Heavy Mech Madness Sale
Started by InnerSphereNews, Jun 14 2013 09:00 AM
50 replies to this topic
Posted 15 June 2013 - 05:50 AM
I feel like we will never get more than 30% off. No more sales for me. Sorry. Not worth it. MC is too expensive.
Posted 15 June 2013 - 08:22 AM
This sale needs a reduced price Heavy Metal.
Edited by Wintersdark, 15 June 2013 - 08:35 AM.
Posted 15 June 2013 - 02:19 PM
Sorry PGI but I think I well skip on this one.
Try doing a MC deal and I will pony-up the bucks.
Buying Cbill Mechs with MC is not for me.
I am one of throws player in hold for 12 man and out of Beta,no point blowing Cash for thing I don't need as is.
Try doing a MC deal and I will pony-up the bucks.
Buying Cbill Mechs with MC is not for me.

I am one of throws player in hold for 12 man and out of Beta,no point blowing Cash for thing I don't need as is.
Posted 16 June 2013 - 06:04 AM
Not very impressed and especially as even with the discounts the jager and cata still cost more the other variants. IMHO it's a sale to try and get new players to buy the MC so they have a heavy mech quicker than a grind for the cbills.
Posted 16 June 2013 - 08:17 AM
The DD's inflated cost comes solely from the XL engine (which doesn't really help its naturally paper thin armor)... if the price of a mech that's on sale would subtract the obscene cost of the XL engine, the sale percentage would suddenly be more appealing...
Posted 16 June 2013 - 10:19 PM
Woot JM6-DD here I come
Just as soon as i get the mister of war and finance to agree....
Just as soon as i get the mister of war and finance to agree....
Edited by Mussie076, 16 June 2013 - 10:19 PM.
Posted 17 June 2013 - 08:15 AM
Honestly I think the whole MC cost of camo is rediculous, I only buy custom mechs and then their camo is flat black all over. The MC is too expensive for how much I play this game, especially because the ingame market sell-back prices always leave you with less when youre customizing and looking for a perfect mech, so far my best is a cataphrect with twin er ppcs twin medium lasers and 20 dbl sinks with 2 JJs, I spent 30 bucks on the mech and camo and thats 1 mech. but my kill ration with it is 3.1
Posted 18 June 2013 - 01:12 AM
Im new to this online game but no new comer to Mechwarrior. Ive been playing it since the floppy disk days from the first apple computers. But this is just stupid, I have to say even tho this is my first day playing the game and a HUGE HUGE fan im extremely disapointed in the cost of points to play mechs that should ALREADY be included in the game. Not this "we provide the software, and tempt you to buy more and more and MORE" BS
This is my first day playing and trying to figure the game out. I almost rage quit and just uninstalled the freakin game when i seen you have to buy a tone of stuff to even get a descent mech. Its not fair, and really ****** me off. I hate enterprizes like this who scam their customers and bait them into fishing scemes to buy more stuff at a so called Low price but in actuality they set the price and brainwash the customers in thinking their getting a bargin when they lower prices. This is called fishing and its a common scam with most online sites and corperations. Sure i understand you need to make money somehow, but you dont have to be so obvious at it. There SHOULD be a player match point system that earns them tiny fractions of MC each match so they can buy stuff on their own. You can still charge mech skins and w/e for MC at reasonable prices and people will still pay for MC but there should be a fractional way to earn the points as well. This is how Guild Wars 2 does business and its extremely successfull. Disallowing players to not earn these points will turn Die Hard fans like me away forever. I refuse to buy MC untill theres a solid way to earn them ingame from battling it out. This game is headed over a cliff right off the bat from my opinion.
This is my first day playing and trying to figure the game out. I almost rage quit and just uninstalled the freakin game when i seen you have to buy a tone of stuff to even get a descent mech. Its not fair, and really ****** me off. I hate enterprizes like this who scam their customers and bait them into fishing scemes to buy more stuff at a so called Low price but in actuality they set the price and brainwash the customers in thinking their getting a bargin when they lower prices. This is called fishing and its a common scam with most online sites and corperations. Sure i understand you need to make money somehow, but you dont have to be so obvious at it. There SHOULD be a player match point system that earns them tiny fractions of MC each match so they can buy stuff on their own. You can still charge mech skins and w/e for MC at reasonable prices and people will still pay for MC but there should be a fractional way to earn the points as well. This is how Guild Wars 2 does business and its extremely successfull. Disallowing players to not earn these points will turn Die Hard fans like me away forever. I refuse to buy MC untill theres a solid way to earn them ingame from battling it out. This game is headed over a cliff right off the bat from my opinion.
