Streaks: I'm not inherently opposed. However, this is a game where I can deliver 35 point precision shots. A weapon that deals damage anywhere I'm not aiming is doing nearly ZERO effective damage.Okay, that's an exaggeration. But if I do 50 damage to an atlas arm, and then blow off its torso, that 50 damage is no better than missing. As a result aoe random target weapons like srms and ssrms need to do serious damage per weapon slot/ton. I think after hsr, 3.0 will be the minimum assuming zero splash. Obviously if you put splash back in, it can't be 3 to each of several locations.
Right now, the death of srms is really exaggerating other issues. I boat lasers and ppcs because the missile slots on highlanders are useless for srms. With only 4 usable weapon slots, I HAVE to take big long range weapons. And I can't brawl effectively without good srms.
Long story short, change is perfectly fine to bring streaks in line with srms, but they all need to do a lot more damage than tabletop to match precision weapone (all energy and ballistics).
Flamers and mgs: no argument buffs good. Gameplay will tell if need more.
Pulse lasers: won't hurt the game. I understand it is prep for real balance. Awkward to change damage values though. In any event, I expect pulses will need 0.5 pulse time across the board to balance. (With same cds, this would provide the Slight dps boost they need). Personally Ithink this would make them feel really different than reg lasers, which would be awesome. I love different weapons really feeling different to fire.
Heat penalty: not bad. Don't expect it to impact the game much. But I believe in caution. Can be tweaked down gradually towards 100 percent. Maybe with scaling damage. I.e. 1 percent internal damage per 10 percent over, rounded up, or something.
Boating: will favor macros heavily without a major hud UI overhall. How is a new player going to chainfire weapon Groups? I.e. fire 6 lasers then fire 3 .5 seconds later. Complex mechanic for new players. I personally am fine with it, but I don't know how to communicate it in game to players.
The big question is: is it ok to run a 4 ac5 phract?
I rcommend some consistent damage based guideline, but it sounds like you've got that in mind.
2 ppcs (are er ppcs ppcs) seems fine.
Mls seems fine at six. I think your logic is sound. Hunchback is edge case, but a real consideration.
Singles for gauss and ac 20.
I don't know that this will really change the game. But whatevs.
EDIT: oh' 3 ppcs. So that's 30 damage alphas for mls and ppcs. That's a good point.
But maybe you have to put all weapons on one 30 dmage shared rule. Maybe a gauge in the cockpit showing "weapon stress" in the last 0.5 seconds. To nerf running gauss plus 3 ppc alphas and make it all consistent and rational (penalties over 30 damage/systems stress).
Edited by DanNashe, 12 June 2013 - 10:05 AM.