The current ECM setup is in dire need of a basic overhaul at the fundamental levels. There should be no reason whatsoever that an on/off switch for the viability of half the weapons of a team to be rendered useless for the entire match and guarantees a win like that by preventing half the weapons loaded from being used at all.
ECM is intended as the counter for BAP - which should make LRMs dangerous.
Right now BAP is the counter for ECM which makes any missile lock impossible.
That is not right. I can stomach it when its a few at a time and there is another target I can shoot, but not when it works at that level of spamming it and I can't hit anything.
The ECM and information warfare fix is simple;
ECM on Disrupt blocks indirect fire and increases the duration of direct Line-Of-Sight target locks as well as reduce the detection range of the enemy - but doesn't prevent it.
ECM should only outright prevent the ARTEMIS lock speed and tighter spread.
Only another ECM on Counter in close range can jam another ECM on Disrupt.
BAP should extend sensor range and allow for indirect locks of other mechs in sight so long as they are not under an ECM on Disrupt. I would like to see BAP like a multi-target for all enemy mechs for indirect fire by allies. ECM's coverage of indirect fire would then prevent this BAP advantage.
TAG allows for indirect targeting on a target within an ECM on Disrupt so long as the mech focusing the tag is outside an ECM disrupt bubble. Just as it is now - that is fine. Maybe a bit long of a range now, but that's the idea and its okay.
NARC needs fixing. It should last the duration of the match and allow indirect fire anywhere unless the target is shielded by an ECM on Disrupt. This allows for a NARC user to drastically help the team by targeting the enemy helping to keep track of them all - a great tool along with BAP for its weight, but easily blocked by an ECM on Disrupt.
Simple, and straight to the point. BAP and NARC makes Missile support possible and easier, ECM eliminates most indirect fire and ARTEMIS advantages allowing the use of cover easier but doesn't continue to protect you if your in the open and in sight, TAG allows indirect fire on someone under an ECM on Disrupt and only an ECM on Counter can remove an ECM on Disrupt allowing multiple to still take advantage of cover.
But ECM doesn't prevent Line-Of-Sight locks, only adding time required to get that lock.
That is the balanced way to approach it. Not PPC turns off ECM for a few seconds, no BAP auto-counter of ECM and no senseless no-lock missiles from ECM. Cover works, getting out of sight saves your hide - but it doesn't let them stay in the open and expect to stay safe out there. Its a tool to counter advantages, not something that hard-counters a whole line of options.
Edited by Unbound Inferno, 12 June 2013 - 12:44 PM.