Who else thinks there should be some new player/character battles before entering into the higher lvl players battles?
Some of the experienced players with well equipped mechs are very tough to face for newer players trying to figure which end of the mech is up.

Nooby Battles
Started by Johnny Z, Jun 14 2013 06:22 AM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 14 June 2013 - 06:22 AM
Posted 14 June 2013 - 06:46 AM
Many ideas have been tossed around, like separate Elo brackets such that lower ranks don't get matched on the same games as those of significantly higher rank, but until we get a response its hard to see what they have in store for us.
Edited by CapperDeluxe, 14 June 2013 - 06:46 AM.
Posted 14 June 2013 - 06:57 AM
If I recall from an ATD recently (I think) there will be a cadet Elo that will put players with other new players for the first 25 matches. After that they will move into the main queue with everyone else.
Posted 14 June 2013 - 07:56 AM
This is already in place.
Posted 14 June 2013 - 08:10 PM
So they run their first 25 games in nubland, hopefully use their money to buy a mech and equip it properly(I spent like 2.5 mil of my cadet bonus on paint colors, with no idea that the gravy train was about to stop), and join gen-pop? Still sounds pretty rough.
Bet that first game after nubland looks insane to them, especially if they did well against other nublets. I'm kinda glad that wasn't in place when I joined. I might have quit from shock when all of a sudden everyone was running around at 150kph with slick paintjobs and pinpoint accuracy. But since my first match was like that, I kinda just rolled with it.
Just my opinion.
Bet that first game after nubland looks insane to them, especially if they did well against other nublets. I'm kinda glad that wasn't in place when I joined. I might have quit from shock when all of a sudden everyone was running around at 150kph with slick paintjobs and pinpoint accuracy. But since my first match was like that, I kinda just rolled with it.
Just my opinion.
Posted 15 June 2013 - 02:57 AM
SInce Cadets already start with a lower ELO as of sometime last Month or early this month as stated by Syllogy, I don`t really understand why people consider this an issue.
If the issue that caused this post is that you`re "still" regularly getting trial mechs in your matches, there are 3 "realistic" possible causes:
1. Veterans using a trial mech for whatever one of numerous reasons, be it testing, trolling, or whatever.
2. Veterans such as myself repainting their chassis to cause them to be "mistaken" for trial mechs for a tactical advantage. The logic being: Do you shoot the Atlas D-DC which cannot possibly be a trial mech, or do you shoot the green Atlas RS that looks like a trial mech but will soon show you how jumping to conclusions based on variant and color just might get you killed?
3. You truly are that "bad" (according to Elo ranking) that you're still put in the queue of new players. This happens very often to the people that play one or 2 matches then say "!this sucks" and quit for a week... it will happen to these players at least 13 times PER WEIGHT CLASS, until they have their 25 matches /weight class done and are "moved" into the normal Elo range. Assuming they play well enough to do so in the first place.
I actually started a new account about 2 weeks ago just to test how well the New player experience works with the altered Elo sccores, and even in a trial mech it was nowhere near as bad as many seem to believe. Seriously, those 4 hrs were some of the most balanced matches I`ve ever had...
If the issue that caused this post is that you`re "still" regularly getting trial mechs in your matches, there are 3 "realistic" possible causes:
1. Veterans using a trial mech for whatever one of numerous reasons, be it testing, trolling, or whatever.
2. Veterans such as myself repainting their chassis to cause them to be "mistaken" for trial mechs for a tactical advantage. The logic being: Do you shoot the Atlas D-DC which cannot possibly be a trial mech, or do you shoot the green Atlas RS that looks like a trial mech but will soon show you how jumping to conclusions based on variant and color just might get you killed?
3. You truly are that "bad" (according to Elo ranking) that you're still put in the queue of new players. This happens very often to the people that play one or 2 matches then say "!this sucks" and quit for a week... it will happen to these players at least 13 times PER WEIGHT CLASS, until they have their 25 matches /weight class done and are "moved" into the normal Elo range. Assuming they play well enough to do so in the first place.
I actually started a new account about 2 weeks ago just to test how well the New player experience works with the altered Elo sccores, and even in a trial mech it was nowhere near as bad as many seem to believe. Seriously, those 4 hrs were some of the most balanced matches I`ve ever had...
Edited by Zerberus, 15 June 2013 - 03:56 AM.
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