So When Is Mwo Getting Ported To Xbox One?
Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:54 PM
Throw in a very slow development cycle. Which leads me to think that they either don't know how to use the cryengine or have a full lineup of 10 clan mechs for the invasion. Possibly have been working with a small crew while porting over everything to the xbox180(slowing content down since they do their long process twice). Even worse they could of had to scrap a lot of content due to bad design(decent reasoning for all the delays) and now have to spend a lot time in meetings to make sure they are all on the same page so they don't mess up again(like having to scrap the mechlab code).
I just don't see much reason to have faith really.
Posted 23 June 2013 - 02:50 PM
Posted 23 June 2013 - 04:40 PM
The sad part is, if they had firmed up the PC version first and eventually looked at porting.. I can see a way or two that might have worked. Some compromises I could have lived with. But.. not this, not the path it's being plowed down now. PGI has gone from trying new things.. to treading water.. and is now at the point where their monetary arms are tired and they reach for something, anything, to hold on to.. without realizing that they're clutching at an anchor.
No, I haven't played 3PV yet, since I hear that a lot.. but that rationalization doesn't hold water. Intelligent people can make decent inferences based on the information that has been made available and basic knowledge of the system(s). Yet you don't even need to infer; PGI has baldly stated that they are casting as wide a net as possible with a very loose (and erroneous) definition of their core demographic. Given that view, they'd have to be crazy not to try and port to console. That's not necessarily a bad thing, by itself. Companies exist to make profit. But it's quite telling when that decision is made not to widen the overall audience and provide a better product but because they cannot satisfy their actual, original core.
Posted 23 June 2013 - 04:51 PM
They shouldn't even bother to sell single-player games for the XB1, since a significant quantity of kids don't have 100%-all-time Broadband connectivity for their Xbox which is required for the XB1 to play any games whatsoever... but that's a separate rant.
Anyways, I don't see a port-over in the next year or so, and anything after that point is practically moot to discuss since the developmental magnitude/resources of this game can swing wildly depending on market factors.
Posted 23 June 2013 - 06:20 PM
Posted 23 June 2013 - 07:13 PM
BlackAbbot, on 23 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:
*stares with slit-eyes*
You have little faith in this game.
It's unfortunate to some extent that MechWarrior: Online isn't going to be the hardcore simulator that the Devs originally had in mind. Instead, it's going to be a compromise. There will be the 1st-person-only mode with player-driven planetary conquests where you get to decide your own battles and yadda yadda, and there's going to be a more MatchMaking-type gameplay mode that'll have 1st and 3rd person players in it (with the 1st person players given the option of playing w/ or w/o 3rd person players). The House Fighting will likely attract the Sim players who don't care about the hassles of organization and the arcade-type gamers who like big stompy robots, in general; the Mercenary fighting will be pretty much reserved for the Sim players because it's 1PV-only.
"A year later and the only thing left from those 'core design pillars' is the fact that mechs are in the game."
It's funny to say that in a joking way, but it is sad to see people saying that seriously. If you think that the gameplay-effects of Coolant Flush have distorted the game into a spiral of arcade nonsense, and that players using 3PV against other players using 3PV means they are gaining an "unfair advantage" from their perspective, then I believe we see things differently.
Since the whole Mercenary Campaign is unaffected by 3PV (except for the revenue 3PV will generate from 3PV players after Launch), and 1PV players in the House game won't be forced to fight against 3PV players, then I fail to see how 3PV will wreck the game.
Will it split the queue? If you're afraid of 3PV splitting the MM queue in the Faction Warfare so badly that MM will be broken, then you are openly admitting that hoards of people want 3PV. Will the 3PV queue be filled with existing players, or new players? If it gets filled-out by new players, then the 1PV queue won't be affected since people aren't leaving the 1PV queue; the only 1PV players who go over to 3PV are those who want to play 3PV. So, if you're afraid of a queue split, then you have to admit that a large number of existing gamers want to play in 3PV.
A 12v12 game of 3PV players gives nobody an advantage over anybody.
Edited by Prosperity Park, 23 June 2013 - 07:15 PM.
Posted 23 June 2013 - 08:17 PM
Isn't it contradictory to implement things that they hope will bring in new players if those things are killing the game for the people who have paid already?
They are taking this game from the "hardcore" players to give it to the console gamers who might play it for a month then drop it.

Edited by Applecrow, 23 June 2013 - 08:17 PM.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 12:54 AM
I've seen people gripe in the past that Founders acted entitled. Some of that was justified, some of it was not. But in the end, it comes down to the fact that people who bought in to the Founders program were entitled to the in-game stuff they got and nothing more going forward.. except an actually-finished product. PGI was and is obligated to take care of the people who initially stuck their necks out first.. and then deal with secondary streams of revenue via 'compromise' after that. Compromise ought to result in a final product that while everyone might not love quite as much.. can still live with. That isn't the case here, because the product was never actually finished (or even close) before attempts at the 3PV compromise began. This would be a different story if the sim fans were already happy, because we'd still have our own niche to play in and be happy.. but we don't.
