I'm a pretty dedicated Medium pilot, so when I got back into the game after taking a break since February or so, I bought myself a pretty little Blackjack, Wihsakecahkw. I saw the various loadouts that people had been running, mostly variants along the lines of ERPPC+UAC/5+MLAS with full jets and 235 XL engine, and tried most of them out. But they all felt really lacking to me. Didn't matter what I did; swap the PPC for LLAS and extra MLAS and heat sinks, or swap in a different autocannon, or drop the engine, or lose a few heatsinks. Granted I haven't elited the chassis yet but I have the full suite of basics other than arm reflex.
Feeling a little lost, and wondering if I'd made the right decision, I finally thought to myself, "Screw min/maxing. I'm going to make a build just for ***** and giggles." I'm calling it the Double-Negative (bad chassis plus bad weapons). I kept the 235 XL and all 4 jump jets, and loaded it down with 2 AC/2, 2 MLAS, and 11 DHS (plus Endo-Steel). It comes out looking like so:
And holy crap, guys. I went from 100-200 damage per game with 1 kill per five, to almost never under 350, often pushing 500+, and with generally 2-3 kills per. I don't know if it's the small size, or the jets, or the innocuous chassis, or what, but this mech that has no business ruining people's day has been doing just that every time. Out of maybe 15 games I've had two where I got peeled off and isolated and gunned down really quickly, but other than that I've been punching holes in Catapults and Stalkers and pushing LRM boats under cover and outflanking their snipers and mixing it up with their brawlers, and generally just an absolute terror. My wins/losses jumped from 334/320 to 346/326, and it was enough to bump my KDR up by about 2% in just one night. Maybe it's luck, or maybe it's Elo related; I don't know. But I doubt it.
Has anyone had a similar experience with this, or could shed some light on it? I haven't really seen anyone advocating the dual AC/2 build for anything, let alone such an unpopular chassis. But it's performed so well I feel like there must be something going on. Either people are missing something, or it's something about me. Maybe I'm just terrible at PPC builds and should stick with faster slugs? The AC/2s are a lot easier to track with so that could be part of it.
Edited by Lyoncet, 28 June 2013 - 10:10 AM.