FroBanger, on 27 June 2013 - 03:30 PM, said:
lol I dont think you quite understand how the world works. Unless you are from a country that is communist the world works you buy things they give you things, you say I have more money they say well we want it you reply what will you give me for it. Etc etc Captalism!
First off, use more commas. Your post barely makes sense.
Second, the world does not work like america does. Free market is not everywere. And that's actually a good thing. But arguing about that doesn't belong here. BTW, I live in Germany, and we have the social market economy.
Anyways, what you want is showing off. You already got something for your money, remember? Let me remind you, what you are paying for in the first place: Premium time, Battlemechs, Items, Paint etc.
You just want to show off your badge, that has nothing to do with getting what you pay for, it's just so everyone can see you spent money on something. I don't want PGI to waste time by creating useless badges. I don't care if you are a founder or not.
Edited by Typhoon Storm 2142, 28 June 2013 - 04:19 AM.