Lostdragon, on 14 June 2013 - 08:38 AM, said:
As for the second point, ever been hit by 3x PPC and a Gauss in a light? Best case scenario you lose an arm but usually it is instant death or a leg blown off. And current IS mechs have very limited targeting systems. The ranges of weapons are low in the lore not because the weapons are not effective at longer ranges but because it is really hard to hit anything at long range. Clans already have more sophisticated targeting computers that help calculate leads and compensate for movement and recoil but the IS doesn't develop similar equipment until 3062, 12 years down the road from when this game is set.
It is for a variety a reasons, not just because "they cannot hit anything."
So is this whole fix that OP wants is because you keep getting sniped in lights?
Lights have the ability to pick their fights, that is one of the advantages. If you keep getting sniped your using it wrong. Obviously the OP wants the game easier for lights.