Open Letter To Pgi
Posted 27 June 2013 - 04:52 PM
I am writing this out of EXTREME frustration.
I cant play this game due to the inability to inflict damage on fast moving mechs, especially but not limited to light chassis mechs.
The hit detection is NOT working !
I cant hit mechs even when they are standing still and I'm firing straight into them !
Now in addition to that, after your last patch which supposedly introduced HSR for missiles, my latency has jumped from 250+ to 350+. That is really bad, I CANNOT play like this.
Yes my latency was bad to begin with, that is because I live in a part of the world which you don't seem to care anything about. I really hope you will acknowledge us southeast asian players although we might be the smallest minority. we are still your customers and we deserve some attention, especially when it comes to latency issues. More often that not WE are the ones that suffer even with a slight increase in latency, compared with your customers from other countries (Australians and New Zealanders suffer the same exact problem).
Before you insist that the problem is my ISP or my hardware, I can assure you it is not. Why? simple, I play multiple other MMOs and NONE of them are showing any latency (means my latency is still the same) or hit detection issues as MWO does currently.
Now, I have spent a lot of money on this game - I know "a lot" is subjective, but I am a legendary founder and I have bought the overlord package. I also own every single hero mech released.
Therefore I would like to think myself as one of your avid supporters as I WANT to see this game be a success.
I sincerely would hope that you can do something to rectify this SOON and not wait for eternity for a fix. Thank you in advance.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:12 PM
Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:47 PM
WoNkY SaUsAgE, on 27 June 2013 - 04:52 PM, said:
Dude even video games have to travel across the underseas cables. Canada doesn't connect to France. It connects through the USA then to England......basically the cheapest route available to any connecting person to PGI's servers. They are still in beta (yes it seems like forever & it sucks but...oh well).
If PGI connected from a European hub country or Silicone Valley you'd get blazing fast internet but its not in the cards atm.
Deal. & skip Project Phoenix in protest. I live in Silicone Valley and get 80ms ping so I'm good. (San Jose->Chicago->PGI... I looked it up some time ago with pingtest.org)
Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:39 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:02 AM
Chaldon, on 27 June 2013 - 11:47 PM, said:
Dude even video games have to travel across the underseas cables. Canada doesn't connect to France. It connects through the USA then to England......basically the cheapest route available to any connecting person to PGI's servers. They are still in beta (yes it seems like forever & it sucks but...oh well).
If PGI connected from a European hub country or Silicone Valley you'd get blazing fast internet but its not in the cards atm.
Deal. & skip Project Phoenix in protest. I live in Silicone Valley and get 80ms ping so I'm good. (San Jose->Chicago->PGI... I looked it up some time ago with pingtest.org)
I fear you have missunderstood my intentions.
My main gripe is the fact that the current hit detection and latency is really bad.
I mentioned my normally high latency (250+) to impress upon the powers that be (read PGI),
that when they release buggy patches or does something server side which results in problems (say a slight increace in your latency) for people such as your good self, which have the benefit of having generally very good latency, the problem is small. And PGI goes ... "meh".
what they/you dont realise or purposely ignore, is that we, over in the other corner of the world, that small problem is excerbated to the extent we cant play properly.
Thus my vent as per above is to request something be done to remedy the situation fast.
I am not asking for an undersea cable to my doorstep, all im saying is i had reasonable latency which was playable and when the initial HSR was introduced, it was fantastic, my lasers were hitting and i had to lead a bit, but i was fine with that.
now gameplay is broken and it makes me extremely frustrated not to mention irritated.
Beta is one thing, but to break something that was already working well ... now that is just rubbish and downright poor showing on PGI.
I also would like to take this oppertunity to lambast PGI for their cold shoulder attitude.
Now, if there is a problem/error, people ARE going to find out, you as a game developer (PGI) should at the very least have the courtesy to admit to these problems and show/inform us how you are going about containing/solving it by having a working thread which is highly visible so that the majority of users will see it and feel reassured that PGI is working on it.
Instead you deny, ignore or have a no comment attitude ultimately only to give a official vague reply about "how you are looking into it" only when a thread has sufficently grown mostly into a flame war, and us your community have to sift down to the very depths of the forums to find it. It makes me think PGI intentionally want to cover up and hope the issue dies down or fades into memory.
