However, there is one thing aside from bugs etc. that bugs me most.
It is the AC20.
What is this supposed to be? A weapon with superior power and almost no comparable penalty...
You can see at least one Dual AC20 Jager in every game and if they aren't completely dumb they always do most damage. They are annoying in both teams.
If a weapon has that huge amount of power and doesn't have any penalty or skill needed, why is it even possible to mount two of them?
Why AC20 and not AC15, or limit them so they can use only one of them.
Why is there so little difference in wheight and slots used between AC10 and AC20.
Its doing twice its damage but only 2 more tons and 3 more slots.
Overall the High Alpha damage problem in MWO bugs me, but PPC builds aren't that strong though, they have penaltys with heat and heatsinks and the next patch will increase that even more, but they also should be limited to max 4 of them imo.
Thats it ... finally got the incentive to share my thoughts about it because my team was getting ***** by two AC40 mechs 3 times in a row now.
I don't want the game to be called AC20 warrior online all the time.. lol
*edit* just noticed the title having an error*
Edited by Kazma, 15 June 2013 - 05:46 AM.