BlackBeltJones, on 25 June 2013 - 05:41 PM, said:
Now imagine you want a Spanish restaurant in your neighborhood, then imagine one opens up. Now you really want a Spanish restaurant because you love Spanish food but let us imagine this new Spanish restaurant is terrible, their food and service are just not up to your expectations. What do you do? Do you continue to go there and give them money knowing you will not be satisfied? Do you go expecting it to be different each time? Or do you stop going and hope that the lack of business is an indicator to them that changes need to be made, internal changes not customer changes. I mean you really want a Spanish restaurant and if this one closes then you are left with nothing right? I would argue that a bad Spanish restaurant and no Spanish restaurant in your neighborhood produce the same result. Sure it would be great if the business cared and listened to feedback and made changes that encouraged the customers to spend but that is not the customers job. As a customer we can offer feedback and money and the business is responsible for making it easy for you to do both. If MWO sinks then I will be very sad but I will not lament the loss of a great game, I will be sad to lose the promise of something that never actually came to be.
Sorry man but this is a lousy argument. First off I am in South Texas so I have more good Mexican food than I onow what to do with.
Of course you provide feedback. But do u just say u suck and leave? And complain about unclear concepts like balance? Or make meaninful statements. Most of the time I see thing like "this game sucks, you aren't getting my money". Or "we need balance". But be realistic and be constructive. If you wish to dine elsewhere then by all means go for it.
But if you look around in drop, and pick some names , and look them up on the forums. I think you will find lots of peeps that never, ever post. I doubt these forums tell the while story. I think you have a lot of folks trying the game, or have been playing that are silent and content.
And of course balance was better in CB. We had like 4 mechs and fewer weapons and features.