More than half of the flame posts can be eliminated/would not have been posted, if PGI just gets their act together and have working threads with objective goals, timelines and prompt postings on problems/errors. Dont wait until we come and tell you there is a problem and then you pretend there isnt one ... that is absolutely disgusting.
I must reiterate again that your (PGI) current policy of sweeping things under the carpet, posting obscure things esp on twitter feeds, being deliberately vague on certain topics, not fullfillng deadlines, posting breaking news on third party websites in the form of interviews and the like, DOES NOT reflect well on you.
We your customers (especially your paying customers) DEMAND transparency. It is the very least PGI could do. If you cant meet the deadline come clean with it, let us know your updated plans and we WILL support you through it. Instead you keep quiet untill someone brings it up then you lock it up and send the post into the forum black hole, never to be seen again.
If PGI doent step up and take care of its community, ultimately the community IS going to get disenchanted with MWO as a whole, dont forget we are your most valuable asset PGI. All im asking is treat us with respect as a customer and we will treat you with similar respect as a service provider.
Oh yeah i personally think your ask the devs is a complete waste of time and a horrible joke. Are you telling me that we have to deduce the most pertinent questions so we can pry and get some semblance of information out ouf you ????!!!! Are you kidding me ???!!!
You give one lined answers which have no depth, timeline or relevance anyway. You must be joking when information like community warfare and other IMPORTANT critical information about the future of the game must be gleaned from your one liner answers !!
NO NO NO .. we dont need timelines or dates or timely updates from developers that are taking our money ..... and then they turn it into a game, making us ask for questions, then telling us no we wont answer this or that, additionally forgeting to follow up on questions asked earlier, which were PROMISED an answer at later date (which would have already passed).
Half the reason you get so many repetitive questions is because people dont know what is happening ... and thats our fault rite ??!!!
If you had some semblance to a proper forum where we HAD a timeline and goals put up, we would know whats is happening instead of floundering in the dark right now.
I ask that you please be more transparent and for goodness sake, get the game fixed !
Edited by WoNkY SaUsAgE, 28 June 2013 - 03:13 AM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:17 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:19 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:19 AM
Edited by PeteZonee, 28 June 2013 - 03:22 AM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:21 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:30 AM
My ping is always between 255-265 and this issue is not limited to light enemies or fast movers - I have this issue shooting at heavy and assault Mech's, slow movers, and even see my shots travel through the CT of the enemy at times.
I would love to take up opportunities such as the Phoenix pack, but I cannot justify it knowing that I am at a severe disadvantage, no matter how well I aim or play.
PGI, please listen to your current fan base, those who have paid and played your game since the beginning deserve to be heard.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:44 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:58 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:58 AM
Further, the general openness of PGI's time lines is showing here. We can understand things change, but to not inform us on a regular basis, makes us all a bit worried that it is worse than it is.
We look forward to an even battle across the world and while that maybe difficult, it is not in the realm of the impossible.
We like your work and just want whats best for your clients and for you PGI to be an even bet.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:00 AM
You think to be in a certain position and to be aiming at a certain spot IN YOUR CLIENT, but due to your ping and your movement, HSR ROLLS YOU BACK INTO A PREVIOUS POSITION THAN WHAT YOU SAW IN YOUR CLIENT. This happens also for your aim.
Suppose to find a static target, aim at the CT for a while, then the paperdoll updates and you see that the RT is critical, so you decide to swing the crosshair to that section and shoot instantly; notice how the damage gets inflicted to the CT, even if you had graphically hit the RT. This because HSR rolled you back to a previous position and to a previous aiming spot, roughly your ping+some othe milliseconds.
Learn to understand this and hold the crosshair still for a while, leading your targets by a good distance and the shots will enter practically every time.
This happens also when popping out of a cover, if you get out of it and as soon as you're out you aim and as soon as your crosshair is on the target you shoot, HSR will roll you back to an earlier position, so that the server thinks that you were still climbing out of cover and your shots hit that cover.
HSR should roll you back but take into account your ping. Something that it doesn't, so especially when your ping is higher, you'll require to wait when you aim and when you're out of cover for a little longer than thos with sub 100 pings playing in the americas.
