Kaeb Odellas, on 16 June 2013 - 11:56 AM, said:
I know CASE prevents damage from spreading from the side torso to the center, but does it do anything for limbs? Anyways, CASE or not, there is no reason for damage from an ammo explosion in an arm or leg to travel through several meters of mech internals in 2 different sections, and still completely destroy the center.
What I would like to see is the explosion send shrapnel and large chunks of mech debris flying, potentially damaging nearby mechs, with missiles flying about like fireworks. That would be fun to see.
I'm pretty sure that CASE is supposed to prevent it from spreading from limbs, but I've never actually tested this. As for the travelling damage issue, it does sort of make sense (huge explosion). Damage also transfers from a destroyed leg to the corresponding side torso as well (so if I shoot off your left left then shoot it again, your LT takes damage). Weird mechanic, but that's how it works so there's a precedent for traveling damage.
I totally agree about making the explosions 'cooler' though. Right now ammo explosions aren't very satisfying - I remember there used to be sound effects for some of them (machine-gun ammo 'popped' like corn almost).
stjobe, on 16 June 2013 - 12:00 PM, said:
Actually, ammo explodes way too seldom. A crit on ammo should make it explode 100% of the time, not 10%. And yes, that should explode all the ammo in there with full force.
Just another fail of the MWO crit system...
I agree that crits should be more frequent, but making them explode 100% of the time would just make everyone shoot out other player's legs / locations they suspected ammo was being stored.