Fooooo, on 14 June 2013 - 05:19 AM, said:
It creates CAMP matches in every FPS that uses it like that. No tactics, just get to the best spot and wait for someone to be stupid enough to move into your sights.
You realize that, despite how annoying camping can be, that it is a valid tactic, that our service men out there in the field don't just run around like an *****, pulling side strafes and dropping to the ground infront of the enemy right?
People use the word "Tactics" and they don't realise what "tactics" entails. Using Cover, Concealment, moving smart, knowing when to STAY PUT[ie camping] Giving yourself an advantage in position over the enemy that allows you to suprise them. Using enflade and defelade. [hills and valleys] to your advantage to change your exposure profile. Making sure not to ridgeline yourself.
All of that is tactics, not "Hurr durr, move torwards enemy and dodge his shots!" That's just luck.
3rdworld, on 14 June 2013 - 05:22 AM, said:
Recoil isn't CoF. CoD only has CoF when shooting from the hip. When you are looking down the sights you do not have CoF but recoil. As we are always using sights, CoD CoF mechanic is irrelevant.
And all those modern shooters have respawn to reduce the effects of luck by averages during a match. And I actually made more of the argument that because it is in a modern shooter doesn't mean it applies here.
You've obviously never moved while aiming down sight in CoD, the CoF is still there, just reduced.
stjobe, on 14 June 2013 - 05:26 AM, said:
We're not.
We're simply target designators (or, at least that's what MechWarriors are if you look at the lore). The targeting computer, actuators, and weapons take care of the rest. We designate what target to shoot at, but we don't aim the weapons at all. We don't use sights, or shoot from the hip, or anything remotely connected to what a person holding a weapon does.
We just designate targets and pull triggers. The 'mech does the rest.
StJobe, they've basically retconted that several times in the novels and source material, stating that a mechwarrior's control on when to pull the trigger, and even movement on the control sticks has a greater bearing on target resolution than in the old days.
You're working on some super old info bro.