Edited by John MatriX82, 28 June 2013 - 04:01 AM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:17 AM
us AUS and NZ players have been spoon fed crappy connections, i can live with this, but the hit reg is BULL!
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:31 AM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:31 AM
John MatriX82, on 28 June 2013 - 04:00 AM, said:
You think to be in a certain position and to be aiming at a certain spot IN YOUR CLIENT, but due to your ping and your movement, HSR ROLLS YOU BACK INTO A PREVIOUS POSITION THAN WHAT YOU SAW IN YOUR CLIENT. This happens also for your aim.
Suppose to find a static target, aim at the CT for a while, then the paperdoll updates and you see that the RT is critical, so you decide to swing the crosshair to that section and shoot instantly; notice how the damage gets inflicted to the CT, even if you had graphically hit the RT. This because HSR rolled you back to a previous position and to a previous aiming spot, roughly your ping+some othe milliseconds.
Learn to understand this and hold the crosshair still for a while, leading your targets by a good distance and the shots will enter practically every time.
This happens also when popping out of a cover, if you get out of it and as soon as you're out you aim and as soon as your crosshair is on the target you shoot, HSR will roll you back to an earlier position, so that the server thinks that you were still climbing out of cover and your shots hit that cover.
HSR should roll you back but take into account your ping. Something that it doesn't, so especially when your ping is higher, you'll require to wait when you aim and when you're out of cover for a little longer than thos with sub 100 pings playing in the americas.
That sounds just like old school lag... not HSR. HSR works by doing damage to the client on your window, it then traces the position of that target on the server side to apply the appropiate damage at that time. However at the same time he can reply from a different location to what you might have shot him...
All you described is lag shooting, something high ping players have had to endure since closed beta... HSR removed the majority of it so we had a minimal window of lag shooting (0.25 mech length against the original 2 mech lengths for lights), however the HSR is now failing, we are back to the old school lag shooting scenario majority of the time whilst those those with lower ping/package distance don't suffer the HSR bugging out as much (it occurs, and depending on their location and connection can be as bad as other users).
At present we need PGI to actively say their onto a solution or identification of this problem... because before the latest patch then hotfix, it was all hunky-dori. I think what they've done is introduce the missile HSR, onto old code base network once again effectively removing the laser and ballistic HSR. Wouldn't be the first patch it felt like they used old code to do their work on...
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:39 AM
Received 2047 views and 57 posts...
I'm done supporting this game financially buying project pheonix any new hero mechs or premium time till they make HSR work flawleslley
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:45 AM
Apostal, on 28 June 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:
That sounds just like old school lag... not HSR. HSR works by doing damage to the client on your window, it then traces the position of that target on the server side to apply the appropiate damage at that time. However at the same time he can reply from a different location to what you might have shot him...
All you described is lag shooting, something high ping players have had to endure since closed beta... HSR removed the majority of it so we had a minimal window of lag shooting (0.25 mech length against the original 2 mech lengths for lights), however the HSR is now failing, we are back to the old school lag shooting scenario majority of the time whilst those those with lower ping/package distance don't suffer the HSR bugging out as much (it occurs, and depending on their location and connection can be as bad as other users).
At present we need PGI to actively say their onto a solution or identification of this problem... because before the latest patch then hotfix, it was all hunky-dori. I think what they've done is introduce the missile HSR, onto old code base network once again effectively removing the laser and ballistic HSR. Wouldn't be the first patch it felt like they used old code to do their work on...
Absolutely not, re-read what I wrote, that's not lag shooting, it's a positional/aiming desynchronization from what you see in your client and that also the Server should see due to HSR.
But since your stance and your aiming position are rolled back to an EARLIER moment than the one you actually saw in your client (this due to ping and to lag), many hits don't get awarded, because the server tracks your shot to an aiming spot and/or to a physical stance that was earlier than that in your client.
Edited by John MatriX82, 28 June 2013 - 05:48 AM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:45 AM
Apostal, on 28 June 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:
Maybe for you, but this issue has existed for well over a month at least. It must hit different people to varying degrees, or just goes unnoticed, because if everyone had been experiencing this like some of us have been the forums would be absolutely aflame over it by now.
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