Also, I noticed you made a comment about increased revenue brought in by the inclusion of 3PV. Would you care to address the revenue lost, as well? I've been coding for a long time and have worked on some fairly substantial projects, I understand the concept of concurrent development. I understand that the people working on 3PV aren't taking resources from other departments. However, those people still use resources, period; introducing 3PV has a definitive price tag attached to it, though only PGI could actually quantify what it is. Add that to revenue lost because of break in faith after the promise that it would never be introduced, and all of the people who no longer play and spend on account of feeling betrayed.. and you're talking a fairly substantive chunk of change. It seems a fairly risky move to me.. unless, of course, their numbers really are as low as a few people have estimated, and they have very little left of the Founders crowd left to risk alienating further.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 01:05 AM

Edit: Here is the more advanced version for the competitive gamers
Edited by Rushin Roulette, 24 June 2013 - 01:07 AM.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 11:14 AM
i spent a ****-ton on this game, to the point where one of my clan mates nicknamed me "Mech Romney". I bought every Hero mech up to the Heavy Metal. Now I won't spend another dime until the game is given some kind of semblance of what made it fun. Every new announcement takes us further from that point.
Where is PGI getting the idea that alienating players like me, who spent money to get into the CB and loved it so much they spent more, and then more to buy MC for paint and items, in order to bring in more casual players who will
1. download the F2P launcher.
2. play ridiculously one-sided matches
2.5 throw $5-10 bucks into MC to buy a mech
2.7 look at forums, then buy a Wave Motion Cannon (PPC)
2.9 play for a week
3. uninstall.
Well I happen to know a little company that will totally spend itself into first place in the console wars by throwing money at any flashy project it can get its hands on, and it already owns the IP. Hence I'm convinced that MW:O or some derivative is already headed to Xbone.
I'll put money on the Clan Invasion being an Xbone exclusive.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 01:05 PM
more detail
I found this article interesting. Highlighting how F2P is migrating to consoles. If world of tanks is doing it...how far behind would you expect MWO to be? Or hawken? Which could highlight some of the build decisions. Of course, that is pure speculation and this now jettisoned communication. Even if the subject matter could be the root cause of some game issues. I guess its better to look away rather then answer a question sometimes.
Note it is for the 360 for world of tanks...but thats because he mentioned it needed to develop a player base there to be ported over. He also noted how it works with xbox silver and gold. MWO could work well with in that concept for premium time or community warfare. For example needing gold membership to take part in CW or have increased C-Bill and exp bonuses. While still having you pay cash for hero mechs. Even more evil they could still just charge like normal for premium time.
The funny part I actually think thats a great business model for them AND Microsoft.
Edited by Savageson, 24 June 2013 - 01:10 PM.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 02:00 PM
DCM Zeus, on 23 June 2013 - 02:14 AM, said:
While the Xbox180 does have a native DX11 api, it's also backwards compatible with DX9.
But my overall issue is, why the hell do you want gimp yourself with a POS console? People who play with controllers only get their balls stomped in by keyboard/mouse gamers. Also the console is nothing more than a glorified AMD 7790 and will play MWO in low to medium settings, with lower FPS in fire fights.
So why the hell would anyone want MWO on a console and not a real gaming machine is beyond me.
Well people are already wanting to play the game on toasters, so why not? I mean, they already started dumbing the graphics down.
But yeah, I totally hope this comes out on consoles, maybe even the OUYA! And 3rd person! Hopefully they add the little damage number "fly outs" though. I think aim assist would also help new players and attract a bigger crowd.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 02:01 PM
DeathofSelf, on 24 June 2013 - 02:00 PM, said:
Well people are already wanting to play the game on toasters, so why not? I mean, they already started dumbing the graphics down.
But yeah, I totally hope this comes out on consoles, maybe even the OUYA! And 3rd person! Hopefully they add the little damage number "fly outs" though. I think aim assist would also help new players and attract a bigger crowd.
OOO oOOo Oo OooOOOoo
Posted 24 June 2013 - 02:04 PM
Posted 24 June 2013 - 05:11 PM
DeathofSelf, on 24 June 2013 - 02:04 PM, said:
It could be 3072 tech. Think about it.. Insult Projection Cannon (IPC). The harder and louder you rage on voicecomms the more damage it does.
It'll be like playing Pkunk from Star Control. Star Control 2 was one of the greatest games of all times. Maybe this is a good idea.. but probably not. At best such a notion is likely to attract some Goons to this thread.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:23 PM
Posted 24 June 2013 - 11:25 PM
DCM Zeus, on 23 June 2013 - 02:14 AM, said:
While the Xbox180 does have a native DX11 api, it's also backwards compatible with DX9.
But my overall issue is, why the hell do you want gimp yourself with a POS console? People who play with controllers only get their balls stomped in by keyboard/mouse gamers. Also the console is nothing more than a glorified AMD 7790 and will play MWO in low to medium settings, with lower FPS in fire fights.
So why the hell would anyone want MWO on a console and not a real gaming machine is beyond me.
I play MWO with gamepad and I actually am pretty good sometimes with my 4 er ppc atlas, if you don't believe i record my games....
Edited by Xorv, 24 June 2013 - 11:25 PM.
Posted 24 June 2013 - 11:43 PM
Xorv, on 24 June 2013 - 11:25 PM, said:
I play MWO with gamepad and I actually am pretty good sometimes with my 4 er ppc atlas, if you don't believe i record my games....
While you might be good with a controller, if you did a side by side comparison, the controller would lose every time against keyboard/mouse
Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:20 AM
Filthy Console peasants have MA.
That is the way it is
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