This is seriously fantastic. For a while in college I was pursuing digital art, and I can't tell you how much I wish I had gotten close to the level you're at. The expressions, style, use of color, and framing are all great.
I was only able to skim this thread, so my apologies if this was already answered. But do you have a website for your other work? Battletech/MWO related or not, I'd love to see more.
EDIT: Took 2 minutes to be not-lazy, found your name in the first page and located Deviant Art from there. Bookmarked for additional geekery after work.
EDIT2: The last 4 frames on page 4 <3 . Also forgot to metnion how much of a fan I am of the HBK (SPs don't count =_=)
Edited by Shalune, 31 August 2013 - 12:01 PM.