Posted 18 June 2013 - 01:59 AM
Dude, chill out. You're forgetting a few very important things:
1) MWO is FREE, Guild Wars 2 costs $50. With all other Mechwarrior games, you had to pony up whatever the market rate for games were at that time just to play. If you ponied up $50 (roughly the price for retail games) for MWO, you'd get a hell lot of MC, enough to get you 8 more mechbays for 3 mechs of each weight class so you can Master them all, one hero mech, and still have change leftover for paints and stuff. Or more mechbays. If *everyone* coughed up $50 for MWO the way everyone had to for Guild Wars 2, they wouldn't need this MC system.
2) Most players won't be paying anywhere near the $60 a retail game would have bagged them, but these players still add to a server's load and supporting their online play still costs money. Money that has to come from "whales" who actually spend on F2P games. I played for free initially, liked it enough and played it enough to figure MWO was worth $50 like a proper game does, so I bought me some MC 3 or 4 months ago. This was the first time I paid in an F2P game. Still have ~70% of my MC left after 8 more mechbays and a bunch of paints, might buy a Firebrand with that. I think the MC price is pretty fair. Servers and developers cost money, you know.
3) Never, ever like your own post.
You could alternatively treat it as a subscription MMO and budget out $10 per month or something to go into MC purchases.
1) MWO is FREE, Guild Wars 2 costs $50. With all other Mechwarrior games, you had to pony up whatever the market rate for games were at that time just to play. If you ponied up $50 (roughly the price for retail games) for MWO, you'd get a hell lot of MC, enough to get you 8 more mechbays for 3 mechs of each weight class so you can Master them all, one hero mech, and still have change leftover for paints and stuff. Or more mechbays. If *everyone* coughed up $50 for MWO the way everyone had to for Guild Wars 2, they wouldn't need this MC system.
2) Most players won't be paying anywhere near the $60 a retail game would have bagged them, but these players still add to a server's load and supporting their online play still costs money. Money that has to come from "whales" who actually spend on F2P games. I played for free initially, liked it enough and played it enough to figure MWO was worth $50 like a proper game does, so I bought me some MC 3 or 4 months ago. This was the first time I paid in an F2P game. Still have ~70% of my MC left after 8 more mechbays and a bunch of paints, might buy a Firebrand with that. I think the MC price is pretty fair. Servers and developers cost money, you know.
3) Never, ever like your own post.
You could alternatively treat it as a subscription MMO and budget out $10 per month or something to go into MC purchases.
Edited by Lagster, 18 June 2013 - 02:04 AM.
Posted 18 June 2013 - 06:34 AM
Im a hard core gamer, when I starte something I intend to collect everything and lvl and experience every part of the game. I can like any post I want, mine or yours. Im not out to increase my popularity, or if your the type of person who worries about his reputation on a forum pls feel free to bash me and troll as much as you want. The simple fact that these guys have a tone of mechs to choose from and they all cost real cash is just rediculous. I have the money, I just refuse to pay cash in support of a principle which is just completely wrong and needs corrected. For your information I obtained Gw2 exclusively for free due to my family holding financial ties and stock holdings with anet. Even still, 4 cents = 1 MC? Most Mechs cost 1000s of MC. Your not gona get alot of mechs even with 25,000 MC. Im just arguing the point I made. Im a serious kinda person, and yes money is serious business. If this game refuses to allow +MC% per match or what ever end goal would meet out the requirements for a MC gain then im just gona uninstall this game. Ive been a mechwarrior fan for nearly 20 yrs.
Posted 19 June 2013 - 04:50 PM
Powder, I'm afraid you are just wrong regarding your statement about mechs "all cost real cash'. You don't have to buy them with mc, you know. Hope this fact cools your rage down.
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