Cap races are boring but sadly they do happen every now and then. Just get them over with quickly I say.
However, for all those people out there that are complaining about capping I have one word for you.
Seriously, if you want a slug fest, then wait for deathmatch. This game is not just a shooter, it's a game that requires actual knowledge of tactics, and proper deployment and utilization of strategy.
That's why we have different weight classes. A light mech can't brawl an assault mech one on one and expect to survive, that's stupid. No, lights run around, scout and wreak mayhem on the enemy team's back line using all means necessary, that includes capping.
Yes, base trades are boring, but they happen every now and then.
However, capping during a brawl match is not only a valid tactic it is a smart move. Causing that much confusion in the ranks of the enemy gives your team a huge advantage and allows you to wipe them out in a hurry. You don't need to always finish the cap, just stay there for a few seconds and watch the mayhem.
Many players keep whining about cap victories, and it seems to me that they have no clue what "Assault" means.
Have you guys thought about that? It is a base assault by both sides, as both are trying to destroy the enemy team and take over their base with all of the sensitive information and resources there. Remember this game is a simulator. That small point with the 4 glowing lights around it, is your team's only source of materials, information, and resources. If the enemy captures it, you do have your mechs around, but now you have no back up, you're cut off from the rest of your armies and are presumed dead. The enemy now has all the resources in that base and can now crush your small formation from both sides.
You need to keep that in mind the next time you play assault and realize that someone is capturing your base. Assault is not the same as death-match. It's not just a brainless brawl. Conquest on the other hand is a simulator for large engagements where bases or points of interest (POI)s keep changing sides.
For instance, there's a small train station in Stalingrad that changed sides back and forth 6 times in 4 hours during the battle for Stalingrad. That was pretty much point "Kappa" on that battle. Remember, you're not playing a first person shooter. Not a regular one at least.
This game utilizes tactics, strategy, and demands that you think during the fight. It's not just point and click here. You need to maintain battlefield awareness.
This is also why you need to have a couple of lights or mediums in your formation who are dedicated to base defense, that doesn't mean they sit at base for the entire match. Just that they are the ones designated to return to base when there is an attack on base.
Ivan Bloodguard, on 29 June 2013 - 08:12 PM, said:
For those who think it's ok to cap on Assault:
In what wartime scenario does standing on a patch of ground doing absolutely nothing for 30-60 seconds while the rest of your team gets systematically mowed down grant a victory?
When that patch of ground is a base full of resources and materials that will no longer be used to make sure your force can survive and is now deployed against you and is supporting your enemies.
So pretty much. Whenever it is done in real battle, look up military tactics and historic battles, see how may of them were about taking castles, cities, and bases from the other force. That's what that "patch of ground" is.
Prosperity Park, on 29 June 2013 - 05:16 PM, said:
"Assault" and "Conquest" are only the beginning... so training yourself to win by means other than killing, even in Assault Mode, may help your chances of success in Community Warfare when they add more game modes. I think the fact that Bases are include din Assault Mode forces people to consider the future, rather than just training ourselves to death brawl without regard for the Mission Objectives.
It's a fact of war - killing enemy units does not make you win; destroying the enemy's ability to wage war is how you win. This can be accomplished by many ways, one of which is "killing all their units," but there are ways to win every war without killing all the enemy's Units. Killing Units is an effective way to reduce their local firepower, and thus render their local assets vulnerable to capture/destruction... hence bases in Assault Mode. We've been forced to train for the future, instead of allowed to brawl freely in Team Deathmatch mode. I'm not mad at that. I'm sure there will be more options for those who wish to duke-it-out without having to worry about a rear-guard as time progresses, but for now it's probably doing us all a tactical favor.
Now that is the smart way of looking at it.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 29 June 2013 - 10:05 PM.