Lots of added stats and more useful calculations, support for 50 mechs, and what's more, it's got context sensitive formatting! Generally speaking, what I've done is calculated your average stats overall, then compared each individual mech's stats with the average - if it's better, it gets colored green, if worse it gets colored red.
Usage is a little different, but neater. Now, there are two sheets - the first sheet, where you view and sort the data, and the second sheet where you just paste your mech data in A1. This way, pasting in mech data doesn't screw with formatting and whatnot.
The new sheet can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxus...01/NewStats.xls
It has no data in it, to avoid situations where people with fewer mechs pasting in their data end up with a mix of theirs and mine. You can see the sheet with my data here, if you're unsure where to paste your stuff: https://dl.dropboxus...xampleStats.xls
I'm really not into making new how to pics up right now, but it's really simple. As I said above, just select and copy all your mech data as shown below, then paste it to the second sheet in cell A1 (the top left). You can then sort the viewing page as before by selecting the column title you want to sort by and pressing one of the sort buttons.
Don't paste on the first "VIEW DATA HERE" sheet!
-------------------------------------------- Original Post --------------------------------------------
Ok, I made this for my own use, because the web page stats are not terrible helpful. I wanted to see my average kills, deaths, and XP per battle, and all see what my kills/deaths/xp/wins/losses/etc per hour were like. Also, to sort that list, and see which mechs I did better with a little more organically.
This isn't very pretty, but it's functional and gets the job done. If someone wants to make one a little more user-friendly, they're more than welcome to, but I've very limited time and wanted something that users could just paste their stats directly into.
How to? It's simple:
Step #1:

Copy your profile>stats mech data, then paste it into the spreadsheet - this one here: https://dl.dropboxus...16101/Stats.xls it's in XL95 format, but was made in OpenOffice so should work just fine there.
Paste in cell A2, as below:

And Bob's your uncle.
Feel free to flame me for my stats all you like - particularly with my shameful Spider stats. I'm *not* a light pilot.
*Not shown in the second screen shot, line 31 now has totals per hour of the cumulative stats (kills, deaths, damage, xp) for ****'s and giggles.
Edited by Wintersdark, 16 June 2013 - 09:31 AM.