elite or even Basic Efficiencies completed. Unless your Koniving, Soy, or Koreanese but these guys aren't torso twisting... they are raising their arms, twisting torso and turning the mech at the same time.
LRMs in the face will hurt quite a bit. I'm a near exclusive LRM user. I would at some point in time love to meet this mythical Atlas that gets cored by 2 or even 3 volleys.
Skill plays a huge part... there is nothing at all random about being pinpoint zapped by a 6PPC Stalker. It might suck quite a bit but there was nothing random about it.
There is no way to stay with your teammates in any real sense while piloting the slowest mech available. Get into something more mobile and quite frankly something that isn't a bullet magnet that everyone else on your team is basically using as a meatshield.
Final advice, first advice... get out of the Atlas and into the Hunchback.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:11 PM
Phaesphoros, on 09 June 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:
- There seems to be a problem / bug with LRMs against Atlai guessing from some threads.
Davoke, on 09 June 2013 - 07:01 PM, said:
Ummmm, this is wrong. The only problem is Atlas pilots not sticking AMS on their big fat slow mechs while trying to stare down a Catapult A1 during their crossing of the water in River City. Then again any Atlas pulling that stunt will die to a Jagermech in 1/3rd the time.
Edited by scJazz, 09 June 2013 - 07:13 PM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:12 PM
Second, I feel really sorry for all trial-mech pilots, PGI made stock variants impossible to play.
I'm not very good in giving theoretical advices, but try to change your role on the field, take fire support mech and stick to main group, using all cover you can. If you are not very good at PPC/AC anticipation shooting, choose any lazerboat platforms like HBK-4P or BJ-1X. They are cheep in base, but you will
Edit: check forums for 'Mechs builds, there are plenty of them. And yeah, welcome to MechWarrior caste!
Edited by Featherwood, 09 June 2013 - 07:17 PM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:19 PM
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:34 PM
I would definitely support the advice of getting out of the Atlas. What you will find with this game is that there is a very steep learning curve, and it's steepest for mechs like the Atlas. You get all the love, first and hardest... Have multiple weapon systems to handle, heat is a real issue etc etc. The Hunchback or something similar is a good place to start. Unfortunately you are going to have to grind the cbills until you can get out of the trial mechs - do this as soon as you can and use the xp generated to get your efficiencies in - this will instantly make a huge difference to heat, handling and so on.
I would also say, resist the temptation to spend your way out of the trial mechs. It will suck grinding the cbills, but the cadet bonus is a huge help - and the lessons you will learn make the play more enjoyable once you are in your own mechs. Otherwise you have put down money...to get your a**e handed to you. Better to suck it up and learn what you will need to know.
Keep it up and this game really will reward the time! If you have only played 160ish games then you have a long way to go. I've played 1500 or so and I learn new things every time I go out.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:54 PM
I really like the Atlas....like, a lot. If you guys can suggest a strong Cataphract build, maybe I can run with my own Cataphract until I can afford an Atlas, I have 4.4m Cbills currently. I'm not sure what the Cadet bonus is, or if it still applies to me as I'm not really new anymore. But I do like the Cataphract so I'm willing to try that out, but the Hunchback I die in more than anything else I've tried so that's not a good idea for me lol.
Although I have to say, when people talk down a character, class or in this case a mech like the Atlas it just makes me want to play it more for some reason, I play Meepo in dota 2 because people say he's the most difficult, I played Spy in TF2 because people say he's the most difficult, etc. etc. etc. I guess I'm full of spite or something hehe.
As for teamspeak I understand why that's a popular suggestion, it was in the last thread I made as well but grouping with randoms in voice is just not really for me, if any of you guys are more casual hop in and play with or without voice I'd be happy to play with you sometimes, but teamspeak and groups and such kind of not for me.
I will check out the builds in the forum and see if I can find one that looks good, but feel free to suggest one if you know a good one

Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:56 PM
I did 7 videos on the 4X. Of those 5 are uploaded, 2 more which also went well are undergoing editing (since I'm doing music to them).
If you check out this playlist, there's also a number of matches played while using trial (default) Atlas K and Atlas RS (before they were trials, no unlocks, no changes). These may help you.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:15 PM
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:31 PM
There's nothing wrong trying it except for the reasons stated above(they are true), but if it's your favorite mech, consider buying the other 2 and investing EXP in them, it's worth it.
Also, playing Atlas people will expect you to be their shield: don't be ashamed to take it slow, and do not allow that. Well at least not all the time, since it's kind of your job to soak up some damage, but don't overdo it.
Which Atlas are you using? It's the trial or a bought one? Maybe we can help you optimize it.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:35 PM
The single greatest mistake most new players to MWO make is assuming that piloting the biggest and baddest mech gives them an edge or advantage. It doesn't. You're new to the game, you have no situational awareness, you can't prioritize threats, and you can't engage/disengage under favorable terms if you're in the slowest mech.
Spending time in death cam can also be very helpful from a learning standpoint. Jump in and follow a light and see how he harasses bigger mechs, observe how most mediums perform best when they support a push but never make themselves the sole available target, etc.
I understand you might like the Atlas but the best advice is to get into something more mobile. This allows you more time to learn the fundamentals and then you could always go back to the atlas once you're feeling more confident. After all, it's difficult to grow and learn if you're dead 4 minutes into every match.
Edited by Faydeaway, 09 June 2013 - 08:39 PM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:39 PM
I am going to buy an Atlas though so if you want to suggest which one is best and a good build for, I would be happy to see it.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:42 PM
bishop, on 09 June 2013 - 08:39 PM, said:
I strongly recommend against buying an Atlas for your first mech. It's simply too expensive to get into a usable state. You'd be much better off with something smaller, cheaper and less of a bullet magnet.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:49 PM
bishop, on 09 June 2013 - 08:39 PM, said:
I am going to buy an Atlas though so if you want to suggest which one is best and a good build for, I would be happy to see it.
It is highly unlikely you're dying to a couple of standard LRM volleys. You're most likely taking some other damage as well. At the death check and see if other things like gauss slugs or ppc fire is damaging you.
If you're dying to LRM so often then you need to spend more time near cover. LRM fire can be brutal but can also be easily mitigated by staying near cover and minimizing long strolls through open terrain.
If you're dead set on getting an Atlas and with your prior frustrations with LRM fire then I would recommend the DDC variant. Make sure you keep the ECM module equipped and LRMs will give you a lot less grief.
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