MaddMaxx, on 25 June 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
Seems to be a disconnect here somewhere. So many are griping about the AC40 and yet this proposal would basically turn the A1 SRM boat into a 70 pt Alpha even @2.0 each. Some advocate they should be 2.5 each.
Spread you say? LOL! Not when you turn that corner and take the whole 70 points to the CT. Just like the much maligned, and much less frightening as it will turn out AC40 blast.
It is a bloody wonder the Dev don't just turn the Forums off... SRM's @ 2.5 each. omfg

See post below, please...
Yes, that build is powerful, but not without major tradeoffs. Ammo, heat, finite range, missile spread, etc. AC40 builds are effective out to 400 meters in my opinion and are pin point damage. SRM builds are 150m at best, slower flight time, and pattern damage.
Kunae, on 25 June 2013 - 09:40 AM, said:
Um, SRMs were at 2.5 dmg each, up until March.
The only problem with the old missiles was the splash effect. It was increasing damage artificially. The pattern on the missiles was also borderline exploitable, but very hard to use said exploit.
RG Notch, on 25 June 2013 - 09:42 AM, said:
um,and that's why we have the situation we are in now....
Yes, the situation was we actually had some balance. You could snipe, but brawlers could kill something when they got close enough. I would dare to wager that had SRMs were not gutted, the meta we are currently playing in would not exist.
RG Notch, on 25 June 2013 - 09:49 AM, said:
Yes, because everyone would just be jamming as many SRMS as they could, oh wait that's exactly what preceded the jump sniping. I guess people choose what they want OP in the meta rather than try for balance. This is like the jump snipers complaining that the jj shake is making them ill.
And the problem is? See my above statement...